
February 8, 2010

DA Nieskes, Sheriff Carlson endorse Herrera for judge

It was a good day for Georgia Herrera's bid for the open Racine County Circuit Court seat. The local attorney received endorsements from District Attorney Mike Nieskes and Racine County Sheriff Bob Carlson.

Herrera is running against Gene Gasiorkiewicz for the judicial seat being vacated by retiring Stephen Simanek.

Here's Herrera's press release on the endorsement from Nieskes:
Racine County District Attorney Mike Nieskes has endorsed attorney Georgia Herrera for judge. She is running for the Circuit Court branch to be vacated by the retirement of Judge Stephen Simanek.

“As a former prosecutor, Georgia Herrera is the only candidate with extensive experience in our criminal courts. Georgia has successfully prosecuted crime in every criminal court in Racine County. We need Georgia on the bench, she will be tough and smart about crime in our community and our neighborhoods,” said Nieskes.
And the press release on Carlson's endorsement:
Racine County Sheriff Robert Carlson has endorsed attorney Georgia Herrera for judge. She is running for the Circuit Court branch to be vacated by the retirement of Judge Stephen Simanek.
Sheriff Carlson said “I have worked with Georgia as prosecutor and I know she will work hard to keep Racine County’s streets safe. Georgia Herrera’s extensive experience in our criminal courts is unmatched. We need Georgia on the bench.”


  1. Georgia Herrera would make a very good judge.

  2. now i'm confused. i was going to support georgia, but with nieskes' endorsement, i'm not so sure anymore.

  3. Herrera hasn't really practiced law in years! At least the other guy has been a REAL lawyer.

    Herrera is the local Democrat candidate. Gene is the Republican candidate.

  4. @9:34 BINGO, you hit it on the head.

  5. Gene, is not a republican He just is trying to look like one. Remember he is a ambalance chaser. He has opposed legislation that opposes medical malpractice caps.

  6. I have to agree, to have your name endorsed by Nieskes is NOT a good thing, seeing how the Racine County D.A.'s Office is extremely lenient on criminals. I have now switched my vote. Sorry Georgia.

  7. That was the kiss of death.

  8. If any of you missed the JT's interview of the 2 candidates, go back and take a look. Georgia could not answer one question. She had no ideas or solutions for any of the questions asked. It really was pathetic. - I actually felt sorry for her for how unqualifed she proved herself to be. On the other hand - Gene had clear consise answers.

  9. If Nieskes endorses Herrera it's defintely the other guy for me!

  10. I definitely will not vote for Georgia Herrera because she is being endorsed by Mike Nieskes. I agree his endorsement was the kiss of death for her. It also doesn't help she wasn't able to answer a question or know the issues.

  11. I strongly believe in the rule of law. I can not vote for anyone endorsed by Nieskes.

  12. The district attorney and sheriff have endorsed Ms. Herrera and all her opponent can do is attack her endorsements.

    I guess when you don't have any endorsements and only wish that you did, then the only option you have is to diminish their importance or attack the character of the individuals.

    Don't be fooled by Ms. Herrera's opponents tactics of smearing and dirty campaigning.

    All they have are lies when their candidate has no credible experience and zero endorsements from law enforcement.

    Ms. Herrera is the candidate of choice for law enforcement and the community!

  13. How could a judge be effective without the endorsement of those with whom she sees eye-to-eye as well as those with whom she disagrees? I think the endorsement is simply a clear recognition of the better candidate for judge. Herrera is it.

  14. Georgia has so much integrity and she is committed to hard work, her resilience to stay positive and focused and getting her message out is so apparent. Stay positive, stay focused. Only politicians become desperate and so very negative when they have no substance. Stand by and watch your opponent implode.

  15. Georgia will serve the community well as our next judge. Georgia's ability to stay focused and fair is evident day in and day out. Her relevant experience as a court commissioner, constitutional law instructor and attorney says it all! My vote is for Herrera!
