
January 9, 2010

Racine's Old Navy closing Jan. 26; Good deals until then

Racine's Old Navy is closing Jan. 26, according to the store.

The clothing store, owned by the Gap, is located at 2380 South Green Bay Road in Racine. The store is the shopping plaza near Pick N Save and TJ Maxx.

Gap Inc's website said the company is closing 30 Old Navy stores in fiscal year 2009, which ends this month.

The Old Navys in Gaylord, Mich., Council Bluffs, Neb., Wythe County, Va., and San Angelo, Texas are also closing on Jan. 26.
By Sunday afternoon, the shelves were picked pretty clean


  1. Oh, but a gas station/restaurant will make all the difference in jobs for Racine. Bottom line: Racine's "economy" sucks. Nothing good here lasts - we are constantly forced out to shop in Kenosha or Milwaukee. Any new restaurant here is usually closed within a year. This just makes me annoyed.

  2. I thought our savior was supposed to BRING jobs into this city in decline. I don't drink, but I am going to get drunk and celebrate when Dickert loses the next election.

  3. I'm really sad. I like that store.

  4. Yeah no kidding, Dickert as mayor is a failure, this guy loses this city more jobs then he gains that's for sure! He has done NOTHING since being elected and continues to do NOTHING, with the exception of raising our taxes and spending on the most out of touch issues. Glad this term was only for 2 years and not 4!

  5. Sorry to burst your negative bubble, but if you talk to people outside Racine my guess is that they will tell you this stuff is happening in their town too.

    When this economic down turn is looked at historically after the impact of all Washington spending and failed programs are known this will likely be called a depression not recession. Racine is reflecting what almost all other communities are experiencing.

  6. Not to stick up for mayor dickert, but this store is not in the city of Racine and the mayor has nothing to do with stores being closed by their corporate office!

  7. The Mayor has nothing to do with this. Retail is down all over the place. This one is squarely on the people. If that store were doing well, it would stay.

    We never should have let all the this retail overbuilding happen in the first place. "Market forces" have left a parade of empty ugly buildings.

  8. "Nothing good here lasts - we are constantly forced out to shop in Kenosha or Milwaukee."

    You are not forced to shop anywhere. Cry for Old Navy if you must, but there are still plenty of places in the area to buy cheaply made crap.

  9. This topic aside, what exactly has Dickert done for this city to date other than raise our taxes, trim trees along the river and serve Illinois boaters free appetizers??

    You Dickert lovers must feel foolish by now. LMAO (although it's really not funny).

  10. not to burst anyone's bubble but the Old Navy store is indeed in the City of Racine and not Mount Pleasant as many think it is. The City of Racine annexed that property years ago from the "Town of Mount Pleasant"

  11. More and more I see the Dickert Trolls on here trying to protect their master John "Wheres the money" Dickert. Wait until the election Trolls you will not be able to keep up.

  12. On a positive note Racine had 104 patents issued in 2009 to companies/people. Jwax:60 Modine:13 Ruud:11 Others:20 and Kenosha 21 - Snapon:20 Others:1

  13. And Dickert trying very hard to enrich more cronies.

  14. If the economy is bad this thread has more to do with that loser ex-president bush than any figurehead mayor. They only way a mayor makes a difference is who they take golfing. Any mayor of Racine couldn't get much than dinner reservations, if even that. People here waste their time taking their small thoughts to seriously.

  15. What's a Dickert troll. Sounds creepy. Trolls and cronies oh my. Didn't realize this blog was just for conservatives critical whiners. Did your pacifers all fallout?

  16. Maybe Dickert could buy some stuff for his family members while it is still on sale. Oh, I forgot, they have good jobs working for the city of Racine now that John is Mayor, they don't wear clearance clothes anymore.

  17. Dickert=Failure.

  18. I might have to check again, but I don't recall seeing this in the 10 year plan. Time to audible.

  19. 75% off at Old Navy is after the clerks have stolen all of the good stuff worth if there is any in this store worth having. A lot of the merchandise is cheaply made and like an earlier blogger said, you can go elsewhere and get this cheap crap.

  20. Conerning the 2 comments on cheap clothes/trash: Unless you're shopping at Saks or Nordstrom's, etc., down in Chicago, it's ALL cheap crap these days, even the stuff at Boston Store and Kohl's. It's all made in China or somewhere in the Pacific East and it all falls apart. So don't be making people who complain about Old Navy moving out feel bad, as if they should be patronizing the one store in downtown that sells clothes, as if they're snubbing the one clothing business in town that's independently run. The clothes in that store aren't top notch quality either; all imported ethnic junk. It's all the same. The point is that there's now less selection and places out there to shop in Racine, at a reasonable price.

    I also agree that Dickert has nothing to do with this. Duh. Learn something about business people. What did this is a legacy of blue-collar workers in this town demanding more and more union jobs and failing - leaving behind NO JOBS and depression and poor lifestyles that can't afford to shop.

  21. That's right, American workers caused the recession! That's why taxpayers have to keep giving billions of dollars to AIG and banks and investment firms to party on - because the workers took it all. Poor, famished, emaciated CEOs wandering the streets with their investment portfolios all in tatters . . . makes me want to cry.

  22. I know the economy is being destroyed by your looser currant messiah barack husein obama. He has put the US tax payer 10 times more in dept than President Bush.
    So go bow down to your Marxist messiah. Go lick the hand that feeds you puppy and be content with what you get.
    As far as Old Navy goes, this time it's not J.D's fault but he still has to go.

  23. Orbs - I'm not talking about American workers. I'm talking about the microcosm of Racine where union bullsh*t has caused the downfall of this town. When good companies pull out because they can't afford to pay people anymore, it leaves behind people who can't afford to shop anywhere, including Old Navy.

  24. I bought a faux-football at Old Navy in one of their "Impulse Buyer" bins by the checkout. It was like $6. Normally I wouldn't get sucked into Impulse Buying (<--- slight lie), but this one was black with printed police tape on it that said "Caution - Extreme Awesomeness". To me, well worth $6. If anyone wants to see a picture of it, let me know and I'll email you one.

    Also, I wonder who gets the "point" of this comment/post...? :)

    Have a nice day!

  25. 2 things: 1. Brad, can you send me a pic of that football? I'd love one. 2. Anything posted as Anonymous means nothing. Have some courage, put your name to your convictions or shut up.

    Really Brad, that Football sounds cool!

  26. Dan M. (if that's your REAL name)

    I would love to send you a picture of the football. Please provide an email address and any file attachment size limitations you may have.

  27. Emily Breiwick1/11/2010 1:23 PM

    Council Bluffs is in Iowa, not Nebraska. Just sayin'...

  28. McReynolds = Joke

  29. If McReynold's = Joke, then it's not funny. And if it's not funny, it shouldn't by definition be "= Joke"


    "Why did the Monkey Cross the Road?
    Because it was stapled to the Chicken!" = Joke!


  30. Dan M. :

    Are you being serious?? You think that because you post your opinion in here with a screen name of "Dan M." that you are not in a sense anonymous?? Are you wacky or something?? Stupid people like you have ruined this city. Do you work for Dickert by chance?

    I see stupid people, I see stupid people everywhere.......Jeesh!!!!


    Joe Smith

  31. I'm a tough guy, I put my first name and the first letter of my last name so that I'm not anonymous when I post stupid comments. What a TARD!!!

  32. I think it is rather obvious that there are some trolls on this blog that will slam Racine's mayor for anything and everything.

    Old Navy had cheap stuff. They didn't do well. I think their property loss meaning items missing was quite high. Old Navy closing has nothing to do with who is in office. Most of the rational public realize this and your little blogs on Dickert are worn out. No I don't know the man but I am mature enough to realize that it isn't his fault.

    Sam's Club is closing some stores, who can we blame for that?

    GM Plant in Janesville has a faint glimmer of hope due to AMERICANS BUYING AMERICAN. What does that tell you. It should tell you alot.

  33. Most of you are idiots. Although I'm not a Dickert fan, but he has absolutely no control over major box stores closing. Those closing are determined by the bottom line. They don't give a rats ass what a mayor has to say. And if you are going to blame it on unemployment thank your president. Remember he said the unemployment level would not hit 10% - I guess he's never heard of Racine.

  34. Graham Sotherby1/14/2010 9:22 AM

    If I told you what I REALLY think of Dickert I could probably be jailed for it. However, I must agree that he has nothing to do with Old Navy closing. If it was just this store closing based on Dickert's policies, I'd be the first one to stand up and yell about it, but there are several stores closing nationwide and that can't be laid at John's feet.

    On the other hand, we did lose Sam's Club under the reign of Becker. I understand that re-zoning had a lot to do with that (which is more hearsay than fact, I am unsure of it). But, if that is true, then that can be blamed on our city council, previous pedo-mayor and zoning board. I have never lived anywhere in my 60+ years that is as unfriendly toward business as this town is. Then, I've never lived anywhere that has as many socialists, liberals and fascists in it as this town does, either.

    And, Dan M., just exactly how does this moniker not qualify as anonymous? How about putting your last name out there? Many of you know me as “Graham,” but many of you know me personally as Graham Sotherby, which I did use on this blog site for some time, I just shortened it to my first name once I became an established respondent on the site.

    That aside, in response to the “depression” insinuation, I think it’s more a fact than an insinuation. Here we have a prior president who failed miserably in his second term (Bush) and started this corporate welfare program by providing $787 billion to bail out the mortgage industry after it failed from being forced, by a liberal congress, to make home loans to people who they knew could not keep up the payments. Thanks Bill and George for allowing THAT to happen. Then comes this two-faced, Marxist, socialist steamroller (Obama) whose sum total of government experience is only 150 DAYS in the Illinois legislature, gets nominated and wins the presidency, has in only 10 months added another $3 TRILLION to the debt. My God!, even a headline in this morning’s JT sites, “December budget deficit sets record." People like Obama, Lehman, Mason, Doyle, Dickert and our city council keep spending us into a hole with money they haven’t got, and idiots like the Dickert Trolls, and other “anonymous” lefties, continue to support them. Give me, and all the sane people left in this town, a break!

  35. Lets face facts, Racine is nothing but a giant ghetto. While its true that the economy sucks all over the country, here in Racine theres always crying over no jobs. But when jobs are offered there are way way too many that would rather be on assistance. Its way too easy to get assistance in Wisconsin, you hear how broke people are but how do they always seem to have money for liquor, cigarettes & pot? You've got the same people who are always begging for money downtown & what do they do with it? Go straight to the liquor store. Jobs are out there if you really want one, you just have to be willing to commute. Which is another problem, if they ever get the KRM line running then it would open up more opportunities for jobs. I'm glad I'm moving to Chicago, great paying job, can get to anywhere 24/7 and get more for my dollar then in Racine. Good Luck to you Racine, hope things turn around for you in the near future"
