
January 5, 2010

Ghuari taking on Marcus in Racine City Council's second district

Jameel Ghuari, executive director of the Bray Center in Racine, is making another run for the City Council. He filed papers to run against Eric Marcus for the vacant seat in the city's Second District, which is located just south of Downtown Racine. Incumbent Bob Anderson declined to run for re-election.

Ghuari ran against Anderson in 2008 and lost 439-373. Anderson was running for re-election at the time.

The Marcus-Ghuari race should be interesting. Both candidates live and work in the Second District, and both have built up name recognition. Ghuari has run the Bray Center for a number of years and has held a public face in Racine for the past decade.

Marcus is a member of the city's Plan Commission and Landmarks Preservation Commission. He's also owner of the Woofdorf-Astoria Dog Hotel and Spa on 18th Street.


  1. Dogs for Marcus1/05/2010 3:24 PM

    Bark, bark, woof, woof.

  2. Ghuari is a good man and would make a fine council member. We need to shake up the good ole boy system and add new smart, strong, capable and independent representatives!

  3. Not so sure about the good man comment but I do agree, him and shields on the council would be funny as hell, watching the mayor melt-down!

  4. We need all the help we can get to fight Dickert and the good old boys

  5. The winner is the one who campaigns the hardest at Lake Oaks. They all vote.

  6. Ghuari is part of the boys club, just on the other side of town. Same ol' sh/*

  7. The former comment is absolutely right. Ghuari would just use his seat to put more money in his own pocket. I don't trust how he runs the Bray and would not like to see that same lax accountability in yet another elected office.

  8. I agree with the two comments above. The reason that marginalized people in Racine do not progress is because of individuals like Ghuari who claim to represent them, but in reality are out only for their own aggrandizement. The leaders of the revolution sold out their followers a long time ago.

  9. Well we only have the two to choose from. It is going to be Ghuari or Marcus. Ghuari will go door to door dragging in people the night of the election. He better do it better than he did last time.

  10. 2nd district voter1/11/2010 9:40 PM

    If you're refering to Ghuari's employment at the Bray Center (located in the 1st district), he doesn't technically work in the
    2nd district, though it's clear the good work of Ghuari, his staff, and the Bray Center is not bound by lines drawn mostly for election day purposes.
