
January 24, 2010

Founders Rotary Club sends shelter to Haiti

Aid for the victims of Haiti's earthquake has come from all over the world.

And from Racine.

Racine's Founders Rotary Club -- named after Paul P. Harris, founder of Rotary International who was born here -- raised $6,000 in two weeks to provide six "shelter boxes" to Haiti. Each of the boxes provides shelter, water, purification and other essential supplies to at least ten people.

Shelterboxes are usually packed with a ten-person tent (and sometimes with two). Other items can include insulated sleeping mats and thermal blankets, water purification tablets, water purification kits, water containers/carriers, a trenching shovel, a multi-fueled cook stove, eating utensils and plates, a childrens' activity kit and other essential items. More details here.

Rotary International has committed to supplying 3,300 shelter boxes -- shelter and equipment for 33,000 people.

Shelter Box grew out of a grass roots effort in 2000 from a Rotary Club in the Great Britain, and it has grown to be an international effort with heavy involvement from Rotary International. The Rotary Southeast Wisconsin district put the challenge out to each club to give to the Haitian relief effort via shelterboxes. Racine's two other Rotary clubs -- Downtown and Rotary West -- are also planning to send shelterboxes to Haiti.

The 80-menber Founders Club supports projects and provides resources primarily to local organizations. The club's upcoming fund-raiser is Vegas Night, providing games like poker, blackjack and roulette on Feb. 13, from 6 to 10 p.m. at Festival Hall. Money raised supports Racine Youth Sports, Camp Anokijig, Boy Scouts, and other worthy causes.

Founders meets at 7 a.m. on Fridays at the Meadowbrook Country Club, 2149 N. Green Bay Rd.


  1. Glad to see we are helping in Haiti, please rember they will need our help for years to come.
    God Bless all who help in any way

  2. Thank you, fellow Rotarians, for all you do, not only for your immediate community, but also for humanity worldwide. He who sheds light in the path of others shall never walk in the dark.

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