
February 22, 2010

City lands $1.2 million housing grant; Press release lauds mayor's 'aggressive approach'

The first press release from the city's new public information officer applauds Mayor John Dickert's "aggressive approach in Madison and Washington D.C." for securing an additional $1.2 million to fix up homes in Racine's neighborhood.

The statement from PIO Mark Eickhorst says Racine will receive an additional $1.2 million in Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds. The Department of City Development applied for the grant in January to purchase and refurbish 10 abandoned city homes.

Along with announcing the $1.2 million in grant money, the press release also alluded to additional money coming into the city and a new initiative to bring jobs to Racine.

Eickhorst also announced a press conference Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the Mayor's office to announce the job creation proposal.

Here's the full press release:
Mayor John Dickert’s Efforts Providing Return on Investment
RACINE – Mayor John Dickert’s aggressive approach in Madison and Washington D.C. has begun to payoff for the City of Racine.
The City of Racine has just announced an additional $1.2 million in NSP funds as a result of the Mayor’s aggressive approach to State and Federal funding.
“I promised the people of Racine that I would keep knocking on the doors of government until I received the funds needed to rebuild our city and those efforts have paid off,” said Dickert.
The City’s work to coordinate their housing programs for efficiency and to create a target area is what helped win the award. That, coupled with the work being done by The Department of City Development is definitely producing a return on investment.
On Tuesday, the Mayor will announce details on additional funding as well as a new initiative to bring jobs back to Racine workers.


  1. Give it up Ike....

  2. Go PIO office go.
    Have you paid your taxes yet?

  3. Oh gawd.....more talk!

  4. Did the $95,000 per year Grant Coordinator help or is the PIO also the grant coordinator now? Wait, aren't these houses a corridor issue? Or, in addition to a Corridor Expert, is there also a POS Expert?

  5. These things are not new, they happen all the time. It's how this local govt chooses to use the funds,is the real issue. This local govt has shown NO common sense or community thinking since Dickert has been in office, this is more of the same and will be in-effective, just watch!

  6. The only way the Mayor creates jobs is by hiring family into newly created government positions. That is the one thing he isn't lying about, "Job Creation." Now go and create some for the rest of us.

  7. Now that there is a PR guy, when will the 10 year plan be the subject of a press release? If I worked at the local newspaper, or let's say, the blog that kicks their @ss - then maybe I'd ask the question at the press conference.

    Just sayin'

  8. I guess I'd like to know why they are having Mr. Racine make this announcement. Seriously, is it not ridiculous to have this many layers between the Mayor and the people? Why shouldn't an announcement like this come from the Mayor or City Admin themselves?

    This is beginning to remind me very much of George Orwell's book Animal Farm!

  9. Anti-Dickert2/23/2010 7:04 AM

    1.2 Million is an awful lot of $40k positions for friends and campaign workers! "Johnnie Boy" although you try you are done in 2011.

  10. Might he take questions tonight like:
    Mr PIO have you paid your back taxes yet?

    With higher taxes coming this way do you still think any jobs are coming to Racine if so please quit drinking

    How can the Mayor call himself Green and also want to sell water from Lake Michigan

    How does the Mayor plan to buy off those who might run for Mayor?

    Does the City have the funds to buy them all off? If not what Fee will be started to fund that?

    Has the Emmy dominated friend I mean Campaign worker I mean ... left town yet now that her 40K a year part time job went away?

  11. Does anyone know why Mayor Dickert was fired from Coldwell Banker when he was a real estate agent? I think I know the answer.

  12. Listen, Dickert and friends have already proven themselves to be non trust worthy, this is an attempt to pull the wool over peoples eyes once again. This has NO TEETH what so ever, do something that really matters Dickert, outside of giving all your friends jobs!

  13. How you gonna rebuild this city? Splash pads in the hood? Knock down a couple houses in the hood? More recycle carts? A few more jobs for your buddys? C'mon folks this guy is all a sham! sorry!

  14. I thought this was the PIO for the city.

    This press release reads like a pro Dickert campaign advertisement.

    If this is the style of what Eickhorst will release he should be paid our of Dickert campaign funds, not taxpayer monies.

  15. The press conference will go something like this: I will be creating jobs in Racine with TAXPAYER dollars. These jobs will be to tear down 10 ghetto houses and rebuild them with YOUR TAXPAYER dollars. Oh, and did I mention I'm a relator? I'll first give jobs to my friends and family and then maybe one or two of you losers can get a 8 dollar and hour job for 6 months. Ain't I great! LOSER! The people have figured you out!

  16. City of Racine Realty Co., Inc., John Dickert, CEO. We take your money and speculate in real estate with it. Party on, lying John.

  17. Nothing sustainable here, Let's see who asks the tough questions of these fools! Let's remember the last time Dickert had a press conference to take credit for giving our land away for free, to a convicted racist, who has potential to create 6 jobs for felons over the next three years! This leadership blows, we the people of Racine deserve better and I'm embarressed by this administration.

  18. Would Eickhorst say Dickert's a jerk? He's just another puppet and got the job because of payback. It's not jobs, it's tax monies that WE pay. Going to fix the ghetto? The houses will be trashed in no time. Waste..Waste..Waste.

  19. You mean to tell me that nobody at city hall could write this? Seriously, we hired someone to do this? Our government workers are so incompetent that this task was above their capacity I guess. What was it like five paragraphs?

    It reads more like campaign propaganda. No wonder Mayor Ert hired him.

  20. Wow, Dickert has been mayor a year and he got Racine $1.2 million, in federal money, when they are giving away stimulus money like it is going out of style. Boy, I am glad we all voted for this guy who has a hotline to the white house.

  21. OBTW... I wonder if he loves himself anymore now? Self praise, how he saved the city, etc. I bet the jerk kisses his mug in the mirror in the morning.

  22. "Mayor John Dickert’s aggressive approach ... has begun to payoff ..." Excuse me, but shouldn't that be two words -- pay off -- not one? One would expect a government communications professional to know the difference. Similarly, why capital letters when referring to "State and Federal funding"? And in the next two sentences, Racine is referred to both as "our city" (lower case) and "The City's work" (upper case). There are other errors in syntax and grammar ... but I guess I'm being too picky here, expecting that government flacks know how to use the language, a style guide, or the grammar check built into almost all word processing programs. Just MHO ...

  23. @4:19.. Have you and Dickert boy been sleeping together, and or smoking together? The man is an idiot. He's the cancer of Racine, him and most of our aldermen. The key word is CORRUPTION! Any pea brain like yourself should see it.

  24. Anon 419 pm

    All valid points, this isn't close to polished. Are we supposed to guess what NSP means if we didnt have the Post story that tells us that? Why didnt Dickert hire the ex-Iraqi Information Minister?

  25. The housing market is DEAD! This is a dumb idea, spend the money to rehab hood houses?! Get real, I want accountability for this when it fails to produce!

  26. BAHAHAA I just saw this sham on FOX6 news, HAAHHAA so we are spending 1.2 million to try and fix the ghetto up! Hahaha, you can never take the ghetto out of the ghetto! Hahahah

  27. "It's Good To Be The King"

  28. Mayor Dickert still does not have anyone on his staff that can write a press release!
