
February 15, 2010

SC Johnson CEO attending fundraiser for Mayor Dickert

Mayor John Dickert is holding a fundraiser with some heavy-hitters in the local business community.

SC Johnson CEO Fisk Johnson and Johnson Outdoors Chairman and Helen Johnson-Leipold and her husband, Craig Leipold, are scheduled to attend the fundraiser on Feb. 18 from 5-7 p.m. at the home of Porter and Maggie Venn.

According to an invitation to the event, others scheduled to attend include:

* Dottie Metz, owner of McDonald's Restaurants
* Jeff Neubauer, president/owner of Kranz Inc.
* Ed Lonergan, president/CEO of JohnsonDiversey
* Dick Hansen, CEO of Johnson Financial
* Jane Hutterly, Executive VP of worldwide corporate & environmental affairs for SC Johnson
* Ken Buser, President, Wheaton-Franciscan South Market
* James Dickert, Realtor
* Jim Eastman, Merchant's Moving and Storage
* Jerry Franke, president of WisPark
* Dave Perkins, president of Racine Federated
* Tom Burke, president and CEO of Modine
* Al Ruud, president of Ruud Lighting
* Chip Brewer, director of Worldwide Government Relations for SC Johnson

The invitation asks invitees to join the above guests to hear Dickert give an update "on the city's progress."

The event is being organized by Dickert's mayoral campaign. The mayor is up for re-election in April 2011.


  1. Thanks for posting the Racine's Most Wanted list. Are they going to air this on CAR25 or is this only for Racine's elite?

    I hope the 10 year plan will be discussed or should I say unveiled.

  2. Change a few names, and it sounds like the back-room dealing for health care!

  3. Do I have to bring a copy of my tax return showing I made over $1,000,000 so I can be let in the door?

    When is the state of progress of Racine going to be given to us lowly citizens?

    I guess who needs a 10 year plan when you've got heavy hitter friends like that. I think it is time for a good candidate to announce opposition. It will be them vs Big Money No Plan Dickert.

  4. Typical Dickert, power and money will solve all (or so he thinks), and forget about the little people. Unfortunately, that won't get him reelected next time.

  5. no amount of money and 16 votes will get him re elected

  6. Anyone notice this guest?

    * Ken Buser, President, Wheaton-Franciscan South Market

    I wonder how tough the mayor will be on Wheaton when he's being bank rolled by the guy everyone is blaming for the mess? It looks like Dickert could be in bed with Wheaton management.

    Combine that with the Journal Times influence Buser has and you got yourselves a bit of situation Racine! Good luck changing anything with the amount of money on the line.

    This whole thing stinks. I want to know the relationship between Dickert and Buser.

  7. how come we didn't get an invite?

  8. 1:36 - probably because you are a slug.

  9. 2/15/2010 1:43 PM

    I think the slug observation was right on the mark.

    So what's new Johnson's has been running Racine even when Steve Olsen was mayor. This isn't anything new.

  10. The good old boys. Our masters!

  11. Dickert's Update On The Progress Of The City: "Since I've been Mayor Unemployement in Racine has doubled and I've givin all my friends jobs! Once we spend millions on KRM all of Racine will be great! Oh and we have a great beach.

  12. All "Johnnie Boy" has done since he has been in office is campaign!!! WTF!!! I for one am boycotting all of the businesses listed above for even considering donations to this worthless excuse of a Mayor. How about his Uncle Jim this guy has F'ed every contractor to ever work for him. Great company he keeps.

    Hey John, I have an Idea how about doing something for Racine and not for yourself? You are such an arrogant a-hole.

  13. Dickert is such a dork, I can see the payoffs now, free city land, tax breaks, people being hired that can't do the job, etc., etc.. Just more City Hall corruption! It never ends for that man.

  14. So, I guess this is it and the election is over before it even started. All of the high profile, high dollar players have thrown their support behind the mayor and will be giving him money.

    I guess it doesn't matter if there is a challenger down the road.

    The decision has been made by the Racine executive class on who the mayor should be. They are using their names as advertisements for this invite and throwing their weight and influence behind him.

    Why do we little people even bother anymore?

  15. Dustin - are you invited to this party?

  16. But the heaviest hitter is not listed???
    Where is Montes name??

  17. It's time that the residents of Racine stand up for what's right. This mayor has givin this city more of the same BS the last administration has givin. Folks, please read into this and use your best judgment when voting. This mayor scammed us all this time, but come next April he will be toast, the lies and corruption that has ruined this city has got to stop!

  18. What re-election with 15 percent unemployment in Racine and not posting open city positions? I wonder if Mr Racine will be there?

  19. anon: 4:11 can you give examples? Or are you 2010's town crier?

  20. 4:30 = Dickert or Monte

    Check the IP address.

  21. Why isn't Gary Becker on the list?

  22. They each only get one vote. The public is mad about his various stunts and not holding department heads accountable for their mistakes. I don't think any amount of money is going to make him look better. It is going to be hard to overcome the failed governance.

  23. Nothing good happens with this much money, power, and politics in the room at one time.

    I say open this up to the press and put it on CAR25.

    Transparency. I want to know who is buying my officials and what they are saying.

  24. Is Dickert really that daft? Does he honestly think that by attracting these "heavy hitters" that the general public (who most in this city by the way, are living paycheck to paycheck simply to survive) will not be insulted by this??

    He thinks he's being clever with this move, however, I personally believe that this will backfire in his face.

    Way too arrogant for my vote.

  25. Is this meeting being covered or talked about by the Journal Times or are they going to ignore this too?

    It isn't often you get that many powerhouses together in one spot. The whole thing reaks of corruption to me and I think the people of Racine would like to know what is going on with this group and our mayor.

  26. "So what's new Johnson's has been running Racine even when Steve Olsen was mayor."

    If SCJW was "running" Racine it would be in a lot better shape than it currently is. Do you think that a multi-billion dollar company with a worldwide reputation wants its world hq to be in a city with high unemployment, a failing school system, and all the other things that people in the community continually bitch about. You cannot recruit technical talent and highly paid executives into that kind of a community.

  27. 5:17

    With poor schools and a high unemployment rate J-Wax can keep wages low in the many temp jobs they offer. Have a Mayor as a tool insure only other low income,e jobs come to Racine, having control of the local media and soon CAR 25 insures that no one knows about it.

  28. This whole event is quite arrogant. It is like Dickert is throwing it in our face and daring us to do something about it.

    We're talking megabucks and influence here. And people wonder how the J-Wax tax exemption got done (respect to RacinePost for breaking that story too by the way).

    I don't expect the Journal Times to do any investigative review of this. Thanks again to the RacinePost for looking out for the taxpayers and citizens of this city. I'm really concerned about the city and things like this but happy that the RacinePost is covering it. Thanks guys. I hope you follow this one closely.

  29. Thank goodness for Racinepost. We would never have heard about this gathering if it hadn't been for Dustin and Pete. The Journaltimes does not know what investigative reporting is,unless it has been spoon fed to them. I do not fault the reporters, times are tough and they need their jobs, we all do. So I do not fault them but I do lay some of the blames on the management. How about covering some news JT. Again, thank goodness, Dustin and Pete do not have any major overseers and can print the news.

  30. Doesn't Ken Buser have more important things to do?

  31. Can this city get any worse?

  32. Most if not all political fundraisers occur in a public place and not in the home of an individual.....of course most politicians hope to engage the entire population not just select individuals who for the most part do not live in the City, not all but many do not reside here or pay taxes here, but most are looking for continued special favors which is SOS for Racine. Funny the only school the Waxies care about is Prairie and it seems to be doing well?
    They want the KRM so their cronies who do not live in the city which is over 50% can commute on our dime. Crooks every single one of the 5th or 6th generation!! Fortzella is just the beginning IMO!!!

  33. pete and dustin, please investigate our current mayor john dickert and his alleged affairs with women. is it true he and the old mayor gary becker shared the same woman/women at the same time?

  34. Dear 12:59 PM, You're absolutely right about that Most Wanted list. Someday, when we elect a people's government in this sick country, there'll be rewards offered for the capture of the private sector privateers.

  35. Folks working for the city are sick of the way Dickert is running things. Back room deals, jobs to his cronies, associated sleaze.

    Who is going to run against Dickert?

    You thought Becker was bad. Just wait.

  36. Wouldnt it have been a better idea to hold a fundraiser at a public restaurant and allow whoever wanted to attend to come rather than what appears to be a gathering of the elite?

  37. But John did not get his toy channel, and his hints at payback has fallen on deaf ears.

  38. What the hell is going on here! This doesn't smell right.

  39. D you think they will show the famous Dickert documentary?

  40. What is JWax and the Johnson family asking for? Almost everyone there is connected to them. Are they asking for more tax breaks? Free land? Exclusive contract to sell to the city?

  41. Seems to me if I were to run for office, I'd hold an exclusive fund-raiser and invite the richest people I could find.

    Then, I'd invite everybody else to McDonalds to do the same thing.

    Don't read too much into this. It's just business

  42. Don't read too much into this? I'm sorry but that's BS and you know it. Campaign finance reform NOW!

  43. Can it get worse? Yeah, they could invite Mack to it!

  44. Anon, 10:56.

    There already are limits. These people can give a maximum of $2,400 each. That's $31,200 total.

    Unless their corporations want to bankroll movies or TV commercials unaffiliated with the candidate under the Supreme Court's new ruling, in which case, the money's unlimited.

    If I were running, I think I'd invite 5,000 people to McDonalds and probably realize more at $6 a head.

  45. According to CCAP, the address of this festive gala on Feb. 18th will be 1144 S. Main Street. Perhaps us peons should also try to attend???

  46. "Don't read too much into this. It's just business" Of lining the Mayor's pockets

    "There already are limits. These people can give a maximum of $2,400 each. That's $31,200 total."
    Do not forget wife's Children over 16, V.P.'s and other staff, paid time off to campaign, and donations in kind that's hard to follow

  47. 11:09

    Maack be a far better Mayor then what we have now.
    Dave Maack ROCKS!

  48. This is where dickert is going to get his money to, once again, completely buy out the sign industry, plaster thousands of "dickert For Mayor" signs all over the city so that the myriad of idiots in this town will go and vote only for the name they recognize most. It worked for him last time, it will again.

  49. Ummm 8:43 Put down the pipe!

  50. I think and hope this time is different. I beleive the people of Racine have had enough of these shady politics and will satnd up and make a change come election time. We deserve better leadership and a better Racine!

  51. "If I were running, I think I'd invite 5,000 people to McDonalds and probably realize more at $6 a head."

    That's why you aren't running.

    "Most if not all political fundraisers occur in a public place and not in the home of an individual....."


  52. Arnold Ziffel2/16/2010 11:02 AM

    So much pork in one place.

    Oink, oink, oink.

  53. So instead of stopping at McDonalds, I will now visit Burger King and instead of cleaning my house with Jwax produjcts I will buy others.

  54. Graham who in their right mind will let any Dickert for Mayor sign be put up on their property. Ya know we do have a very bad vandalism problem in this town

  55. OK,
    I get it. No one is happy with the way things are. So how many of you are doing anything about it. Does the limit of your talent end with complaining? If not, lets get together and make some changes. I challenge any of you to come out of the "Anonymous" darkness and join me at March 27TH 9AM @ 2200 Northwestern Ave. where we are having our monthly 9/12 Meet Up. We can start discussion on running fiscally conservative candidates for offices in city government.
    Please RSVP Lets get Racine business friendly for ALL businesses. Or just be pathitic, stay here and just bitch and NOTHING will change. Your Choice.

  56. Oh I forgot,
    Didn't Bill Ayers host Obama's Political kick off? Fund raisers are held in private, just like the buying of votes.

  57. John, can you please explain your 9/12 meetup in a little more detail along with who participates etc. There are actually interested parties, wanting to know a wee bit more details.

  58. If you really want more details E-mail me at

  59. OK I'll try here,
    We are a non-partisan multi-cultural, Conservative group that promotes the rule of law as set forth in The United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights. We are active in promoting laws that enhance our freedoms as well as protesting those that restrict them. We are networked with other like minded groups all across the state and share educational material and support each-others events. My wife and I are Independents but feel it is prudent to take over the Republican Party by promoting truly Constitutionally Conservative candidates. I gotta say it is much easier to explain in person.

  60. 9/12 is partisan. They will never support a Democrat.

    Low taxes and less government is not a platform, it is a slogan. The devil is in the details and they have none.

    Multi-cultural? Only in the European sense for sure. Italian Americans, German Americans, etc. Don't look for significant Latin, Asian, or African American representation.

    All the 9/12 group has are buzzwords. Ask them for policy and they fall short. Until the Tea Party can produce solutions that are more than one sentence long, they will not be a serious governing group.

  61. I love heavy hitters!

  62. Anonymous 3:47
    Have you ever read the Bill of Rights? They were written by a very serious governing group. They are all ONE sentence. If you have ever read the Preamble To The Constitution it also is one sentence. Have you ever said The Pledge of Allegiance? It is also ONE sentence. I guess we are in good company when it comes to a "Serious Governing Group".You see our Forefathers kept it simple and so do we. Come out of the darkness and into the light. You have nothing but rhetoric to offer up till now. Be a part of the solution or stay a part of the problem. How's that for a one liner?
    P.S The man standing next to me is not Italian, but I assure you The TEA Party will make him the next Secretary of State of Wisconsin.

  63. The Tea Party really clings to David King for dear life. When the racial mix of their group is in question they always say look at David King.

    Got anyone else? In case you missed it, the reference was to a significant number of any non-white group and there isn't one. You can claim all you want that you're multi-cultural but that is like Pelosi calling the health care bill bipartisan because 1 Republican voted for it.

    Face it John, you aren't independant - you're just embarassed Republicans. You don't want to use that name because Bush and the Republican Congress became so unpopular so instead you call yourselves Conservatives, or Regan Conservatives or Tea Party and try to pretend you are not Republicans (even though that is the only way you will vote). That is basically what it boils down to.

  64. You have to respect each individuals political point of view. That is what makes us Americans. We need to focus more on what our forefathers did and how they wrote our country should be run. I consider myself neither Democrate or Republican. I have voted a lot for Democrats. But I am an independent thinker and respect others point of views.

  65. Why pick on another political group (9/12) the problem is with Dickert and his lack of leadership, organization, common sense and intelligence. You can't run a city on photo ops and good hair.

  66. "I am an independent thinker and respect others point of views."

    You must be very lonely because there hasn't been a whole lot of that going on in politics for quite some time.

    Can you say "Death Panels" and "Government Takeover"? How about taking bribes in Nebraska? How about voting against a budget commission even though you co-sponsored the bill? How about voting against the stimulus and then celebrating the projects in your district that it funded?

    People need to wake up. We're in serious trouble and what is going on is not problem resolution. We've got bickering and an entire party dedicated to blocking everything. People talk about the founding fathers, well I guarantee you they wouldn't support the obstructionism going on right now.

  67. Anonymous 3:47 stated that "9/12 is partisan. They will never support a Democrat." I guess he has failed to come to a rally and see that they consist of nearly as many unhappy Democrats and Independents as registered Republicans.

    This person also stated in response to our being a multi-racial, multi-cultural group, "Multi-cultural? Only in the European sense for sure... Don't look for significant Latin, Asian, or African American representation."

    Obviously you are one of those who speaks without first researching that which you are speaking. Please, educate yourself. The 912 group mentioned in the posting you responded to does have members who are American from European desent, but that is to be expected considering the majority of this nation are from European desent. However we also have members who are immigrants to this country, members who are Latino, Black, bi-racial, etc. Members who have family members who are Black, Asian, Latino, etc. We do not go about promoting our "diversity" because we consider ourselves a group of Americans, and in that one word we include ALL Americans with NO focus on race, religion or national origin. Our focus is on the individuals beliefs in the values and principles of the founding fathers and the protection of the US Constitution.

    You commented on us being partisan and that we would never support a Democratic candidate. What you don't understand is that we are not out there "supporting" any agenda other than a conservative Constitutional approach to government. We invite candidates for local state and national offices to come meet with us to discuss their platform and should there be a Democratic candidate who is more conservative than a Republican or Independent or other candidate, we may have many members who decide to support that individual. It is not about the party affiliation, but rather about the adherance to the Constitution and accountability to WE the People.

    I encourage you to stop listening with selective hearing and viewing the world with color enhanced glasses. Instead, try listening to all opinions, and close your eyes to color and instead judge on the individual. Once you start doing this, you will begin to understand what it means to be a member of the 912.

  68. Tea Party multi-cultural? I have photos taken at their bonfire posted on my blog and if that's multi-cultural I'm the queen of England.
    Democrats in the Tea Party? Name one. Just one. You won't because you cannot.
    All this hullabaloo over a high end campaign fundraiser? I don't think so. I think it's interesting to see who is going to attend because it translates into who's not going to be supporting Helding or any other local republican that wants to run for mayor. But, the real reason there is so much pearl clutching - gasping going on here is because some people are dying to inflate the most common practice into a lifeboat for their own party to cling to.

  69. I hate to break the news to you Raydene, but if you call yourselves Conservatives, then you are by definition not Independent. You're Republicans.

  70. Dear 9:48 PM, The Waxtrash Corporate Crime Family and its Cornell Carpetbaggers want to control Racine. Needed: MEN who are not afraid of the kleptoplutocracy.

  71. So much evil in one place...Too bad we don't have a people's government whose agents could arrest the rich blight trash.

  72. Somebody please put all those piggies in the pen--Leavenworth.

  73. obstructionism 5;22
    I just have one question for you. Why is it when the socialists know they can't defend their ideology through debate with law or common sense, they call the people who question their policies obstructionist? Yes, I am a member of the Party of NO whenever it comes to laws that restrict my freedoms. Laws that are made by government that are outside of their enumerated powers (look it up).

    The reason I personally cannot name one democrat at the Bon Fire is because I didn't walk around asking anyone their political affiliation. But to think that out of 4000 people they were all republicans is ridiculous. Did you take the pictures or did you copy and paste?
    When we met at the Racine Republicans Pints and Politics you were very nice to me and I thought we had a very civil conversation, yet you twisted what I said and stabbed me in the back on your blog. You really need to find a vent for the bottled up frustration that doesn't put others down to build yourself up.
    Yes we support David King for a state wide position. We may support another black candidate if that person met our criteria. Unfortunately there are NO other black candidates running for state wide office that I'm aware of. Do you know of any? We will be inviting all races of Aldermen and Mayoral candidates when the time comes to speak at our meetings.

    As far as a "life boat" goes the TEA Party or 9/12 Patriots is nobodies life boat. We are stand alone no matter who wants to cling to our power. It's the power of the people that will win in November. Besides if anyone needs a life boat, it would be the Democratic Party, or should I say a freighter.
    I would like to extend an invitation to you to come to one of our meetings.

  74. 2/16/2010 8:48 PM
    NOT all Republicans are conservative. That is why the 9/12 Patriots and the TEA Party movement is working to promote conservative candidates. We don't call ourselves Republicans because they have lost their way. We are taking over the Republican Party the same way the Socialist Progressives took over the Democrat Party.

  75. Pictures of the guests at this scandalous gathering should be posted in a rogues' gallery so everyone may recognize the enemies of the people.

  76. Look at that roster of rich rodents and weep. They are why the rest of us cry.

  77. In other words Hunter, you are a Republican.

    Conservative, Tea Party, etc is just a code word for Republican. It is like I said, you're just too embarrassed to use the word Republican because you want to separate yourself from what they have done. Sorry, but that doesn't work. That's like your Conservative friends in Congress voting against stimulus and calling it socialism, allwhile they went back to their home districts and bragged about the projects it funded (without telling their constituents where the money came from).

    Your Conservative friends in Congress also voted against a bipartisan debt commission after they sponsored the bill. You know, the same debt commission
    that would have required votes on their suggestions to reduce the debt....the same debt you talk about our children having.

    Yes, John - that is obstructionism and it came from Conservatives that can't seem to put country first.

    A true independent can say Ben Nelson was a bribe and Conservatives have become obstructionists.

  78. After examining that guest list, I have but one question: where is Robin Hood when we need him?

  79. Seriously, that such an event were to be planned--much less held--is a disgrace. A convocation of gangbangers would be less offensive and dangerous. If the hosts are wise, they'll cancel this congress of corporate criminals. (Assuming the treasure tyrants feel that they must meet, I'd recommend a snob snuggery I'll call "Whitebread" and zero publicity.)

  80. It's amazing how many of you liberals (that would be left wing democrats, national socialists, fascist, communists and general America haters to those of you with and RUSD education) just can't get it right. Let me 'splain it to you:

    Conservative DOES NOT equal Republican.

    Have you never heard of conservative Democrats? You know, the ones who woke up and quit the Democratic Party and their brave counterparts that remain in the Democratic party and strive for change?

    There are many, many conservative Independents. They ARE independents because they refuse to support a Republican party that has become as corrupt and out of touch as the Democratic party.

    And one thing NONE of you lambasters have figured out: the TEA organization is NOT a political party. They are nothing more than a grass-roots organization that supports conservatism and will support any Republican, Democrat or Independent that is willing to curb taxes, over regulation, runaway spending and out of control government. There is not now, nor will there be, a TEA organization candidate for ANYTHING! IT IS NOT A POLITICAL PARTY!!! But then, you can't tell a liberal anything. Their minds are made up and they don't want to be confused with the facts.

    Anon 9:02 = communist.

    Anon 8:10 = a-hole.

  81. 2/17/2010 7:32 AM
    No I'm not a Republican. And yes I believe Ben Nelson was a bribe. I am also disgusted with the Republican primary pick of Mark Kirk in Illinois. "Code Word" what dictionary are you using? I will say it one more time and hopefully it will sink in. The Republicans are getting it just as wrong as the Democrats and the mass media, that includes Michael Steele. Truth is the Republican Party has more to loose if they don't "Get It". We are out to restore the power of government back to the people. You know "WE THE PEOPLE". We can't change the past but we can keep public officials accountable in the future. Dem or Rep doesn't matter, if they don't listen their out of office period. This is a new movement that's NEVER going away.

  82. Graham,
    Thank you. You couldn't have said it better.

  83. One simple question: What has the stimulus package done for you "personally" that has put us trillions of dollars into debt - that's what I thought, NOTHING!

  84. MSNBC got it real close.

  85. With all the crooks scheduled to attend this event, perhaps we should turn the Venn residence into a PEN and lock them up forever!

  86. WANTED: COs to discipline the CEOs. (If someone else will take the rest, I'll handle Yellin' and Crack Leap-And-Grab-Hold, our worst offenders.)

  87. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  88. Pete and Dustin - you may want to delete 10:32 - Mr. angry's comment.

  89. While the deleted comment was in poor taste, it appeared in a made-for-TV adaptation of W.M. Thackeray's "Vanity Fair." One of the characters--a clever lady named Becky--had a job teaching French to middle-class English girls at a boarding school. To get even with her tightwad superiors, who underpaid and overworked her, Becky made sure that her pupils learned vulgar words and phrases.

  90. Vile verbiage aside, there's something perfidious and insidious about that elitist guest list. Any mayoral candidate who kowtows to the Carnauba Court has problems. For starters, he should know that the slick, sick Waxies are insatiably avaricious and domineering. The billionaire bully boys and babes will expect him to be their bought-and-paid-for puppet in exchange for their support. If the mayoral candidate accepts Waxbucks, he can kiss his freedom as an honest public official good-bye and learn to start kissing Waxtoes. Then there's the widespread populist movement in town. By and large, folks who can barely survive hate the corporate oligarchy and its six-figure income lackeys. Any mayoral candidate who's perceived to be excessively chummy with the House of Wax could lose votes galore. Finally, there's the appearance of corruption. Even though nothing unethical or illegal may transpire at the fundraiser, rank-and-file citizens--who've been excluded--may think that the candidate and his privileged pals are up to no good. They may wonder what the candidate and his plutocratic clique are doing and ask why the gathering wasn't held at a public venue open to the entire community. Assuming the candidate desires to maximize his chances of re-election, he'd be wise to cancel this fancy farce or, at the very least, distance himself from it a.s.a.p.

  91. Mr. Angry - vile, insatiably avaricious, domineering, sick Waxies, corporate oligarchy, House of Wax, plutocratic clique - same old thing. Too bad you are not invited - I'm not a Dickert fan, but I'm going for the fun, food, drinks and the exclusive company that does not even acknowledge you existance.

  92. My existence is irrelevant. However, TRUTH rules supreme and shall prevail over you and your Waxmasters. What happens to me is nothing. Even so, what the people will do to your crass class shall be everything. Within twenty years, Sir, you and your unkind kind shall be naught but historians' footnotes and bad memories in the minds of your erstwhile victims.

  93. Owing to your callousness and unmitigated arrogance, you and yours shall join the Bourbons and the Romanovs in history's roadkill repository.

  94. When the first genuine revolution in this sad land's history erupts, remember, that although you were warned well in advance, you nonetheless diregarded the message out of scorn for the messenger.

  95. The truth remains the truth regardless of the identity and merits (or demerits) of its bearer. Please remember this fact whenever you evaluate information and plan accordingly.

  96. Who knows? Perhaps, when we establish revolutionary tribunals, I may play Fouquier-Tinville's role opposite your re-enactment of Louis the Sixteenth's farcical fall.

  97. Enjoy your ball at Versailles while you may. Someone--if not my insignificant self--shall try you or your heirs for crimes against humanity. Rest assured, Sir, that you or they shall lose everything.

  98. Fiat lux justitiae.

  99. Dear Mr.Arrogant, I pray that the slaveys chez Venn may spit in the drinks and fine food which they'll serve you. May interesting things appear in your gourmet goodies wherever you go.

  100. Furthermore, when revolutionary guards feed you or your spawn some nice juicy rats--fur, guts, bones and all--don't blame me.

  101. Rat for rat's sake, my arty-tarty fiend!

  102. As for your Waxpals, the coming revolutionary regime will have special treats for them. Can't you envision Yellin' and Crack Leap-And-Grab-Hold dining on a tasty roadkill raccoon? Perhaps Hurt-Us and Risk Waxtrash may enjoy a yummy squirrel. Maybe we'll feed the entire Carnauba Court and its loot lackeys sun-baked, rain-washed 'possum remains. Our working class service-with-a-snarl waiters will see that they consume and savor every morsel.

  103. Bon appetit!

  104. Dear Mr. Arrogant, Some of us are not what you think that we are. See you at the party!

  105. I love that name - I doubt however you are on the invite list.

  106. Remember Don Diego de la Vega, aka Zorro. The fact that a gentleman enjoys social and economic privileges does not automatically render him an enemy of the oppressed. You bet I'll be there!

  107. Remember what this is about JOHN DICKERT, his big money good ol boys friends and screwing the normal person over. It's not about any other political party its about Dickerts greed, ignorance, arrogance makes it look like he's giving special favors to Jwax to pad his pocket.

  108. I don't like Dickert's politics but I do enjoy his arrogance.

  109. Candidly, I enjoy neither Dickert's politics nor his arrogance. However, he IS the mayor, so we must make him honest and keep him that way until a more qualified candidate may present himself for our consideration and support.

  110. Dustin,

    I don't know what you can do, but please try to post an update on this story after the dinner tonight.

  111. Here's hoping that the far-from-genial menials urinated in the fins vins sewer-ved to the corporate criminals.

  112. Dear Dustin and Pete, Please make sure that we receive a crook report on this evening's got-loot gangster gala. Since one of the corporate cruds can do more harm than all the thugs in the 'hood combined, we need to know what the kleptoplutocrats have been doing. Thank you very much!

  113. Too bad the slaveys can't regale us with tales of extra special ingredients which they added to the a-thieve-rs' victuals and beverages. (Way back in the Sixties, my pals in the Black Power Movement who'd wound up in service jobs saw to it that Port Huron's posh porkers consumed sundry substances which usually were flushed away to the realm beyond the pipes. I hope that the oppressed servers chez Venn were similarly creative.)

  114. In the mean time (and it IS a mean time for most of our residents), please let us know who blew big dough to support the forthcoming re-election campaign of the best mayor money may buy. Thank you very much!

  115. Weird on the street has it that the assembled ricie-poos consumed some incredibly execrable edibles. May the staff customize the cash-cadgers' cuisine early and often. Every hors d'oeuvre must feature hair for each heir.

  116. Coming soon to elite eateries everywhere: meringue a la merde and pie a la mutt!

  117. Candidly, the fiends who gorge on gourmet treats while the rest go without the basics deserve whatever working-class sewer-vice with-a-snarl waitstaff may feed them.(In Detroit, the Simbas, the Daughters of the Motherland and the Black Power advocates stuck in rotten menial jobs guaranteed that the corporate swine at several private clubs plus the Hotel Pontchartrain received gosh-awful goodies galore.)

  118. A word to the Waxies: similar practices prevailed among the disgruntled staff in economic bondage at sundry country clubs in Ohio and Kentucky. You don't want to know what the folks on your plantations have planned--and continue to plan--for you.

  119. Had I a dollar for every food server who'd fessed up to spitting in the elite's soup and beverages, I'd be rolling in loot. (In the Sixties and Seventies, I did quite a bit of research on the American class clash. It was astonishing to me then to learn what people trapped in servile circumstances did to their so-called superiors. Then, again, this form of revenge is nothing new. Back in the Middle Ages, serfs slipped excrement into their masters' food. The "Malleus Maleficarum" even mentions a German peasant woman who fed the superiors of a monastery for noblemen stuff that was so bad that I can't mention it here.)

  120. Anyhow, here's hoping that creative cooks and waitstaff attend to our overbearing overlords and keep them well provisioned with the type of caca cuisine which they've earned.

  121. Needed: subversive servers at "Whitebread" and all other Waxtrash fa-swill-ities.

  122. Power to the working and lurking classes!

  123. At three in the morning, when they're in bed,/ the rich will wonder what they've been fed. (The Detroit Daughters of the Motherland ALWAYS made sure that the corporate Poobahs received hairs, bellybutton lint and other gross ghoulies in their din-din.)

  124. Dear 12:16 PM, The word you wanted to use was "richie-poos," not "ricie-poos." Nevertheless, I'll second your emotion.

  125. Every time I think of the guest list, Al Capone and his cronies come to mind. Needed: MEN like Eliot Ness and The Untouchables!

  126. That's right. The Untouchables must arrest The Unspeakables.

  127. Can't you imagine the corporate criminals being commanded to spell their names while they're checking into Alcatraz or another Big House?(Supposedly, the COs made Al Capone do this to humiliate him during his admission to his new home on The Rock.)

  128. I wonder how the cons will like their new haircuts and outfits. Perchance we'll put Messy the Menace in one of her fast food worker's worn out uniforms.

  129. How about a nice baldy sour for Mayor Slickhair? May the People's Revolutionary CO Corps exercise extreme coiffure creativity!

  130. Turn about is fair play. After all, he sees to it that every time the assessors play their sick games, our low-income homeowners get a property tax-related haircut.

  131. What will our COs have in store for Mr. All Rude? Furthermore, there must be something extra-special for Mr. Tomb Boor-k.

  132. When we take over, Gyp Newt-Boar and Chimp Beastman will learn respect for the common man.

  133. Never forget Messers Fray-nke, Pert-Kins and Boozer. All the corporate cons shall be under the authority of working-class CO's recruited from our finest slums, barrios, trailer parks, 'hoods and First Nations Reservations. (For our cons' sakes, pray that the Indians may BREAK no prisoners.)

  134. To all of you who'll never be heavy hitters - stay in the gutter where you belong. We will continue to enjoy the wonders of money and life. We will buy our toys, reward our children and enjoy the good life while you losers and whiners continue your drivel in life - Too bad losers you'll never be anything. Mr. Arrogant!

  135. History and the future shall determine who wins and who loses. Sir, be prepared to see your progeny and the rest of the money-monsters' spawn subjected to the supreme penalty--the curse of having to WORK for a living.

  136. 2:06 - too bad, I don't have to work any more. I did my work, planning and investing. Now I am on cruise control - enjoying life to its fullest. Too bad for you loser.

  137. Have fun while you may. Sooner than you care to think, a people's government may seize your assets and incarcerate you for crimes against humanity. Although I'd be humane and let you loaf in the pokey, my working class pals may sentence you to hard labor. (In case you're unaware of the socio-economic facts of life, most toilers hate men of your class and rarely if ever treat them well. To people who've had to work too hard for too little, men of your ilk are viewed as social parasites and abused accordingly.)

  138. 3:20 peoples government - what a joke. Obama's going to get kicked out of office in the next election and he's as close as you'll get to a people's government. So you toilers will continue in your given spot for years to come.

  139. There are men waiting to take his place who'll make the President look like Mitt Romney. Yes, you may enjoy success in the midterm elections. However, when the Republicans fail to fix a broken economic system which benefits only the elite, an angry middle class may vote for Democrats and Progressives. Belief in "rags to riches" fairy fibs is wearing thin. As more middle class and skilled working class people see their jobs and their homes vanish, they'll start questioning the need for capitalism. In short, Sir, although your class may win some major battles, it stands a good chance of losing the war for the allegiance of the American people.

  140. 8:01 Only in your dreams. This left winged agenda did not even last a year. The mass majority of people has had it with this socilized thinking - working people and the elite alike.

  141. Allow history and the future to decide the outcome of America's class clash. As for my group, we're in the struggle for the long haul. Most of us believe that it may take twenty years to smash capitalism and establish a socialist economic system in this country.

  142. 2/23/2010 8:54 AM
    You have been trying for over one hundred years and your socialist agenda has been exposed a hundred times. Every where in the world that socialism has been tried it is a failure. Why don't you either give it up or may I suggest suicide. You will have to take up arms in order to win for your socialist agenda if you had the balls to begin with you would have done it years ago. But you don't. I'm willing to die for freedom, are you willing to die for socialism?

  143. 2:54 - hey I like the way you think.

  144. I am willing to LIVE and WORK for socialism. (Fighting and dying for causes rarely achieves anything constructive. However, it does help those who control the military-industrial complex to augment their already-obscene wealth and power. By and large, our multi-national corporate oligarchy and its seven-figure-income lackeys like war because they profit from it.)


  146. I think all you people who are so intent on having your beliefs and opinions should have the guts to claim them. Anonymous is just an excuse to bitch. Claim your opinions or shut up.

  147. So Linda, what the hell is you last name - big talker.

  148. What's yours? Sattler is the name.

  149. Dear Linda, Be glad that folks are able to let off steam anonymously. If they didn't possess that safety valve, they'd go out and burn this toadish town to cinders.

  150. The above message has been brought to you by The Wicked Good Militia and the Waxbashers.

  151. All of these comments are crazy. If the guy gets business support so what. Maybe everyone wants to be unemployed. These people are employing most of the city. If they think the guy is worth supporting good for them. Its amazing how people think. Maybe the Johnson company's should leave Racine so there are tumble weeds growing in the streets. Then you will really have something to complain about. Get a life people.

  152. Dear 3:00 AM, No, those plutocrats are EXPLOITING most of our people. As for getting a life, how can people live as wage slaves? The time is fast approaching when we shall get a new life worth living, a decent, dignified life for ALL in a Socialist America. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE AND THE PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT!

  153. The above message has been brought to you by The Wicked Good Militia, the Waxbashers and The Alliance.

  154. 2/23/2010 6:30 PM
    You say:"Fighting and dying for causes rarely achieves anything constructive." Well moron, you just insulted every veteran and family members of veterans that have ever fought and died for this country and freedom.
    Our forefathers didn't have your opinion and neither did the Blacks of their time. They all had causes that they felt were worth dying for. They didn't die for themselves but for their children and future generations. You are one of those descendants. You open your mouth and close your brain. If it wasn't for those that died for your freedoms you pathetic moron, you would not be able to spew your peuk all over their memory. If your so in love with socialism, why don't you move to a socialist country? You say your willing to "live and work for socialism" but your not willing to die for it for future generations.
    Then I have to say you have NO conviction. Sure, I'm a fanatic and proud to be one. By the way, if you and your socialist idiots continue to push your agenda, there may come a time when you will have NO choice but to die for your cause.

  155. Rumor has it that Maggie Venn paints with melted wax. I hope and pray that she and her mate have no Waxtrash connection.

  156. Unfortunately, since some of the worst Waxtrash corporate criminals convened in her residence, neither Maggie nor her man may be innocent of slick activities.

  157. Unfortunately, since some of the worst Waxtrash corporate criminals convened in her residence, neither Maggie nor her man may be innocent of slick activities.

  158. Our citizens have a right to know who attended that got-loot gathering and how much each corporate criminal pledged to the campaign. Also, we must know what Mire Slickhair promised the plutocrats in exchange for their shifty sheckels.

  159. Our citizens have a right to know who attended that got-loot gathering and how much each corporate criminal pledged to the campaign. Also, we must know what Mire Slickhair promised the plutocrats in exchange for their shifty sheckels.

  160. Our citizens have a right to know who attended that got-loot gathering and how much each corporate criminal pledged to the campaign. Also, we must know what Mire Slickhair promised the plutocrats in exchange for their shifty sheckels.

  161. Our citizens have a right to know who attended that got-loot gathering and how much each corporate criminal pledged to the campaign. Also, we must know what Mire Slickhair promised the plutocrats in exchange for their shifty sheckels.

  162. Our citizens have a right to know who attended that got-loot gathering and how much each corporate criminal pledged to the campaign. Also, we must know what Mire Slickhair promised the plutocrats in exchange for their shifty sheckels.

  163. Dear Dustin and Pete, The people of Racine deserve to know which private sector predators assembled in the Den of Venn to plot against the peasantry. Please pass along any information you may acquire about the golden gangsters and their gosh-awful gathering.

  164. Dear Dustin and Pete, The people of Racine deserve to know which private sector predators assembled in the Den of Venn to plot against the peasantry. Please pass along any information you may acquire about the golden gangsters and their gosh-awful gathering.

  165. Many, many thanks in advance! I'm sure that if you unearth any information, you'll share it.

  166. Que Helen y Maggie me besen el c-lo. Que Craig y Porter lo hagan tambien. Que todos los enemigos del pueblo les besen el c-lo a todas las obreras y a todos los obreros de la Ciudad de los Ratones (Racine). Eso lo mando yo, El Justiciero.

  167. Mierda sobre la familia Cera-Basura!

  168. The corp'rate class/must kiss my ass./ That's what we workers say./The day we smash/ the fey Waxtrash/ we'll build a good USA!

  169. The Wicked Good Militia and the Waxbashers claim responsibility for the previous message, which was inspired by General Bullmoose's company song in "Lil Abner."

  170. OK,
    Lets say the cooperate class is smashed. God knows Obama is trying along with the rest of you socialist. But lets just say ALL the so called "cooperate trash said screw it and left the US as so many of them have already done. This country would completely fall apart. In history NO civilization on this planet has survived without manufacturing. NOT ONE. What is the alternative????

  171. We can still manufacture products in government-owned factories. Believe it or not, we don't need to have a private-sector corporate class in order to survive. (The notion that we require an entrepreneurial elite is one of Ayn Rand's little gems. Indeed, she built an entire novel around the concept, an unreadable piece of work entitled "Atlas Shrugged."

  172. I don't think that it's any accident that The House of Wax is gaga for Ayn Rand's right-wing drivel. After all, "The Family" appears to espouse a philosophy which comes from R. W. Emerson via Frank Lloyd Wright, one of Rand's mentors.

  173. Years ago, Wright and his unspeakable third wife put the Waxies and Racine on the wrong path, the road to ruin. The elitism and arrogance of the crass creatures assembled at John-the-J-Wax-Jerk's fundraiser didn't happen by accident. Miserabile dictu, it's part and parcel of a pernicious pattern prevalent since the Dirty Thirties.

  174. 2/27/2010 4:51 PM
    You have a slave mentality and deserve nothing. If your willing to give up your liberty for a little security you have earned neither.

  175. No, I have a realist's mentality.

  176. Too much pain and poverty have taught me to loathe capitalism and resist those who wish to impose it on future generations. If you wish to see slaves, look at the paycheck peons in factories or the salary serfs in the office. As for me and mine, we'll rebel against capitalism every chance we get.

  177. And you will rebel in silence. Anonymously in the shadows of darkness where cowards belong.
    Most people have no ambition to better themselves, that's why their paycheck is meager. Those that strive to improve receive more. It has been that way since the beginning of time. Not you or anyone else will ever change that.
    If you want socialism why not protest in public for it?

  178. First we shall subvert capitalism, destroying it from within. Then, when the common man has learned through sad experience what capitalism has taken from him, we'll campaign openly. (Thanks to rightwing brainwashing and individualistic indoctrination, the average Joe often fears socialism. However, once his job has been outsourced to China by a trust fund degener-twit and he's minus health insurance or facing eviction from his home, he'll be more receptive to an economic system geared toward helping him survive in an increasingly-hostile and complex world.

  179. The global capitalist system has too many moving parts and an excessively unpredictable system of doling out rewards or penalties to those trapped within it. As they lose their jobs, health insurance and homes, more and more ordinary people are growing increasingly hostile toward both global capitalism and the ruling class which profits from it.

  180. During the present depression, hatred of capitalism and its elite is a rational response to the miserable conditions which the oligarchy irrationally imposes on its victims.

  181. SCJ: Sneaky Crooked Jerks.

  182. 2/28/2010 2:31 PM
    Thanks for telling me your game plan, So obsolete. The plan has been in motion for over 80 years. Your movement is nothing but a bowel movement.

  183. Perhaps, but it shall destroy the belly of the big business beast and, eventually, slay the moneybag monster.

  184. Perhaps crap-italism will perish by drowning in its own ordure.

  185. Peut-etre, Mistress Toughtoes and her magic riding crop should have been at the politico-pecuniary party. Mire Slick-Hair, his masters and some of the honorary men in power suits would have appreciated her mighty ministrations.

  186. Helen, bend over and count to 1.9 billion-NOW!

  187. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  188. Forget Mistress Toughtoes--this evil town cries out for the attention of Federal Courts and Special Masters.
