
January 6, 2010

'The Packers saved my life,' says Jim Becker

UPDATE, 3/13/10: And we have a winner! The AP's story is here... although it's pretty much a rehash of ours, below, with, of course, the added information that Racine's Jim Becker was today elected to the Green Bay Packers Fan Hall of Fame! More than 40,000 votes were cast in the competition. Congratulations to a super Green Bay fan!

Original story:

Voting is underway to choose the 12th member of the Green Bay Packers Fan Hall of Fame -- and Racine's Jim Becker is among the ten finalists. The Packers were the first professional football team to establish a Fan Hall of Fame, something they did in 1998.

Only one of this year's finalists says the Packers saved his life -- and that one is Racine's Jim Becker!

Here's Jim's story:
Jim's father took him to his first Packers game when he was 11 years old. It was a exhibition game in Kenosha in 1941 and the seed was planted.

When Jim returned from serving in the Army during the Korean War, he started going to see every game he could. He became a "Milwaukee" season ticket holder, and has attended games every year from 1952 until last year. This year was the first year he hasn't gone because of difficulty walking and standing brought on by frostbite incurred during the war.

Jim is now 79. Along with his wife, Patricia, he raised 11 children (all Packer Fans).

Needless to say, money was tight; Jim had season tickets to pay for, but he wouldn't take money away from the family. So he found out he could sell his blood for $15 a pint. Problem solved.

Now you might be asking, " So how did the Packers save his life." During a routine physical by his employer, Jim had to fill out a questionnaire with his family's medical history. The doctor noticed that Jim's father died at age 43, of hemochromatosis.

Jim had to be tested. He had it. What is it? It is a condition that retains excessive amounts of iron in your blood. The only treatment is to remove the iron by giving blood. By then, Jim had sold 145 pints of blood to pay for his season tickets. If he hadn't, he very well might have died like his father. "His love of the Packers saved his life."

To this day, Jim still donates 3-4 times a month. Jim has attended 206 games; he's kept records of the date, score and highlights of each game. He has been to three world championships. He also has been to the three coldest games on record, including the "Ice Bowl" where, after the game, he and a friend went down to the 50-yard line and drank a toast to the Packers. If that wasn't enough, he is in the picture of the fans at "Ice Bowl" in the Hall of Fame.

Jim has passed on his love of the Packers to all his children. They will be the first to tell you that when the Packers were on TV (the sound turned down on the TV and the game tuned into the radio) that if you had to go between Dad and the game you had to crawl on your belly as to not block his view. He took great pleasure in being responsible for taking a lot of people to their first game. He has made the Packers a family tradition. He is a deserving choice for the Packer Fan Hall of Fame.
To read all ten nominees' stories, (and then to vote online for Jim!) go HERE. You can also text your vote; instructions for that are HERE. The deadline is midnight, Jan. 31. The winner will be announced at Packer Fan Fest on March 12.

The honoree will receive four club seats to a 2010 Packers home game, a $500 pro shop gift certificate, a road trip for two to an away game, including game ticket, air fare and hotel. And, the winners name will be permanently displayed in the Packers Hall of Fame.


  1. Jim Becker is a lifelong Racine resident, graduate of St. Catherine's High School, Korean War Veteran and father of 11.
    Please vote daily at and/or text daily "fan01" to 74974

  2. This is a nice story - but you know what, there is more to life than the Packers. I am amazed how some people's whole life revolves around a game. Instead of living someone elses life (Packer players) get off your butt do something yourself. Take a walk, jog, ski, play basketball, golf, bowling - anything that improves your being, your self worth not someone elses. Sitting on the couch drinking a beer and living someone elses life on the tube is a depressing thought.

  3. I'd agree professional sports and their fans are in a sorry state these days and someone having a litter of kids should be fixed as the world could use less population but at least they guy didn't raise a bunch or crack addicts or worse yet waste all their time reading and posting uneducated wingnut comments on some random guys blog turned news source like we do.

  4. The story is about Packer fans, not about the thousands of other things guys like Jim do with the rest of their time. Jim is a loyal fan, yes, but he is also one of the kindest and best men you'd ever want to meet. He and his wife have welcomed me into their home when I had nowhere else to go more than one Christmas, and they barely know me! They raised 11 children, have 25 grandchildren, 10 great-granchildren (and one on the way). Don't assume just because a guy has a passionate hobby and loves the excitement of going to live games that that's all he does with his time. And--bowling? Really? This is your suggestion to improve your being and self worth? Well, you'd better get on it, buddy. You'd be lucky to have half so full a life as Jim Becker, his love and loyalty to his team notwithstanding.

  5. Yes he may have a liter of kids but after the guys came back from the war thats what happened it wasn't uncommon back then. Haven't you heard of the baby boom? Maybe you should think before you write.

  6. He doesn't just sit around watching football he plays golf quite often with a few of his children and grandchildren.

  7. My comment was not directed at Jim - as I said it was a nice story. My comments are for those whose days and weeks are ruined when that Packer's lose. Give me a break, it's a game. Do I wish them well - sure. Will I die if I miss a game - no, do I put everything on hold just to watch a game - no. Do I sit inside on a nice fall day as to watch a game, no. And the guy who commented on bowling, I was just trying to be nice since that is a big pastime of Racine residents. For me, I never touch a bowling ball.

  8. Emily Breiwick1/08/2010 9:14 AM

    Okay... if your comment was not directed at Jim, why say it? This article was about... Jim. Not Packer fans in general. Just sayin...

  9. Because it is Packer related - give it up Emily, you are making it more of a big deal than it has to be. Did I hit a sore spot - are you one of those looney Packer fans?

  10. People- don't even bother with the anonymous posters. They hide behind their fear, cowardice and ignorance and have nothing better to do than sling mud and push buttons. To this I say- HOW 'BOUT THOSE PACKERS, EH???

  11. oh- and I forgot to add- VOTE FOR JIM! Go Mr. Becker!!!

  12. Emily Breiwick1/08/2010 10:24 AM

    This is the second time this year I've been mistaken for someone who actually cares about the Packers... What is happening!?!
    *swinging arm motion*

    I am a Becker family fan though. So there.

  13. I agree with Emily and Joan. Let's keep the focus on Jim and his deserved votes! Save the anonymous comments for an anonymous blog site.

  14. I've been voting for Jim every day and I will CONTINUE to vote for him every day until I can't anymore. This whole thing happened because his kids wanted to honor HIM, not the Packers. For them to do that, I'd say he is a pretty remarkable man.

  15. I know this probably isn't the time or the place, but...does anyone have a decent cake recipe? I can't for the life of me figure out what poke cake is, much less make it.

  16. I have an excellent Malibu Rum cake. But for some reason, I am craving carrot cake.

  17. Joan - are you referring to Gary Becker???

  18. Silly me- I ASSUMED those who comment, even anonymously, actually READ the article.

  19. I have not been fortunate enough to meet the wonderful Mr.Becker in person yet but i heard his story through his son Mike and was awe -struck at the greatness of his story. The fact that Mr.Anonymous over heres first thought was of a fat greedy man is his own fault. We should pay no attention to him and not dignify him with anymore responses because in my opinion, his opinions are invalid and have no substance to the and are only for the sake of argument. To pretty much sum this all up, (He's probably a Lions fan!)


  20. I met Mr Becker one time. AS a lifelong Packer fan myself, I was making my first pilgramage to Green Bay and stop to visit friends. Mr Becker was sharp on the one name I could not remember on the Green Bay 1st Super Bowl team. He called the name right off. Yes he is a true Packer fan and deserves the title of hall of famer.

  21. 2:28 - I guess you still cannot remember the name since you do not mention it.

  22. Thanks for your anonymous support! And just because you don't mention something it doesn't mean you have forgotten it. Besides the article is a great good news story something the world needs more of.

    Now get online and vote and remember you too could win 2 away game tickets with air and hotel. If you need someone to join you let me know!
    vote at and or text daily "fan01" to 74974.

  23. So all you Packer fans - how long will it take you to recover from the loss. Are you going to be morbid until next season? Get off your ass and do something - get a life not someone elses.

  24. Is this dude related to Gary "lil buds" Becker?? If so, I aint votin' for shit!!!

  25. Jim Becker is NOT related to Gary BECKER.

    Vote because he deserves it and don't try confusing the issue with someonev who happens to have the same last name.

  26. He is also NOT related to Former German Wimbledon Champion Boris Becker. Try and focus on the actual subject of the story.

    vote at and/or text "fan01" to 74974

  27. Why are people getting so upset about dudes question????? Take a chill pill.

  28. Yawn.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  29. Congratulations to the Becker family for honoring Jim Becker in such a lovely way. I hope that all involved had a beautiful and memorable day.

  30. What a wast of time - you Packer fans or any fans need to get a life. It's one thing to watch the games it's another thing to live and breath the Packers. Those who let a Packer loss ruin your day, weekend or week are losers.Get out and do something constructive
    yourself instead of living your lives on someone else's career.
