
March 31, 2010

Congressman Paul Ryan is a workout warrior

Rep. Paul Ryan did an on-camera interview with Politico recently that included an in-depth look at our Congressman's daily fitness routine. Ryan does a workout call "P90X," which Ryan describes as "muscle confusion and cross training." Among his exercies: pull-ups, sit-ups, push ups, cardio, karate, yoga and jump training.

Ryan says in the video he was a fitness trainer after he got out of college, and this exercise routine helps break through the "plateau" of doing the same exercises every day. Ryan also reveals he's 6-foot-2 and 163 pounds, and he wears a heart monitor while working out.

Here's the two-minute video:


  1. Great body - great mind - great ideas and a great representative who has great potential to do more.

  2. There is nothing better than a President of the USA to be in great shape !!

  3. A good healthy body helps with a good healthy mind - thus he can speak so clearly and succinctly, without bending the truth.

    Go Paul!

  4. When all he does is pose for photo op's he needs to be in good shape.

  5. He's got a lot of time on his hands, he may as well do something constructive with it.

  6. That's nice. Too bad he wasn't mentally fit enough to reject the bailout.

  7. Hope he can find work as a buff x-congressman.

  8. When you are screwing everyone in a congresssional district you need to keep in shape.

  9. Hair and looks are important to Ryan, and it is obvious he works on it. Where was he when Bush broke the bank? ;Where was he when we were spending off the record for the Iraq war? Why did he only decide to talk about the economy and present his very questionable health care-social security etc. plan when the Democrats are in power? Where was Ryan when jobs were being lost in Wisconsin(especially at the auto plant in his hometown of Janesville)? When his Congressional office comes up in the next election, he will have many questions to answer!

  10. That's one way to fill an empty suit.

  11. "Ryan does a workout call "P90X," which Ryan describes as "muscle confusion"

    Seems that more than his muscles are confused.

  12. Running from reality?

  13. Kudos to Paul Ryan for keeping in shape for the riggers of lying to his constituents on a continuous basis; for his Road Map for America 2.0 which slices and dices the middle class in favor of corporate socialism; for his failure to help in getting retraining funds for displaced GM workers in his home town of Janesville. An earmark (dare we use this word) of over $800,000 by Herb Kohl accomplished that. Keep up with the P90X Paul. You're looking good!

  14. Where was the last time you heard for Gwen Moore, Herb Kohl or Fiengold talking anything positive or for Wisconsin.

    Kohl= needs to retire and run the Bucks

    Fiengold= needs to leave public office since the only law he got through with McCain was shot down by the Supreme Court

    Moore = Post bail for her son for slashing tires on election day

  15. In response to Anonymous (4:54 pm), Paul Ryan has done nothing in the past eight years during the Bush Administration to help the middle class and his constituents. He voted for the Bush tax cuts in 2001 which added $1.2 trillion to the national debt; he voted for the 2003 tax cuts which added more than $500 billion to the national debt. The majority of both tax cuts went to the wealthiest of Americans, many of whom achieved their wealth through capital gains on investments, not wages. These figures are from the CBO. In addition, which two presidents since WW2 have both added to the national debt more than any other presidents as well as created fewer jobs than any other presidents. According to David Walker and Pete Peterson of the Peterson Institute, it was Saint Reagan and GWBush. Let's get real folks. Republicans are not on the side of the lower and middle class Americans.

  16. 8:40 But the democrats are? For govt handouts entitlements and increased govt size and spending on czar after czar. More liberal bs. Tax all the working class to pay for baby making machines? Great idea!

  17. Josephus, you have only scratched the surface where Paul Ryan doesn't represent the little guy - but only those who "have it and want to keep it", with the usual "I made it and you can pull yourself up by your own bootstraps". The progressive Democrats are really our brothers and sisters keepers. I really get tired of the trite talking points and untruts as presented by anon 2:27.

  18. 6'2 163

    Kind of light for that height

  19. I think it's about time America has a fitness trainer for president.
    The time for former-actors as President has past; how could anyone say "No" to a fitness guru? (Imagine this: a typical American family after dinner, the wife looking at least a little disgusted with her hubby's love handles and then she says "Why can't you be more like our President in the bod department? President Ryan can put his shoes under the bed any time he wants. In fact, I'd kick YOU outa bed while I'm waitin' to shine his shoes."

  20. Paul Ryan is the quintessential con man.

  21. what a cute boy . I hear he looks nice in pink

  22. I want to go to the Turks bath an meet him so bad HMMMMMMM!!
    so we can sweet together !!!!

  23. He has a real future ahead of him as an escort and exotic dancer when his political career is over!
