
February 2, 2010

Two judicial candidates raise $37,000 so far

The two candidates running for the Racine County Circuit Court judicial seat to be vacated by the retiring Stephen Simanek filed campaign finance reports yesterday, as required.

With two months to go before the April 6 election, here's what they've raised:
Gene Gasiorkiewicz reported $24,942 in contributions, including $2,000 from himself and his wife and a $10,000 in-kind personal loan. Expenditures have been $13,287.

Georgia Herrera reports $12,745 in contributions, including $3,500 from herself. Expenditures have been $6,082.
Both reports are on the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System website.


  1. Vote for Gene! No strong connections to a political party like his opponent has.

  2. Yeah I like Gene!

  3. Vote for Georgia - Racine will be fortunate to have Georgia on the bench!

  4. I am an avid supporter of Georgia's due to her solid experience and her fair and balanced style...

  5. This election is a great opportunity to bring another judge to the bench that will represent fairness and justice - my vote will definitely be for Herrera.

  6. Georgia Herrera has the most experience to sit on the bench. I vote for Herrera.

  7. Georgia Herrera needs a job - that' why she is running. I'll stick with Gene.

  8. I am supporting Georgia Herrera based on her qualifications & diverse experience.

  9. I am supporting Gene because of his knowledge of the law and his interest in treating everyone who comes before him equally.

    He does not have the long term political "pay backs" that his opponent has.

  10. Georgia Herrera is hard working, honest and extremely qualified to be a judge in Racine County. My vote is for Georgia.

  11. Good luck Georgia - based on your experience and solid integrity you have my support all the way!

  12. My vote will be cast for Herrera; she exhibits fairness, tangible, relevant experience and a strong work ethic, those traits are important to me in a future judge. Glad to see that she will be on the ballot for this important position!

  13. What has Georgia done since she lost her last election? I have not seen her out in the community or making statements to the papers on critical issues.
    I think she had her chance and blew it. Now it's time to give someone who's not all tied into city hall a chance.
    We need fresh people for Racine, not the retreads we're always faced with in elections.
    Plus, he's much more qualified than she is.

  14. My support is clearly behind Georgia. As with any election, my vote goes to the candidate with the qualifications and essential attributes required to fulfill the role. Based on your comments being a reflection of Gene's candidacy, it's more clear than ever that my support is behind the right candidate. Go team Georgia!

  15. After the last election, Georgia has remained a constant and positive influence within the community. Just because someone has not been in the right place at the right time does not mean that it has not occurred. Her court experience speaks for itself. Talk about retreads, how original is it to make false accusations and try to assassinate someone's character. If that is fresh....keep it, give me experience with integrity and character! Stay with a positive campaign Georgia.....they will attack you because they cannot beat you on things that matter!

  16. She can't even keep a law practice viable - how will she make a good judge. Georgia find some clients 1st - then maybe in the future a judge. We need a judge that is coming from a full time practice, not a sinking one.

  17. I am voting

  18. Georgia will bring a fair and balanced perspective to the bench. Justice cannot be one side alone, but must be for both. We need a fresh perspective, outside of the status quo. She has worked both sides of the criminal justice aisle (ADA and defense attorney) and will work tirelessly to make decisions for the public good.

  19. Georgia has my vote - she did a great job in the judicial forum a few days ago. She is definitely the fair and balanced candidate!

  20. Georgia - you have my full support! THanks for running a clean campaign, based on your merits and qualifications. Thanks for not resorting to the mud slinging that your desperate opponent is resorting to! Keep up the great job!

  21. I am voting...for Georgia Herrera!

  22. Georgia Herrera has earned my vote and the support on my entire family. She continues to work to make the community better, and does so with a fair and balanced nature. Racine will be very fortunate to have Georgia as our next judge!
