
February 21, 2010

Based on past cases, Becker may not go to prison on sex sting charges

Think Gary Becker will get a long prison sentence? Think again. He may not go to prison at all.

That's the finding of the Journal Times' review of 27 cases similar to Becker's over the past 11 years. Most men (and it's all men) arrested in Internet sex stings served no time in prison, according to the JT. Only seven of 27 people caught by state agents posing as minors went to prison; of those seven, six were given sentences of three years or less in prison. (See the JT's chart here.)

Most people convicted in the Internet sex stings - 75 percent in Racine County - received a lengthy probation sentence with the potential to go to prison if they fail to follow rules set by the court, according to the JT.

What's this mean for Becker, who is scheduled to be sentenced on March 3? Odds are good he could avoid a prison sentence all together, But if he does go to prison, he'll likely spend less than two years there (with time off for good behavior).


  1. Being the mayor is even MORE of a reason to be sentenced more heavily. He was in a position of authority, responsibility, and looked to some as a role model. Anything less that five years behind bars will not reflect well with Racinians. This could have been any of our daughters. Who knows hwo many times he had done this and never got caught either.

  2. "Odds are good he could avoid a prison sentence all together"

    Gee, last time you talked about this, Dustin, you were pretty sure he would serve some time. It's obvious now, though, isn't it? Becker didn't seek a change of venue because Simanek is his buddy and retiring. Becker pled guilty only to the charges that have no minimum sentencing requirements.

    The good old boy system works well. Connected cronies do not serve time for their crimes. Party on!

  3. "Don't be surprised if there is no prison time."
    My quote from a past story in December.

  4. When he walks, please talk to Karen Carnabucci or some other mental health professional and get their take on how this affects Racine as a whole. What does it do to a community when their "leader" commits a crime as sick and savage as child molestation, then walks free? We used to have scapegoats and sin eaters to ease out collective psyches. How do we swallow this and still call ourselves "civilized"?

  5. How long before he gets a no bid contract from the Mayor?

  6. Becker for CAR 25 consultant!

  7. Orb (or is it Corbs?) says: "What does it do to a community when their "leader" commits a crime as sick and savage as child molestation, then walks free?

    Let's not forget one important point: THERE WAS NO CHILD MOLESTATION!

    Just an entrapping DCI agent.

    Yes, Becker admits some intent. And he had, we're told, child porn on a computer. Let all of you without sin cast the first stone.

    Law enforcement has a disturbing record of winning all these cases in which, let's say it again, there is NO CHILD involved. None at all. We're damn close to the future predicted in the movie Minority Report, when people were convicted of crimes they hadn't yet committed. Of course law enforcement wins these cases -- it sets up all the rules and runs the court system!

    Whatever Becker is, he is not "at leader who committed a crime as savage as child molestation."

    And, no, I am not Becker, nor related to him, nor a friend of his, nor a member of the city council, nor connected in any way. Nor am I a pervert, a child molester, a collector or user of child porn or any of those other labels you Anons love to throw around when anyone disagrees with you.

  8. ummm, no prison, there's street justice too.

  9. "D"

    He "believed" as if he was dealing with a 14 year old. Read the transcripts.
    He plead guilty to the crimes. IE he was planing to had sex with a child.

    Side Bar come to the River View area and see the men in their 30's and 40's get the young girls with child and when you call the county to try and get help from social services its not coming.

  10. Let's not forget there were pictures of minor children on his computer, too. But those must have been state agents, too, right? And it was state agents who said they prefer hairless pubes in the online chat, too, right?

    WTF is this "those without sin cast the first stone BS"? My sins DO NOT include preying on children. If yours do, then you're a PIG, too.

    I suppose we should set murderers free, too, because we are all with "sin"? You perverts are disgusting. The next line we'll here from you is that the children are "asking for it." You sad, sick little man.

    Is that you, Pete?

  11. And let's not forget that he was doing this for years, but got caught only once.

  12. HA, that didn't take long!

    Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much...

  13. LOL. Look who's talking.

    Becker has already pled guilty. Even he adnits he did it. What's your problem?

  14. "Let all of you without sin cast the first stone."
    What the??? I can in all honesty say I am not guilty of the "sin" of lusting after children. Anyone who condones this is just plain SICK themselves.

  15. I think someone needs to check Demosthene's computer and internet records.

  16. OrbsCorbs..

    I thought better of you than to resort to unneccessary name calling. The points made by Demo are correct like it or not. I am also not a fan or friend of Becker and agree that his actions are reprehensable, but i am also no fan of the ignorant.

  17. D,

    Thank God for the agents that so called "entrapped" him. Think what would have or could have heppened. 14 YEARS OLD! That is what the police are for, preventing crime too. Let this send a message to all thos eother sickos. Also, this was no average joe. THIS WAS OUT MAYOR who is to be held to higher stanards. It comes with the job that HE wanted, not just GIVEN to him.

  18. Can we send Dickert to prison and bring Becker back to city hall. I am afraid that Becker's current criminal record will pale in comparison to Dickert's future criminal record. Truth being that they are both scum and should be placed on a remote island by themselves without internet service and cocktail waitresses. Maybe they can reaquaint themselves as friends.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. It will be like in the movie "Judge Dredd" with Sly Stalone. They will honor the out-going judge wishes, who is retiring.

  21. Becker drove to Brookfield Square BELIEVING he was meeting a teenage girl. The fact there was no actual girl is irrelevant.

  22. Being a curious dude I was wondering what the statistics are to support the stings of individuals over the past 10-20 years. Are the stings keeping predators from attacking or are they just entrapping the curious lot?

  23. Being a closet pedo I was wondering what the statistics are to support the stings of individuals over the past 10-20 years. Are the stings keeping predators from attacking or are they just entrapping the closet pedos?

  24. Pete and Dustin - I'd try and track who 8:26 is if I were you - if he considers himself as a closet pedo, someone should be looking after him.

  25. No matter how much you try to convince yourself and others that lusting after children is normal, it is not. You may have child porn on your computer, but the fact is that most people do not. I feel sorry for you that you feel the need to justify such a compulsion by calling curiosity. Please seek help before you damage more children and destroy yourself and your family, if you have one. Mr. Becker should be an object lesson to you.

  26. "Let's not forget one important point: THERE WAS NO CHILD MOLESTATION!"

    THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN child molestation if there would have been a 14 year old girl at the mall that he deliberately drove to. He admitted his intent upon arrest.

    The chat dialogue itself was child abuse. Did you read it?
