
February 19, 2010

Management company misses benefits payments to Racine bus drivers

City bus drivers received noticed this month that the management company that runs Racine's Belle Urban System didn't make the drivers' pension and health insurance payments in December and January.

Professional Transit Management, the company hired by the city to run the BUS, is about $90,000 behind on its payments. It also hasn't made the February payment, according to a source close to the drivers.

The drivers are members of Teamsters Local 43.

The source said Central States Funds, which manages the drivers' benefits, set a March 14 deadline to make payments or it will discontinue benefits.

Bus drivers said it appears to be an oversight, but they were unclear who was responsible or when it would be fixed.

RacinePost couldn't reach union and PTM officials for comment.

City Administrator Tom Friedel referred comment to PTM, which manages all aspects of the city's bus systems.

The city budgeted to spend about $9.1 million on its bus system this year.

The bus drivers and PTM had a contentious relationship last year over a new contract. The drivers briefly went on strike in May before settling a contract with PTM.


  1. When you have a couple of people riding the buses and paying a driver a good salary(and benefits) burning the diesel to run it and then pay people to maintain the buses, its a wonder 9.1 million is even enough, because you know that those kind of public transportation services is losing money at a tremendous rate. No money left over for those commitments that are due. Its the same thing that would happen with any other public mode of transportation, train, bus, it's just a money losing business entity, subsidized with taxpayer money. People just dont get it.

  2. Isn't Freidel's job to run the city? Why don't you investigate what is going on? If his or his nephew Dickie's benefits didn't get paid for, I bet they would be investigating.

  3. WTF? Will this bunch of goofs get fired or was it another no bid contract?

  4. I wonder if the management company donated to our good mayor's campaign. Seems to be a pattern, donate then rob the city coffers.

  5. Sounds like the management was trained at All Saints. Worship the almighty dollars and take advantage of yĆ³ur workers.

  6. Yeah really, What does Freidel do for 100k a year? What a waste that position turned out to be! Talk about flushing money down the toilet!

  7. So what is the city going to do? Is there any follow up when Racine writes a check for $90,000? It is not like it is Tom Friedel or John Dickert's money. It is only the taxpayers. Why have any accountability?

  8. What happened to the law that says if you don't pay wages due, you go to jail?

    Or if you collect money for benefits and then don't pay for them, then it's fraud, and you go to jail?

  9. The City does not run the BUS. Blame the City when blame is due. This one is not on the City; it is on PTM.

  10. Do you know what's funny? When a tenant doesn't pay the water bill. The city make me pay. I can't say blame me when blame is due. The city doesn't want to be blamed for anything they do or don't do. It's called oversight Mr. Friedel, something we pay you a 100K a year to do, but if you had any real experience as an administrator of any kind, you would know that.

  11. The city negotiates contract disputes with the drivers and the union, but the mayor's people say the city has nothing to do with it. Something smells like a rotting fish.

  12. The quote from Tom Friedel should read, "it is 4 on Friday and I do not care. I have to get home and watch Olympic Ice Dancing."

  13. Gee hope Dickert understands that the buck stops with him, as the "CEO of Racine he is in charge. Now however just like his pal Obama it's all Bush's fault.

    Party On

  14. "It's Good To Be The King"

  15. To the individual who said the City doesn't run the bus system.. The BUS is an outsourced function of the City. The city used to run it as an internal operation. So it is still a function of the city.

    The degree of separation is minimal so the the degree of responsibility is strong. This is on Dickert's plate to resolve or be blamed. Oh yes the city administrator should have been on top of this rather than the press.

  16. This is a sad day when city employees are about to lose their health insurance and we basically get an "it's not my problem" from the men running our city. Pathetic fools. Way to look out for your people! Oops, I forgot that "your people" are only the CEOs of major corporations. They must give bigger donations than low class bus drivers.

  17. Someone please explain what Freidel's job is? We got scammed when Dickert hired his cousin Freidel for 5yrs at 100k a year. After all what happens next year when Dickert is out of office and Freidel is still here for 3yrs? What a joke, tell me what this guy does? Matter of fact tell me what Dickert does? I smell more lawsuits coming our way with these people in charge.

  18. A leader would be raising hell about this mess, we see Professional Transit Management losing there contract.
    The Mayor however is far more interested in finding new ways to give his pals money, then to fix this issue. Are you not glad he is Mayor?

  19. Anon 10:12, here's the setup:

    Pseudo-mayor dickert tells the voters during his campaign that we can not afford a city administrator and that he will do his job and run the city.

    Pseudo-mayor dickert gets elected and one of the first things he does is to get the city council to approve hiring family member and friend Freidel as the (unaffordable) city administrator with a salary of $85,000.00 per year, with no less than a 6 year contract and a $45,000.00 severance package.

    After the approval, he hired family member and friend Freidel and immediately bumped his (still unaffordable) salary to $95,000.00 per year, plus expense benefits for a car, etc.

    And now you ask what Freidel's job is. It seems that it is to sit back with his feet up, twiddling his thumbs and counting his cash.

    I hope everyone who voted for dickert is truly satisfied with his performance. NOT!

  20. Lets not forget the PIO at 25K and his try at taking over CAR 25 with a former campaign worker (no one has even seen this film she made and I can not find any other candidate she took footage of)with a pay check of 40K for part time work.
    Bonus the Green Mayor wants to sell our water to cities outside the county. What a great mayor! Hey he can say he helps his pals

  21. Fire the management company, the mayor & the city administrator. Problem solved.

  22. Were any of the executives of Professional Transit Management at Dickert's fundraiser on Thursday?

  23. Come with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, the early 20th century, when it became oh, so fashionable for governments to “privatize” public services.

    Service sucked, the politicians pointed their fingers at the private entrepreneurs and denied any responsibility, while they collected their kickbacks through the backdoor.

    The system paid for many of our big city political machines, leading to further poor service and even more political corruption.

    It took the Progressives of the so-called Good Government movement many years to shut down these cozy deals that lined the politicians’ pockets but hurt the public.

    So, now, whenever you hear a politician mention how much better it is for “private enterprise” to solve public needs, while “saving money” by taking it “out of the budget,” just remember two things:

    1. Poor service
    2. Political corruption

    Oh, and you might want to remember Blackwater, too. See how well that worked out!

  24. Heard that Big John and the regional manager of PTM are old friends from Big Johns college days. Could explain why city hall doesn't care. I am sure the Teamsters will be stopping by to talk to the City Administrator first thing Monday morning. Expect the call.

  25. Racine soon to pass Chicago in corruption.
    Backroom deals
    No Bid Contracts to the connected

    Got to love it.

  26. After reading these comments I need to know if anyone making comments can read above a 3rd grade level. The contract is not with the city it is with a firm outside the city. That contract was signed before Dickert took office.

    A couple of minor points...Friedl has nothing to do with management of the buses, also who is the manager of the buses if you do not know who it is you are a liar and a fool.

    Yes, on Monday Dickert should be busy and find out what happened. He will be working while most of you will be home watching Jerry Springer.

  27. 6:09 Is that you Monty, sounds a lot like your BS ramblings?
    P.S. They are still City of Racine buses...!
    The ones who are ultimately responsible are within city hall.... period!!
    Signed Common sense!
    (Something most govt. does not have!)

  28. Now the top two city officials aren't reponsible for city contracts. Pretty stupid sounding since the money that pays for the service comes is in the city budget. You are the idiot in this bunch. He seemed pretty involved when he wanted to contract CAR25 to his pal. But, maybe that was my imagination. Tell him to make up his mind. Is he or isn't he responsible for the contracts that city hall enters into.

  29. Dickert should be on Jerry Springer with his special "Friends".

  30. 7:31

    America's most wanted

  31. Hey anon 6:42. No it is not Monte. Here is a a clue.

  32. anon 6:42 and anon 7:31. Dumb and Dumber.

  33. It is Dickert's man secretary working overtime. Maybe his reward will be another trip on our dime.

  34. wrong again...Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

  35. Next you quote MLK, please indicate it appropriately.

  36. One would think we hear from the Mayor on this if only a statement from Mr. Racine saying its being looked into. This must be one of the little things the mayor has no time for.

  37. Union Yes!

  38. I understand the city has hired this company to manage the 9.1 million dollar budget for Racine. If I hired someone to manage my money and they were not paying my bills, you bet it would be my problem and I would be at their door asking why my bills aren't getting paid before it's to late and all my money has been embezzled by the management company or one of their employees.
    I have no intention of sitting back and seeing what unfolds. I will be on the phone today to the city to ensure this issue is being looked at and taken care of. I think everyone should be calling to make sure something is being done. Give me the 9.1 million budget to manage and I assure you the pensions will be paid on time.

  39. Did the bus drivers lose coverage yesterday?
