
January 9, 2010

Our outdoor sculpture garden -- at least until Spring?

Andy Hass Schneider framed by her sax player

Saxophone-playing catfish, penguins, whatever headlined the completed sculptures at Downtown Carves Its Niche, the annual ice-carving spectacle Saturday. Above, and below, are three of the sax players who will be proclaiming Racine's "coolth" -- at least until the temperatures send them into oblivion.

Boats, hockey players skiers and more emerged from the 300-lb. ice blocks, carved over a five-hour period by the 13 carvers. Pick your favorite from the pictures here, and then skip to the very bottom to learn the "winner" -- chosen by Teresa Dickert, the mayor's wife. The winner earned a bag full of downtown goodies, as well as a certificate providing "bragging rights," at least 'til next Winter.

Catfish on sax, by Bob Lanenhohl

Penguin on sax by John Haas

Spectator touches up Dick Emmerich's sailboat

Finishing touch: Emily Lechtenberg carves a puck for her hockey player

One of three sailboats by Bob Lechtenberg

Kayaker by Tim Held

Noreen Lephardt's skier

And the winner is... (drum roll, please): Andy Haas Schneider!


  1. Congratulations to Andy and all the other artists! However, it's a shame that their considerable talent and effort produced such ephemeral statues.

  2. Here's what my neighbors would like to know: how much did this event cost and who paid for it? (With its high unemployment rate and pervasive poverty, Racine doesn't need pricey community art projects.)

  3. Anon 10:19: Sixteen downtown merchants sponsored the ice carving festival, in an effort to give everyone a good time -- and another reason to come downtown. Their names are in this story.

    Why must you look every gift horse in the mouth and complain about it? Why not just enjoy this gift they've given us?

  4. 10:19

    Are those the same unemployed people I see in front of me at the grcoery store on their cell phone and buying lobster. Lobster I say, because I pay for their necessities like cheese and milk so they can afford luxuries. I do not want to hear any more of your poor impoverioused people. While I realize there are truely those in need, there are many more who are just to lazy to get out and work. And why should they when we keep the hands outs a coming. Enjoy the beatifil creations or move on to another blog that actually pertains to those in need!

  5. Anon 10:19, I assure you not one thin dime came from your efforts toward this event. As long as the downtown merchants obtain all permits for the public sidewalk use, and I assure you they did,and the event caused no harm to any person or business, and I assure you it didn't, it is their right and freedom to host this kind of event. Most downtown business owners are residents of the city, so by bad mouthing them, you are indirectly putting down your neighbor. I personally thank the business owners for their persistence during such challenging times.

  6. The way I see it is when the downtown puts on an event, they obviously have to spend some money. This money being spent may not "stimulate" the economy but at least it gets some cash moving around. I think one reason the economy crashed is because people got scared and stopped spending money.
