
March 1, 2010

Bar Association poll picks Gasiorkiewicz over Herrera

Lawyers vs. law enforcement officers!

That appears to be the endorsement battle shaping up in the campaign for a judicial seat on the Racine County Circuit Court. (Our earlier story on judicial endorsements is here.)

The Racine County Bar Association weighed in on the election battle between Georgia Herrera and Gene Gasiorkiewicz today -- and came out firmly in favor of Gasiorkiewicz.

Asked to vote "for the individual you believe is most qualified, based upon your personal knowledge, investigation or experience," 96 Bar Association members chose Gasiorkiewicz, 21 chose Herrera and 17 said the two are equally qualified. Sixty-seven members didn't vote. The Bar Association conducts such a poll before every local judicial election.

Gasiorkiewicz told the Journal Times he was "quite gratified" by the results.

Herrera, whose campaign has touted the many endorsement she has received from law enforcement personnel -- police chiefs, prosecutors and officers -- sent out a press release downplaying the Bar Association poll, saying it "represents a small segment of the County’s lawyer community, and few of Racine County’s prosecutors are active in that group."

She added: "I am more conservative on criminal law and law enforcement issues, like sentencing... Public safety and accountability for criminal conduct are my chief concerns for the criminal court, where judge’s spend most of their time."

Gasiorkiewicz told us recently, "My life as a trial lawyer has been devoted to preserving and promoting the safety of the people of Racine County and to holding individuals (and corporations) strictly accountable for violating the law. I will bring to the bench that same devotion to enforcing the law... At the recent judicial forum I described my strong belief in the truth in sentencing law and that I would apply the judicial discretion provided in that law to prevent the early release of convicted criminals. As a former municipal judge, I demonstrated the courage to hold those who violated the law accountable."

The seat they seek will be vacated by the retiring Judge Stephen Simanek (who goes out with a bang on Wednesday with the sentencing of former mayor Gary Becker, who pleaded guilty in December to two charges resulting from an internet sex sting.) The election is April 6.


  1. Herrera is the only candidate that has prosecuted criminals - this critical experience is directly transferable to the role of judge.

  2. The Bar Association ought to limit itself to determining whether a judicial hopeful is "qualified" or "unqualified." Otherwise, it's just a popularity contest.

  3. Gene is by far and away the superior candidate. He knows that a judge needs to be independent. Taking endorsements from police and sheriff show that Herrera is too desperate to look tough, eager to please the power structure.

    Gene's experience and character win the day on this one!

  4. There are many other branches of circuit court than those dealing with criminal matters. A judge might spend an entire six year term without ever hearing a criminal case. Having prosecuted criminals for two years is of no value when hearing divorce, contract, real estate, employment, probate, etc., cases.

  5. How does a trial lawyer differ from an ambulance chaser?

  6. Congratulations to the Post for running this article. While it might not stay up long as a headline, or keep a prominent place on the Post homepage, at least it's been posted. These results are overwhelming.

  7. How many cases will Herrera be forced to recuse herself or end in mistrial because of cops and DA's who have publicly contributed to her campaign? This is cronyism at it's worst.

    The Bar Association chose Gene by a huge margin because he has the experience and the independence required for the bench.

  8. The article says that the fellow lawyers (which I don't believe represents a "small segment") should vote "for the individual you believe is most qualified, based upon your personal knowledge, investigation or experience." That percentage can't just be a fluke - my vote is for Gene.

  9. Vote for the Gasman. He will fill up the Racine tank with unleaded justice.

  10. Wow, you have to hand it to Anon 12:23 for the best analogy!

  11. Wow I agree with Fred!

  12. I could care less who the Bar Association poll chooses - this is meaningless rhetoric. The Bar Association has no merit in my day to day life. THink about it, a bunch of attorneys that make their living by what happens in that court room - give me a break. There are many facets to this election, again, in my opinion, this is a waste of energy.

  13. I want to know how many dam lawyers there are in Racine if she considers 201 in the bar association as a small percentage.
    Dustin, Pete, do the research for us on that one!

  14. 11:04PM- I just checked both their websites, you're touting inaccurate information- Herrera is NOT the only candidate that has prosecuted criminals--Gene also has been a well as a judge...

  15. Did anyone go to that forum? Herrera was awful, couldn't give intelligent answers. Sometimes she didn't answer the question at all. Where is her management team?

  16. I went to the forum at the Chancery. I am getting pretty tired of her excuses that she has to leave early. When you are running in a race you hang around and talk to everyone - this is the time to talk to only your friends. Her opponent didn't know me from Adam but still stopped to thank me for attending. Funny, there were very few police or county workers at that forum. So much for supporters.

  17. I am more conservative on criminal law and law enforcement issues, like sentencing...

    Judges are not supposed to be more conservative or liberal. They're supposed to follow the law and look at the individual criminal to decide the sentence based on individual circumstances, not their personal views.
    She lost my consideration after that statement.

  18. Herrera has the qualities required of Racine County's next judge. I have worked with her over several years, professionally as well as thru community service work! Georgia's work ethic and knowledge of the law are the reason she has my full support !

  19. I attended the Forum last month - I disagree with the earlier forum comment, I feel that Georgia's OPPONENT didn't answer the questions. He appeared very uneasy and impatient as the evening went along, this was demonstrated through his body language. I ask myself is that lack of self control and discipline what we want on the bench - absolutely not!
