
February 23, 2010

Mayor Dickert moves to give local contractors the inside track on jobs

Mayor John Dickert is prodding local contractors to apply for the $3.1 million the city has available to renovate homes in foreclosure.

Surrounded by union leaders, Dickert announced the city was sending letters and forms to 300 city contractors who may be eligible for the renovation work, which is being paid for with state and federal money.

The city plans to buy 29 homes in foreclosure, tear down five of them and renovate the rest. Homes that are torn down will be replaced with new construction.

News about the "Neighborhood Stabilization Program" isn't new; the city has been talking about plans for the money for at least six months. But Dickert's effort to recruit city contractors was a new idea that the mayor is hoping pays off in additional work for Racine workers.

The program itself is little more than sending a letter to the local contractors encouraging them to file a "Request for Qualifications" form with the Department of City Development. After filing the letter, qualifying contractors will be eligible to bid on renovation work to the homes in foreclosure.

While the city can't prevent outsiders from bidding on the work, Dickert said he hopes local businesses will overwhelm the process and make it all but certain they come out on top.

Tuesday's announcement was an important moment for the mayor. After months of talking about plans to rejuvenate the city's housing stock, Dickert, a former Realtor, stepped forward with a concrete proposal.

Along with creating local jobs, he has a plan to sell the homes and recycle the money into additional homes. City Development is focusing on buying homes on the "Towerview" neighborhood on the city's near south side. The hope is to make a big splash in the neighborhood by increasing home ownership, which should reduce crime, Dickert said.

Dickert said he'll rely on his background in real estate to sell the city-owned homes to families. While Dickert can't sell them himself - he turned in his Realtor's license - he's relying on his experience to motivate local companies to move the homes instead of letting them sit on the market.

The city will bid out the listings, but won't make a decision based solely on the low bid, Dickert said. One agency may be willing to cut its commission to 3 percent to land the homes, but may not be willing to do the work to find a desirable buyer.

To combat this, Dickert said, he plans to list out a series of specific actions any bidder will have to take to get a city listing. In return, they can get their usual 6 percent commission. But they'll have to aggressively market and sell the home to get the city contract.

Dickert, who worked for First Weber, said the city will select the top three bidders to sell city-owned homes. The properties will rotate through the agencies as they come on the market. The rotating system will help prevent charges of favoritism, Dickert said.

Selling the city-owned homes is the key to Dickert's plan. Not only does it get a family in a home that was in foreclosure, it brings in money needed to fix up and sell additional homes. Dickert said he hopes to turn over the first round of homes within two years and move on to the next neighborhood.


  1. I hope Sheelds doesn't see this!

  2. People need to stop referring to that area as Towerview. It's a stupid name created by NHS and run down everyone's throats.

  3. The City of Racine has received over $3 million in federal dollars through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to rehabilitate foreclosed homes. The City is seeking qualified contractors to bid on these projects. They are getting the same stimulus money the rest of the country is. Dickert needs to stop touting this as something he worked very hard for. He is so full of himself.

  4. Gee what are the odds that the "contractors" will all have links to Dickert?
    The housing market is still in the gutter and may in fact be getting worse Racine has high unemployment (Thanks Mr. Mayor) and the new jobs that might be coming in are the low wage IE no way to get a mortgage. add to that the high crime and poor schools makes Racine the last place I think for new residents.
    So the City of Racine will get stuck with even more real estate other then the few that the FOJ (Frenids of John) can sell.

    Party on John

  5. How much Real Estate does the City of Racine own?

  6. How much wealth does this create? Are we shipping product somewhere? This is a great band-aid but without wealth (jobs) this will only be a temporary thing.
    We have the two most important things needed for manufacturing, water and trained workforce, so why aren't the powers that be promoting this as opposed to going to D.C. and clamping on the gov't nipple?

  7. The mayor is wrong when it comes to renters vs. owners as it relates to crime. The truth is that crime rates correspond to socio-economic status and not based on your ownership status. This is why tenants in higher rent apartment building don't destroy he owners property.

    As long as this Mayor caters almost exclusively to those in the very lowest socio-economic class, Racine will continue to have under performing schools and neighborhoods.

    The Mayor does not address the fact that there is very little demand for housing in these neighborhoods. Demand not more inventory will drive sales. His target market cannot afford homes without a federal handout.

    The mayor needs to figure out a way to get young aspiring people to want to take the risk in investing in their home.

    If people do not feel the neighborhood is safe they will not come .

    As long as the mayor and the schools keep propping up the society's poor performers, Racine will continue to be attractive to those that keep it from greatness.

    The mayors plan is no different than what we have been doing for 30 years in the inner city. There are areas that cannot be saved. If he must spend federal welfare money he should focus on the housing stock that is worth saving.

    This plan does not address why these neighborhoods are bottoming out. If the private sector does not want to invest there that tells be its a bad investment

    1) will subsidies be used to finance the purchase
    2) will these be sold to low income people who can't afford to maintain them-look at west 6th Street
    3) is there demand for these houses in these neighborhoods

  8. Nn-Union and Pissed2/24/2010 6:26 AM

    Is this anothe rone of his/Obamma's paybacks to the union's? Seem that, those of us non union contractors also pay taxes. I voted for Dickert during the last election and since his true colors have shown (corruption) I won't next time.

    I would ask all non0-union employees and contractors to call the Mayor's office and voice your concerns about his practice of taxing us yet not letting us bid these homes.

  9. Does First Weber have the insidr scoop on listing these homes?

  10. 6:26,
    I am also a Non-Union Contractor and the way I understand this, is that it favors us, because these jobs are not prevailing wage jobs.
    That being said there is a list of criteria that all contractors have to be able to meet.

  11. You people are unbelievable. ou piss on everything.

  12. No, ma'am, we question everything.

  13. I for one am appalled. Being a member of the trades and seeing my representatives standing next to the Mayor who has basically given us the finger on this one! Why do I pay dues if a project like this comes along and the only certainty I have is that anyone who wants to be contractor can bid it. Why have we buddied up with a Mayor that thinks Labor is a lasting joke? Tri County Contractors and the Building Trades of SE Wisconsin have just shown there actual worth. NONE! I hope this project goes 100% Non, then at the next meeting we can hang our BA's.

  14. OH NO! 6:55 sounds sad. Have your union hench men spent so much time on the West Racine thing that they overlooked this one. I for one will push for any NON UNION contractor that applies for this project for two reasons 1) Less drama 2) More bang for the buck. Sorry union cry babies your time has come and went now is a different era.

  15. 6:32 = Mr. Racine

  16. The same idea worked so well in the Uptown area. All the Artists who have come to Racine how many buildings has the City sold? 0
    How many no bid contracts ( A specialty of this Mayor ( at least two I can think of both for far more then the Mayor wanted for his friend.. I mean Campaign worker I mean... When will the City Council stop this?)

  17. Somehow...Dickert is working to make this bad for Racine. I can feel it. This re-habing of homes is a socialist plot. just wrong. This is bad for our hate Dickert message. We need him to fail, its the only way I fell better.

    Need to sit here and make up more on the mayor, since I have nothing to do. Guys, Joyce, me.

  18. The article says that magically local contractors SHOULD be on top. It doesn't mention giving preference to local contractors. So where is the story? Nothing has changed, nothing new.

    The Ghetto attitude in parts of Towerview is unbearable. We have preteen girls who think they are gangsters and just try finding and talking to a parent. Try and keep a bike on your property.

    We need to get tough on gangs, and real about education. The community center is underused and not as useful as it could be in helping this part of Racine.

    The police presence is almost non existent. The COP house is far off in one corner of the area.

    We need high paying jobs and some manufacturing or other types of businesses to come to Racine.

    For as much as we pay for Gateway and RUSD all these Jerry Springer watching/loafing adults should be trained and working.

  19. Quit calling that area Towerview! Sounds like a prison yard!

  20. Kenosha is getting the money also. No press conference needed.

  21. What area is Towerview? Never heard of it.

  22. I'm not a Dickert fan but I have to admit this is a good idea. If he truly requires all work to go to local contractors, that aren't somehow associated with him in the past, this will be a good thing.

    Unlike Mt Pleasant where they often don't even allow local vendors to bid on village work. There is a laundry list of Mt Pleasant work that goes to vendors outside the village, when very qualified vendors exist within the village. Even opportunity to bid for the millions being spent on the new village hall has been directed to favorite vendors. The latest joke was the selection of a construction manager. They queitly invited just a few favored vendors to bid on that work never going to public bid. The selected vendor will also be allow to bid on the construction work too. Talk about a conflict of interest.
    The village hall project is a show case of how not using local vendors results in no jobs in your community.

    If the Post wants to spend some time looking at bad behavior just study the way Mt Pleasant seeks and awards contracts. I don't think they can spin their behavior enough on this one.

    If Dickert can really keep this work local and not favor his pals this will be good. Based on his history, not favoring his pals will be the thing to watch.

  23. 8:53

    How many empty City owned buildings and lots would be too many? Thinking we are worse off then Detroit

  24. Is the mayors office that stupid to realize that the housing market is terribly unstable and people are NOT buying homes?! Especially in the frickin ghetto?! C'mon folks, these are NOT sustainable jobs!

  25. Oh and by the way, It is illegal to keep these jobs local and there is NO guarantee that this will stay local.

  26. Many of us think the only guarantee is the winners will have links to guess who!

  27. You guys did catch the part that the applicants will be selected by the mayors office right? I'am so sick of this arrogant administration! Get real! The housing market sucks! Especially in the hood, this is a pipe dream with no sustainability!

  28. $103,000 approx per unit. Homes NOT in the ghetto aren't selling for that much. Bad, bad, bad investment! Tear down the trash and pave paradise, just like we've done elsewhere in the city.

  29. The Translator2/24/2010 10:17 AM

    Will the pedo-mayor, who is a friend of Jim, and is now a contractor rehabing houses be barred from participating in Dickert's great urban money grab?
    Is this part of the 10 year plan, Jim?

  30. I was with my union buddies at this press conference, the mayor told us he was gonna get us back to work, then in his press confernece said these are not prevailing wage jobs and cannot be givin to Racine folks. I for one am appaled at the arrogance and ignorance of this entire administration!

  31. 10 year plan

    1. Get elected.
    2. Hire my family in City jobs.
    3. Give no bid contracts to campaign workers and friends.
    4. Throw a bone to unions to buy them off for the next election.
    5. ?

  32. Towerview is just a pet name dreamed up by Neighborhood Housing Services. How about letting the people who live there decide what they want their neighborhood to be named?
    supposedly everyone on the southside of town lives in the shadow of the SCJ Tower. Whatever! Go back to the drawing board on the naming please.

  33. Annon 9:25. Programs that keep work local are not illegal and are done all over the US. Milwaukee City and County require a percentage of work be done by local minority based vendors for all their contracts.

    As to those who wonder how you insure the work is done locally you can do that with a contract that requires workers sign in each day and prove residency. None of this is rocket science. I don't know if the city go to that length to insure this is done locally, but the tools can be built into the contracts to require it.

    My hope is that they don't go to the point of require the work be done by union contractors because that will eliminate a lot of good contractors. Requiring union only may not be legal, but using local is definitely legal.

  34. It's been said above that his buddies will get all the work. By the time we run this idiot out of office we'll have to change the citys name to Dinkyville.


  36. Oh my god..Dickert brought in money. I need to be negetive about this. The reason it is bad is um....Dickert has a ego..yea thats a good one.

    Um..what else...John has not been in for a yr so our high employment is his fault too..sounds good.

    You know what...I want some of the money...but I won't any. I will say...all of the people getting it are his cronies..that will show him.

    These jobs are not going to be forever..Dickert I need a that will be forever. Get on it man.

    A note to Dickert. I write on these blogs because I would rather complain in underwear than be part of any solution. You are the reason I do not have a job.

  37. The Translator2/24/2010 3:27 PM

    Anon 2:20. Well Said Mr Racine.

  38. Dear Underwear Jim,
    Yuk, yeah cute about complaining in your underwear, don't go scratching and then touch those keys!

    I don't see Dickert as being able to do anything to please the few chronic complainers. I think this can be a good idea. Won't the work go out to bids? Not sure how that works.

  39. How about "CREATE THE SO CALLED JOBS FIRST!" then do your press conference! This is UNSUSTAINABLE people. Wake up and see this for what it is, rebuilding a couple shacks in the ghetto with hopes of selling them in the worst housing market of the century! Get a clue mayor!

  40. 4:10

    Please Stop. your making Mr. Racine work for his no bid money

  41. 4:10,
    The reason "Johnnie Boy" is Mayor is because he couldn't make it as a realtor. Thus the idea to sell over priced slum holes in a depression.

  42. The Man Secretary is posting on his pink Iphone. Shouldn't you wait for 4:30 before you start to praise the Dear Leader. Part 5 of the 10 year plan, banners of Dickert in Monument Square.

  43. Dickert,
    Is this your payback to Tom's union thugs so they don't send out postcards about you.

    Unions ar enothing more than lazy, whinning idiots!

  44. at least us lazy whinning idiots can type (ar enothing)!

  45. Dickert and his wife were voted to have the best hair in Racine 2009. Can he be voted "The dumbest Mayor 2010"! Just wondering?

  46. All right knock, it off.
    I'm no great fan of city hall or any city government for that matter after being raised in Chicago. But if this means work for my company, I'm on it like white on rice.

  47. Does it? Do you know John?

  48. 7:16,

    How often do you blog? How many of these posts are yours? We get you don't like the Mayor (or anything really), so why do you stay here? Clearly, it's not working for you. I'm serious, why do you stay?

  49. Kenosha got the same deal, no big "look at me press conference" no pio officer, no fancy 100k a year city admin. Look at the facts, could "maybe" get some jobs for racine people, will "not" provide prevailing wage scale, and we are buying homes in the straight up "worst" neighborhoods in racine, in the worst housing market of the century, in a city with no "sustainable jobs" And we are hoping to sell these houses to who?

  50. That is because the mayor of Kenosha does not give jobs to his family or friends. Next Dickert job, Monte to be his driver.

  51. If this is the best you people got, he is in there forever. Can't you do better than a masturbatory gripe fest?

  52. 11:06

    Yourright we will have to find someone (not Jody) to run (not Helding either)

  53. Tim the Shrubber2/25/2010 9:31 AM

    Not sure I understand all the anger towards Dickert on this. While this is not where I would put my focus if I were Mayor, it is hard to argue that this will not have a positive effect on the community. No, this is not a panacea that will cure all the city's ills, but it certainly will not hurt either to have 29 fewer homes in forclosure in Racine.

  54. No, it isn't hard to argue at all. The City raises my taxes as well as many who are right on the edge, and they use some of the money to buy homes and speculate in real estate. What is the goal? Giving these homes to people who will trash them? "seeling" them for pennies on the dollar to government employees (I assume that idea is still around)? Are the low taxes here encouarging anyone to move here? Oh that's right, we don't have a train so no one wants to move here.

  55. "Selling" and encouraging, sorry.

  56. Internal Theft anyone? The city should find something else to put Obamas money towards, Does the city really need to own all these houses in distressed neighborhoods?I'm sure we could find better uses for the $$$$$. Tear these houses down and make green space.

  57. I heard this work would be dished out to Union contractors only. Mayor Dickert has been meeting with them in private to strike a deal that would eliminate all non-union and minority contractors. If I was the Mayor I would be very careful because individuals such as myself that are minority contractors also have friends in Washington. Mayor Dickert if you think Mike Shields is a threat wait to see what is comming next. This city is about to break about five federal laws pertaining to fair labor and the law suits are comming and comming fast.

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. At this time I would like to ask the residents of district #3 to vote for Michael Gabbey on April 6 2010. You have seen what this Mayor has done to our city now imagine his buddy Monte Osterman at the county level

  60. I bet a lot of granite countertops in these houses and another no bid contract to a buddy of the Mayor.
