
February 26, 2010

Fun with Google Analytics

We do our best to track traffic to RacinePost to gauge interest in stories and the site in general. Checking in with Google Analytics this morning, there are some cool stats about the site:

* In the last month, we've had visitors from 46 of the 50 states to our main page. The holdouts include: West Virginia, Vermont, Maine and Wyoming.

* We had 118 visitors from Europe, 49 from Asia, 3 from Africa and one from Australia.

* We had 31 visitors from Sweden, 33 from the UK and 34 from Germany.

* The three African visits came from Egypt.

* 30 visitors clicked on the site from Japan.

* Of course, Wisconsin was the main source of visits with just under 50,000 visits in the past month. About 35,000 of the visitors came from Racine County to the main page.

* Overall, we had about 55,000 visits to RacinePost's front page in the past month with visitors loading the page 150,000 times.

These numbers don't include traffic to our three blogs (, and, which more than double our traffic and bring in even more visitors from around the country and the world.

It's pretty cool to see how one little website can span the globe. Amazing times we're living in ...


  1. Great stats! Keep up the good work. Don't get discouraged by negativity. And, most importantly,for the readers, if you are on this site at least once a week -- support it with a subscription!

  2. A more important statistical picture is the number of page views per visitor and the length of stay.

    On a side note, if visitors believe 1/2 of what the bloggers say about Racine, we don't stand a chance in Hell of attracting business and visitors to our area.

  3. It's the Johnson Families fault (or George Bush's)

  4. While you are reaching farther around the globe, don't forget that some of your local supporters have become disheartened with the less than "Positively Racine" that you started with. This is apparent in both the articles you post and the blogs that anonymous posts. Pete and Dustin, we fell in love with the good thing you started but I feel you've veered off course a bit.

  5. Mary:

    They don't care. They've said that it if we don't like what they post, then we should go elsewhere, and it won't be missed. Their words, not mine.

    They built a readership on the concept of positive reporting, found profits through advertising once the readership was established, then decided to do whatever they wanted without any regard for the readers that supported them to this point.

  6. Pete and Dustin are "Positively Racine"

    They're as Racine as the:
    1) Raiders
    2) Journal Times
    3) Salmon-a-Rama
    4) That slightly alcohol-tinged cleaning agent you smell in most of the schools
    5) Alaa Rug
    6) Ricky's
    7) Evelyn's
    9) Sustainable Racine
    10) Hamzi's
    11) WRJN and WFNY
    12) Moonlight Bowling
    13) The VRC
    14) Q.A. Shakoor
    15) Captain Racine
    16) Case
    17) The West Racine Farmer's Market
    18) Brent Moss, Kevin Barry and Lee DeRamus
    19) A mutual distrust of roundabouts
    20) Orbs Corbs

  7. Sorry to burst your bubble. Most of those hits were from me. I've been traveling a lot.

  8. How many hits from the JT staff getting ideas for their paper?

  9. Mary is just unhappy because Dustin has started reporting on her buddy Dickert's screw ups.

  10. We should all be happy that someone can honestly report the news of this community in an objective manner and still be successful.

    That is truly something to celebrate!! I know alot of people just don't realize that the Journal Times is not objective in their reporting and in FACT without stories from print because it may upset either certain businesses in Racine or certain resident with the money to have power.

    Dustin and Pete have taken an alternative route which serves the public interest much better and what we can all celebrate is they are still achieving success.

    Dustin and Pete: Don't forget your roots. There is too many stories of others that after achieving success they forget what brought that to them. I see absolutely no signs of that now, but it is always important to keep that in the back of your mind.
