
February 8, 2010

City committee puts off vote on CAR25 contract; Consultant sees Racine TV as 'destination viewing'

The Finance and Personnel Committee tonight will consider paying an Emmy-nominated videographer $40,000 to work, on average, 20 hours a week over the next year rebuilding CAR 25.

Mayor John Dickert is recommending Sandy Petrykowski, vice president of Soura Films, be given the one-year deal to overhaul CAR 25, the city's cable-access TV station. Petrykowski has worked for ABC News, CNN, NPR, the Discovery Channel and National Geographic.

Read the proposed contract here. Petrykowski's duties, under the contract, include:

* Create a programming grid for CAR 25
* Oversee development, shooting and editing of programs to air on the station
* The videos will showcase the people, places and events going on in the city
* Submit recommendations for new CAR 25 equipment
* Develop and recommend new look, style and internet format for CAR 25
* Develop, produce, shoot and edit feature stories about matters of publicPet concern
* Make progress reports to the City Council and the Cable Access Commission

Petrykowski appears to have the chops for the job. Here's her own website listing her credentials, and here's a transcript of a report she did from Egypt for CNN.

If approved, Petrykowski would be paid $3,333 a month for 12 months. She would work a maximum of 1,040 hours under the contract (20 hours per week), and either she or the city can terminate the contract with 30 days notice.

If the city needs Petrykowski to work more than 1,040 hours the contract would need to be amended to included additional money.

Update: The Finance and Personnel Committee put off a vote on the contract Monday night to allow the city's Cable Commission to take a further look at the proposal.

The meeting drew a large crowd, which included Mayor John Dickert.

Alderman Michael Shields, who attacked the mayor's hire of a public information officer, again challenged Dickert's request. He questioned why the city appeared to be giving someone a contract without hearing specifics on what they do if they received the contract.

Paul Ancona, who presented the request, said he was confident Petrykowski would improve the station without sapping resources set aside for CAR25. He noted the station is in the process of hiring a part-time employee to work on CAR25, and is also planning to buy new equipment for the station. Petrykowski, working with CAR25's full-time employee Scott Nelson, would be the third piece in revamping the network.

The Finance and Personnel Committee voted to send the proposed contract back to the Cable Commission for further discussion. It will also be taken up by the City Council meeting as the Committee of the Whole.

Following the meeting, Petrykowski said her experience working at national and international networks qualified her to work on CAR25. One basic improvement would  be to create a programming grid so viewers can know when to tune in to watch a show.

"My hope is to make it destination viewing," she said.

Petrykowski added CAR25 has a real opportunity to fill a niche. Chicago and Milwaukee TV stations now serve the area with little attention to Racine. CAR25 is an opportunity for Racine to broadcast its own stories on TV and on the Internet. Petrykowski said her background working in TV around the world made her a good fit to create a high-quality Racine TV station.

"Telling a story is telling a story anywhere," Petrykowski added. "Production values are the same. A dedication to quality will go with you anywhere you go."


  1. Hope the first thing she recommends is a new name. Could never understand the connection. Otherwise she appears well qualified and the programming definitely needs the help of a professional.

  2. Real fair to the community mayor! What a loser this mayor is to not give the community a chance for a job! This disgusts & sickins me the way this local govt is operating! This woman worked on Dickert's campaign for mayor! This community should be outraged at this blatent show of favoritism!

  3. Hate to say this but many of the local producers at CAR 25 would do the job as outlined for free. Free is a good price using local producers who know the City have there own equitment for Free works for me.

  4. It's also important to note that this is the community channel and no one should be picking and choosing what is to air on this channel or what is good or bad! You sign up and your show goes on good or bad! I agree that this is wrong on so many levels! This mayor is out of his head!


  6. * Create a programming grid for CAR 25
    * Oversee development, shooting and editing of programs to air on the station

    Does that mean she get to say what goes on CAR 25 and when?
    If so be a direct vilation of the FCC rules for PEG Stations and the policies that CAR 25 has now.

  7. How is it that the Racine Post failed to mention that she worked on Mayor Dickert's campaign?

    Is that fact not worthy of public consumption?

  8. OK, the videos and webpage she has are amatuer at best. This channel has plenty of programming submitted by the community now. What makes sense is she worked on the mayor's campaign and is now being rewarded by the mayor. No one else selected her or even recommended the position. I can see the mayor's agenda is to control the media and try and get re-elected through CAR25. WHAT A SCAM! This channel belongs to the community of racine!

  9. "rebuilding CAR 25."

    What's broken? CAR 25 is ran by one guy ONE GUY for far less then 40K a year.
    Not only does he shoot programs for the city but also helps train new users of the Station.
    I think this is an insult to not only Mr. Nelson but the wide rage of those who donate time to provide programing FOR FREE.

  10. Like his predecessor, Mayor Dickert continues to reward his friends with our money. Corruption and cronyism at it's finest.

    Party on, lying John!

  11. The ENTIRE community of Racine should be outraged at this!

  12. You could probably get a group of interns from the University to do this for free.

    Dang in-the-box thinkers.

  13. Alert the feds.......Equal Employment For All! This mayor will get his ass handed to him!

  14. Sandy did not work on Mayor Dickert's campaign. She filmed ALL mayoral candidates for a documentary about the astonishing race last spring.

    Get your facts straight.

  15. 4:19
    BS! if he wanted her to quit the filming all he have to do is ask.

  16. Will She do a program on Mr. Racine

    40K+ 25K = 65k for PR for Dickert nice to be able to have the tax payers come up with the money for your reelection

  17. Racine should be excited to have someone with her qualifications. Pretty impressive resume that is probably unusual for around here.

    Even if this went up for bid, you'd have to believe she would win out hands-down.

    That being said, this could have all been avoided if they opened up the process and let Sandy stand out like she most certainly would have anyway. Mistake on the mayor's part and he is now dragging Sandy through the mud unnecessarily. This isn't her fault.

  18. anon 4:57p.m. - If Dickert even thinks about using any city employee to help with his re election (if he thinks he even has a chance, his ego is even worst than previously thought) would have his butt handed to him big time, that would be abuse of power, etc etc

  19. Any aldermen that ok this, you can kick your butt goodbye too when your time is up

  20. Why is this even necessary in Racine? There's bigger fish to fry here, quite frankly. We need "Wayne & Garth" shows from Racine? Let's move on to things that matter and that are important.


    And being nominated is a big thing?

  22. Sandy is a great person and professional. Her vast range of experience and integrity should serve the city well.

    I hope people will give her an honest chance to prove herself despite the hiring situation now unfolding. She is from this area and it is great to see someone from Racine be so successful as her impressive resume demonstrates. She's an inspiration to any aspiring filmakers in the area and we're lucky to have a chance at her services.

    I've actually watched some of the programs on Discovery and National Geographic that are mentioned on her website and it is cool to think that someone involved in those quality programs is from here! It is awesome and we're lucky to have her.

    Think of the mayor and the hiring process what you will, but give the Racine native a chance.

    Ryan Gleason

  23. Ryan Gleason first the Mayor hires a crony to be PIO for 25K a year then he not only wants to hire this campaign worker but whats to give her the power to say what can or can not go on CAR 25, to me clearly to be sure that CAR 25 becomes John Dickert is King.
    Being someone who works in and covers the industry I can tell you that to be nominated for an Emmy is nice but means little.
    Leave CAR 25 alone

  24. "create a programming grid so viewers can know when to tune in to watch a show."

    Takes about an hour and typing skills.

    "Chicago and Milwaukee TV stations now serve the area with little attention to Racine. CAR25 is an opportunity for Racine to broadcast its own stories on TV and on the Internet."

    Takes an upgrade of equipment

    Both we can do with out a crony

    And yet again we see the Post having a dog in the fight


    8:30 AM Tuesday

  26. "Following the meeting, Petrykowski said her experience working at national and international networks qualified her to work on CAR25."

    If this woman has such lofty creditionals, why is she going to be running a public access channel instead of continuing to work at one of those "national and international networks"?

  27. Our taxes area already high enough in the city. How about focusing on reducing the 15 percent unemployment rate in Racine instead of adding this and the Iraqi Information Minister Position. (AKA PIO)

  28. Gleason, if she is the best person, fine.

    We'll never know because the Mayor does not want to have an honest search.

  29. What a bunch of idiots! So you wanna market Racine to Racine? Also, CAR25 ALREADY HAS PROGRAMS ON AND ABOUT THE CITY OF RACINE! I come from West Allis and trust me that this channel is running at a great standard compared to other communities. It's great leave it alone and JUST SAY NO to a waste of money on a useless conssultant. Not to mention the mayor's self appointed person! What a sham!

  30. We already know where to go to watch Council meetings, and the other shows on CAR25. Destination viewing? HAHAAHA what a joke, they obviously have NO idea what cable access is all about! Once again, nice job Ald. Shields and the others who spoke out against this!

  31. For a city this size, CAR25 is one of the best public access channels around. The only way to 'overhaul' it would be to invest in new equipment, but CAR25 won't have any money left for equipment if this contract goes through. And isn't the equipment they have for the public to use (the contract says she will get training and use the station's equipment)? Plus, it says maximum number of hours, but no minimum? There are so many problems with this contract, and there should be huge concerns about an outside consultant controlling the programming schedule.

  32. I agree the CAR25 channel is a great looking channel for a city this size and could only improve by getting more locals to get involved and produce shows. If you ever want proof please watch Kenosha's Cable access channel and you will realize how great our community channel really is! This is a BAD idea and should be terminated as soon as possible! Thank your local officals who spoke out agasinst this wack idea of our so called mayor.

  33. $3,333.00/Month for 20 hrs a week! ENOUGH SAID! This is an outrage! The job is being done above and beyond currently. This is wasteful and irresponsible government spending, this is just plain wrong to even suggest such a thing! Dickert=Failure and cannot be trusted!

  34. Everything I've read so far mentions "maximum" hours. Is everyone assuming she'll work the maximum? I think not. She's probably aware it will be more like 400.

  35. Much of been said about Ald. Michael Shields over the years, but in recent weeks, he has shown himself to be an outstanding leader on the city Council.

    He is not intimidated by his colleagues and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.

    Wasting the taxpayer's dollars is not why the public elect city officials. The mayor often speak of Racine as being his town. It is obvious that he believes it to be true and that he can waste the voters money to reward his friends and cronies.
    We know about the mayor given his campaign manager a job in City Hall.
    We know that handing Thomas Friedel the city administrator job was to payoff him for not running against him in the next election.
    We also know about Mr. Racine hiring was a reward for supporting Dickert during his previous campaign.
    What we do not know is how many other back-door-deals have been made as handed-out to his friends.

  36. The process has been flawed for sure, but Sandy is a great choice for this role. Have some vision people!

    Certainly, you don't have to like the Mayor or Car 25 or the process, but will any of you actually show up in the election process, other than on a blog with other small minded people.

    Give her a chance. 40K for 80,000 people is like $2 per person per year, if there is no other sources of funding. Get over yourself.

  37. I would like to ask all of the members of council a few questions:
    1) Was not 40K set aside in the budget to pay 2 part time employees?
    2) Do we, as a city feel that Chris Nelson is, and has been doing a bad job with CAR25?
    3) Is this another one of John Dickerts pet projects?
    4) Have we given Chris an opportunity to prove himself with the same deal?

    It is sad to see that a man who ran on a set of princibles, which got him elected, has forgotten about those who elected him!

    Give the young man,, who has been working his rear end off to make CAR25 a reality, the money not an over priced camera lady with ties to "The Dickert Campaign"

  38. Let's settle this by appointing a unemployed union and NAACP endorsed worker that lacks any broadcast experience to the position.

  39. How about putting it out to bid?

  40. Heather in Caledonia2/09/2010 8:31 AM

    Anon 6:20, it doesn't matter that each person is only paying her $2 for her to do this. We could all pay her $.50 each, but if the job is not needed and the money could be used better elsewhere, it's still a waste. I would have contacted Gateway to see if they could work on this project as a learning experience for their students. The fellow running the channel now could manage the project with Gateway. I really don't see why we need to hire someone for this large amount of money to only work part time on our cable access channel. I'm all for using some of that money to improve their equipment.

  41. "Heather in Caledonia" you are 100% correct!

  42. Heather a plan being talked about by the Commission is to use MATC TV Production program. Yes your is a good idea

  43. My husband and I have had many visits to CAR25 in the past, the young man working there has been a pleaseure to work with and he does a tremendous job. The channel looks great now and this would be a waste of money. The photos clearly show this lady working on the Dickert campaign. If we have to vote on anything, vote on Dickert being removed from office on ethics! Dickert you are toast!

  44. Hera ya go.

  45. I'd be willing to wager that most of these comments have come from Wayne Clingman aka Colt aka Green Racine aka Storm Racine aka John Ringo

    Grow some balls and just put your name on this stuff Wayne. Seriously.

  46. Ummm...really? So let me ask WHO would support paying $3,333.00 a month for a part time employee?!! You've got to be out of your f-in mind!

  47. Petrykowski's website is a cheap iweb site. I could go on, but seriously you guys, you know nothing about marketing or film production so your accolades aren't the end all here.

  48. Aldermen, pay special attention to the residents of this city. If you vote for this, you can say "na na na na, goodbye"!

  49. Wait a minute. Isn't the entire point of these local cable stations to have local people create content as well as showing city council meetings and such? If this person is hired, how does this effect the local content currently on CAR25?

    Honestly, this reeks of a government takeover of a private-public entity for PR (propaganda) purposes.

  50. Reminder:

    One should always consider the source of a "comment" when reading Racine Post. Even more so when the source of the content is from someone Anonymous. Even this comment if you so choose.

    This comment is still valid, however, as it refers to no subject other than this reminder.

  51. The ironic part of this is all of the concerned and outraged local citizens who post, like I do, under "Anonymous". This might be a lot more interesting if we could actually see who the 4 people sitting in their basements all upset are.

  52. I don't know this person, but her previous work looks solid. This could be a unique opportunity to significantly advance the city's cable operation, and the price is pretty good for this kind of work.

    Now, my concern with the city's new pr guy is that the price seems too low for the work.

  53. anon 6:39 -

    His name is SCOTT, not Chris. Just how much else DON'T you know about this?

  54. Listen, if you think 40k For a part time job is worth while for this you should have your head examined! What's even more disturbing is our so called mayor thinks this is good idea! What a bunch of crap this is!

  55. "Mr. Johnnie Boy Dickert believes that a $40,000.00/year for a part time job, based on her qualifications is acceptable. Yet he also believes that $8/hour jobs are good for Racine. See it is simple folks his admin. has made their focus to pay off friends and screw the constituants! Can't wait until 2011.

  56. Chris does a good job

  57. But kelly does a better job

    kelly 4 congress

  58. This woman is personal friends with the mayor and his office. This is corrupt and unfair to the people of Racine!

  59. We all know what happened to the last mayor who had friends like this and it cost the city a boatload.

  60. You must be pretty board to watch Car25 -

  61. Bored - that is!

  62. Our recommendations are to reallocate a portion of the 2010 budget line item under Professional Services (currently set for $40,000, which is more than 1/3 of the total budget) to address the immediate equipment needs for the channel (estimated $15,000), to hire a part-time assistant to help with day-to-day duties that a contractor cannot legally fulfill (estimated $9.600), and to establish a clear outline of deliverables, responsibilities and timelines for any consulting or outside programming production (remaining amount). This will allow for more accountability and transparency, while serving both the public and government needs. Currently CAR25 handles all productions (within time and budget constraints) for the City and all departments from Police & Fire to Health & Human Services, however the consultant would allow for additional programming that would serve our city and its departments.

    Our only concerns are the lack of funding in the 2010 for the much-needed equipment (the additional 5% of the franchise fee was instead allocated to professional services), and for the disappointing results of a similar past outsourced project. As you may know, a couple of years ago, the City of Racine hired consultants to produce videos highlighting Racine. This money (approx $25,000) was not allocated from the CAR25 budget. The videos produced were barely used, and quickly became outdated. We want to make sure that any production developed by outside consultants has greater longevity than this past project, and fits within the budget and needs of CAR25. Any projects related to photography, film, and production must have clear inputs and outputs, and adhere to strict policies regarding rights to coding, content and intellectual property. Each project should have its own budget and timeline, and will need to be managed closely. We recommend a budget of $15,000-$20,000 for 2010 consulting/programming, broken up into several main projects, which one or more could be open to multiple bids, and if these projects are more successful than the past project, we can potentially allocate more to consulting & programming for ongoing projects in 2011 and beyond.

  63. Hard to argue that, sounds like a responsible way to handle things! Good Job!

  64. needs Car25 - I never watch the crap that is on there. The woop woop de do program is pitiful.
