
February 26, 2010

Mayor Dickert fully recovered from 'extreme vertigo' caused by ear infection

Mayor John Dickert had a brief scare last Friday when he was hospitalized with "extreme vertigo" caused by an inner-ear infection.

Dickert said he went into the hospital after becoming unable to walk. "I literally could not sit up," he said. "That's why they call it extreme vertigo."

Doctors prescribed antibiotics for the inner-ear infection and the vertigo is gone, Dickert said. They suspected recent airplane travel compounded the inner-ear infection and led to the vertigo.

After going into the hospital on Feb. 19, Dickert was back in the office on Monday, Feb. 21.

He said there are no lingering effects from the illness, and the vertigo presented no long-term medical concerns.


  1. I am not buying this BS cover-up. I think the mayor should be subject to a public physical or at the very least piss into a cup.

  2. Why is this a story?

  3. and why would he publish it? Wait, a relapse for next weekend?

  4. God bless John Dickert and his efforts and serving Racine. We are all better off for having him in this office.

  5. The Real Mr Racine2/26/2010 12:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Mary you should go in for a check-up. Mayor "do nothing" has been dizzy for more than a few days, closer to a year IMO.

  7. In all honestly, who in the hell cares it was an ear infection sheesh, not a heart attack, wow close call for johnny boy had an ear infection and was dizzy, heck he's dizzy normally.

  8. Maybe if he was not taking so many trips on the taxpayer dime he would not have this problem.

  9. Dr. Dolittle2/26/2010 12:42 PM

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  10. I think Mary has a smoking problem, but than again she could be Dickert you never see them both in the same place.

  11. Someone is ill and you have still ill will. You people are the reason Racine is the way it is.

  12. Vertigo is caused by not listening to the tax payers.

  13. My dog went to the vet the other day and learned she is losing her vision from cataracts. I mention this because I believe it is just as newsworthy as a Mayor with an inner ear infection.

  14. If the Mayor is hospitalized, that is news.

  15. Judge Judy, Judy, Judy2/26/2010 2:15 PM

    And we'll see the former Racine mayor "walk" in a few months, too.

  16. Does Racine have a sale on cheese...I sure have found the whine..

  17. In other news...Mike Shields had a stick removed from his buttocks. After the surgury, his brain was discovered.

  18. Another fine message from the minister of Propaganda.

  19. All the cheese for sale is in the Mayors office, he's good at cuttin' da cheese. All hot air.

  20. Wow. After reading the BS on the previious entries, some of Dickert's friends are fighting back.

    Good for them. The minster of propaganda?

    It beats Sheids' FIction, Lies and Cries.

  21. How do we know it was really vertigo? Sounds made up to me. Just like in Stalinist Russia, "he died of a heart attack. Ignore the 5 bullets in the back of his head."

  22. @3:24 Good job on posting all of the comments. He has no friends here, and not many any place else!

  23. Only goes to show that the idiot can't walk and chew gum at the same time! With him in office this city is going to be a ghost town.

  24. He says he always gets dizzy, when working on his ten year plan.

  25. Dustin, what are you doing? Does that man deserve no privacy? Are you going to write about which city officials have high blood pressure and which had the flu and which have bunyons? You should be ashamed of yourself.

  26. A couple people who work in city hall were saying Dickert was hospitalized for stress. Why the coverup?

  27. Show the records!

  28. He is covered by a city insurance policy which should be subject to open records laws.

  29. I also heard that he was having chest pains related to on the job stress. It shocked me because I did not know that vacationing while getting paid was stressful. Then a friend of mine reminded me that he has to find jobs for about 15 friends and campaign workers that could be tough. The one good thing about all of this maybe he won't run again in 2011.

  30. Michael Kroes2/27/2010 7:40 AM

    I agree with the sentiment of 2/26/2010 12:57 PM's comments. Apparently there are some who are so fixated on being critical of the mayor that compassion gets thrown out the window. What a group!

  31. Why is this news?

  32. I believe this is newsworthy because of the ridiculous rumors swirling around about his health, aka look at some of these really, well stupid comments on the blog. I think this would set the record straight. Not that I would like to see this everytime the Mayor gets ill but the rumor mill has been really off base. We wish the Mayor well. He deserve respect as our elected official.

  33. As citizens of Racine it is our job to be critical of Mayor Dickert. He had made promises during his campaign and has yet to fullfill any of them. He has done nothing more than take every oppotunity to campaign for 2011. Mayor Dickert though I don't wish you or your family any harm, I will do everthing I can to see that you are removed from office next year! Prepare for the worst sir because it is comming!!!

  34. Watch out Monte will be standing up for his friend "Johnnie Boy"!

  35. Insert excuse here:
    "This is why I couldn't hear my constituants"

  36. Where is my excuse for poor spelling? Constituents, that is.

  37. 8:18

    Sober up!

  38. I wonder if he will have problems with his bills from Wheaton?

  39. Mary, how much were you paid for this ad? Or are you just deranged?

    Michael Kroes, it's hard to compassion for a man who has no respect for the citizens of Racine. He puts himself, family members and friends first in the government before the people who elected him, makes up the rules as he goes along, reneges on a fictitious 10 year plan and shoves things down our throats that we don't want. He is an enemy of the people of Racine and is totally devoid of ethics.

    Anon 8:33 speaks for many of us.

    Anon 8:36, correction: "constituents" should have read "subjects."

    Anon 9:01, that goes without saying. Of course there will be billing problems, and the city will probably wind up paying 3 or 4 times for it.

    Pete, Dustin, this is not news. If it was, we wouldn't be hearing about a week afterwards. Did you just have a slow news day? Could you not find the "corruption in city hall du jour" to report on?

  40. Very Well Said Graham! Just an FYI

    There's a Mark Eickhorst on the state's delinquent taxpayers list for owing $20,000. Is this the same guy the mayor chose to handle public relations for the city?

    That's him. But he's adamant that he's not evading anything.
    "I'm working as hard as I can to resolve it," Eickhorst said.
    He said he's working four part-time jobs and has enlisted an accountant to fulfill his obligations to the state and federal governments.
    Although the state Web site lists his former tavern, Ike's Wet Goods, alongside the income-tax burden, Eickhorst said the problems are unrelated to that business. It's "a combination of things," he said.
    Eickhorst, known as "Mr. Racine" for his community work, said officials never expressed concerns about the tax obligations during the hiring process. The City Council voted to pay him $25,000 to coordinate the city's communications for 10 months.

  41. Stop hiding Dickert, show the records!

  42. Wow lets see he's working 4 part time jobs (one of which is the PIO). that would amount to a total of 16 hours a day if truly part time positions even if he is only working 1 or 2 hours a day in another position. How can he effectively do his position in the city and exactly how many hours is he working?

  43. NEXT HEADLINE - "POLICE CHIEF GETS PIMPLE, POPS IT!" Stupid story guys. Did the Journal Times buy this website?

  44. Man up, piss in a cup.

  45. 8:57 - In regards to my comment, have you ever heard of the word sarcasm.

  46. Of course it is stress. When you keep screwing up it is stressful. When you and your cousin the admin can't run the city it is stressful. When you lose the re-election bid it will be relaxing.

    Does anyone care that my back hurts. I didn't think so.

  47. Of course it is stress. When you keep screwing up it is stressful. When you and your cousin the admin can't run the city it is stressful. When you lose the re-election bid it will be relaxing.

    Does anyone care that my back hurts. I didn't think so.

  48. Why all the covering up? Of course people will find out why the Mayor went to the hospital, some of us do work there you know. The constant fairy tales being told are becoming rather annoying I must admit. I did see the mayor during his recent visit to the hospital and I can tell you that he looks rather aged.

  49. Show the records Dicert. We would rather not have you drop dead and have to hold another election.

  50. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people?

  51. Jas: The city's mayor was ill and briefly hospitalized, and you don't see that it's news?

    Then just turn the page...

  52. Former Pres. Clinton had heart surgery in February. Why is that public knowledge and Dickert's health top-secret? Bill Clinton is a bit more important than Dickert, even after Bill left the White House. Just tell the truth for once in your life John. We already know, but we are waiting for you to own up to it.

  53. This is total BS. I say that because no one has ever been hospitalized for an ear infection! Ever since I was a young child I have had terrible ear infections some of which required surgery, never once was I hospitalized over night. Plain and simple the Mayor is finally feeling the pressure that those of us who dislike him are putting on him. If, Mr. Mayor you can't see how unwanted you are here then you deserve what you get!!!!!!

  54. I'm sorry - This "headline" made me laugh. Must be a slow news day! Thanks for the chuckle -r

  55. OK. I have my issues with the mayor as much as the next person. I believe that the criticisms he has received are justified and that the mayor needs to put his ego aside a little if he wants to keep his job. However, after reading this blog, and especially the last one at 9:46, even I think this particular criticism is a little harsh. If this conclusion is true, that the mayor is having serious health issues and it is more than an "extreme vertigo caused by ear infection" then saying that he deserves it is uncalled for. This man still has a family with two small children, and essentially wishing him harm is completely unnecessary. He may not get my vote at election time, but I do wish him and his family well at this time.

  56. Was someone's tongue stuck in there?

  57. If the Mayor is sick we need to know. Show the records and tell the truth Dickert.

  58. Even my nine year old grandson thinks this is silly.

  59. If anyone wonders why Racine is not a good place to live the people on this blog are the reason.

  60. Don't Dickert's man secretary and his PIO have anything better to do than try to cover up his anxiety attack. Buy a clue guys, and be honest for the first time.

  61. I got this rash...

  62. One week later and still no explanation. Why the cover up?

  63. Dickert is embarrassed that the hospital gave him anxiety medication.

  64. Another day, another cover up.

  65. I agree, this is news?

    Probably just man-O-pause.

  66. Where's the beef Dickert?

  67. I am sickened by the level of "commentary" on this and other stories in the Racine Post and Journal Times. When will the Racine Post step up to the plate and be responsible -- and remove the hate-filled, abusive and profane comments that offer nothing other than negativity?

  68. Mary Mary quite contrary. It is good investigative journalism not feel good Dickert handjob journalism.
