
February 8, 2010

Quick Hits: Unified hopes to expand summer school; Blind Alligator may lose license

A few newsy bursts picked up today ...

* Racine Unified is planning a new event to start next school year. "School Year's Eve" is planned as a community-wide event for Aug. 31 to kickoff the 2010-11 school year. The hope is hold open houses in all of the district' elementary and middle schools to welcome parents and students back to classes.

* Look for Racine Unified to offer an expanded selection of summer school classes this year, especially for elementary students. The additional class time - be it for students to catch up in reading or math, or for enrichment programs - is part of Superintendent Jim Shaw's Racine Unified's "North Star" initiative to improve student performance. (Plus, it's an opportunity for the district to offer child care to working parents during the summer.) Summer school is scheduled this year from June 21 to July 29.

* The Blind Alligator at 1655 Taylor Ave. is in danger of losing its liquor license. The Public Safety and Licensing Committee heard from the police and health departments Monday night about problems at the bar. The committee voted unanimously to recommend taking the tavern to a due process hearing to repeal its liquor license.

* The proposed "historic artifacts" ordinance, which would protect city-owned property from being destroyed, was sent to the city attorney's office for further review. The biggest concern appears to be over who would be in charge of enforcing the ordinance. "The support is there. It's just a matter of getting everything tweaked right," said Alderman Jim Spangenberg.

* The Racine Urban Garden Network submitted their application for a conditional-use permit Monday for the community garden at 734 Marquette St. It's the next step in getting the garden approved.


  1. Heather in Caledonia2/09/2010 8:16 AM

    Has anyone heard anything more about RUSD offering a virtual school? They had mentioned it last year and said they were planning on having it up and running for 2010-2011. Guess that didn't happen. I'm wondering if they're still planning one for the following year.

  2. KUSD has eschool. It's a great way for some students to earn credits. I do believe though that students should only be able to earn, say 6 credits on-line. I'm not sure if they have a max. right now.

  3. The Alligator might close! Oh my God where are all those scum people going to slide to?

  4. Slither is the proper term.

  5. Now where will I go to find the hookers?

  6. Why does everyone wait until they are about to be closed before it is annouced that you could find hookers there? Next time please let up know as sson as the hookers are settled in. It's hard to keep up...

  7. Let me know where they end up going!

  8. BA Closing? Where am I gonna take my sweetie on Valentines Day?

  9. The additional class time - be it for students to catch up in reading or math, ...........Please! Try teaching them to speak English!! My son didn't like summer school because everyone spoke Spanish! The teacher was even speaking Spanish to the kids!!! Can you spell I-L-L-E-G-A-L.

  10. The problem is the students that should be there, won't be!
