
January 11, 2010

City committee reverses itself, votes to give money to Racine homeless shelter, literacy council

HALO in Racine

HALO and the Racine Literacy Council will receive federal money from the city this year after changes a committee's vote last week.

Racine's Community Development Committee voted Jan. 7 to reverse its own decision to exclude the homeless shelter and literacy council from Community Development Block Grant dollars.

The committee freed up a portion of the $2.1 million it received from the federal government by removing $50,000 it had set aside for the Flat Iron Mall on Douglas Avenue, $20,000 for the Foundation of Life nonprofit and $15,000 for Project New Life's Project Nehemiah.

The city divvied up the $85,000 for a variety of uses. Along with HALO and the literacy council, the city also gave an extra $435 to the Racine County Economic Development Corp. for commercial corridor staffing, an extra $15,000 for planting trees, $5,000 more dollars for a plaque to mark the Underground Railroad in Racine, and $30,000 more for crosswalk ramps in the city.

Click here for a list of projects city officials recommended for CDBG money. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the proposal next week.

The committee's changes came after it collected public input on its preliminary recommendations on how to spend the block grants. HALO and the literacy council both pushed for funding after getting shut out of the initial recommendations. HALO's exclusion was somewhat surprising because the homeless shelter had received at least $50,000 the last three years.

The shelter's actions were mildly successful. HALO had requested $76,000 in CDBG money, but will receive less than a third of its request.

The Racine Literacy Council will receive $15,000 for its English as a second language program tutoring program.

The big loser in the committee's vote was the Flat Iron Mall, which stood to gain $50,000 to renovate the aging building. The committee narrowly voted to defund the project, with Mayor John Dickert casting the deciding vote against the project.

Opponents pointed out the city's own plans questioned the Flat Iron Mall's long-term viability on Douglas Avenue. Supporters said the mall served as an incubator for small businesses and needed a facelift.


  1. Kenneth Lumpkin

    I openly apologize to the members of Racine inner-city for the lost of funds that would have improved the Flat Iron Mall for public use and other programs that would have helped unwed teen mothers and recovering drug addicts.
    The removing of $50,000 that had been set aside for the Flat Iron Mall on Douglas Avenue, $20,000 for the Foundation of Life nonprofit and $15,000 for Project New LifeProject Nehemiah was direct retaliation for my criticism of our new Mayor John Dickert. In the Insider News as well as in publicly I have strongly suggested that the mayor and his selective cronies are anti-growth and improvement of the inner-city.
    The first example is his capping of the multimillion dollar Corrine Owene Project that would have led to jobs and drastic improvement to the State Street corridor near the transportation center. Then in an effort to make community folks be happy, he formed a committee to naming something after Corrine Owens, anything and as quick as possible. Now the Mayor wants $5,000 more dollars for a plaque to mark the Underground Railroad in Racine. How many jobs will these appeasement generates for African Americans that are number two of the list as the highest unemployed in the state.
    The next example of his anti-growth and improvement of the central city is his vote to remove $50,000 from the nonprofit Flat Iron Mall which serves as an incubator for primarily African-American and Hispanic businesses. In addition the mall is frequently used by Hispanics and African-Americans to host weddings, anniversaries, and baptism events. It is estimated that the mall is visited by over 100,000 people annually. It is the central point of development needed in this city plan to revitalize Douglas Avenue as a gateway to downtown Racine.
    What also is surprising is the lack of support by Ald. Jim Kaplan who District the Flat Iorn Mall is located. Each of the three project that the CDBG Committee originally funds were snatched from being funded and they are programs and projects that I have close ties to and has openly suppored.
    What upsets me the most is the Mayor willingness to punish a large segment of the minority community in order to put me on notice that I am to keep my mouth shut about his lack of support for the needs of the minority community.
    I wonder how peace apart of his invisible ten-year plan.

  2. I wonder if these cuts is upon of the Mayor's ten year plan?

  3. Flat Iron Mall? How much Federal and local aid have we throw at this since its inception and why? Why is public money used to support a place for weddings? How many community centers do we currently have that we don't have funds for?

    The minority community is addicted to federal and state handouts. This is governments way of enslaving people to get their votes.

    Take a look at these projects and ask yourself, does any of this welfare solve anybody's problems?
    Then duplicate the cost all across the bankrupt American landscape. The pilfering of America continues in our great welfare state.

    Ken Lumpkin is a beggar.

  4. Lumpy may be a begger, this I don't know for sure. One thing, that he has hit on,is the Mayors inability to do anything positive for the city of Racine. He grants ex-hate crime Neo Nazi's free land to develop, gives a tire recyler $40,000.00 to employ 5 $8.00 an hour employees, and shuns local business men and women that want to start and operate job creating businesses right here. As for his "Ten Year Plan" this idiot has no concept of tommorrow say nothing of 10 years. We as residents of greater Racine can only look forward to the next election when we can finally remove him from office.

  5. To Lumpkin Welfare and Growth are the same.

  6. After my dealings with the City under Mayor John " Where the money" Dickert I believe that Ken Lumpkin is 100% right.
    I also see that Dickert's Trolls have sunk to a new low.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Just got to love the trolls working for John "Money for my Cronies and some for me" Dickert.
    With Jessie Jackson coming to this area at the end of the moth you think the trolls would be careful, but now that Sen Reed has brought the idea that is cool to be a raciest to the Democratic party, looks like John's boys are going to jump on board.

  9. Hey Ken, please list the African-American and Hispanic businesses who use the Flatiron Mall as an incubator. This building is disgusting and there is no effort to help the community by this not-for-profit. Any you are president of the Flatiron Board of Director. The money was taken away because you haven't ever spent any money on this building and haven't done any community outreach. Where does all the money you collect from bingo go?

  10. $15,000 for trees and $30,000 for crosswalk ramps.

    While both of those are lovely, I would think that money would be better spent on business ventures such as flat iron mall at the moment.

    Douglas Avenue has gone to hell over the years.

  11. Again, this is where the lack of a 10 year plan comes back to bite us in the rear end. If the 10 year plan was out there and public then you could point to goals and benchmarks and defend why you are spending money the way you are spending it.

    There would be much more understanding of direction and fairness up front.

    Dickert is a hot-head and it wouldn't surprise me if he held grudges and did things out of spite. Could this have been a dis at Lumpkin....possibly, but having a 10 year plan published would have at least given him a leg to stand on.

  12. Dickert is definatly a hot head, high tempered, out of touch guy. He continues to do nothing worthwhile for the city, while jobs and businesses leave town. If we don't rid our city of inept leaders like Dickert we are doomed. Dickert=Failure

  13. Let us not froget that Dickert is also proposing spending 40k on a freelance no bid contract for a video person from his campaign team. I would say this mayor has failed us miserably. After all this city has gone through with Becker, we now have to deal with this guy? Let's remove this loser now!

  14. And all the groups losing money to HALO are I think Minority focused.
    Gee Looks like to me that's its payback time to Ken L. Again this city has sure gone to hell under Dickert

  15. Dickert, Monte Osterman, Greg Bach, John Crimmings, Brian O'Connell and the rest of the cronies will continue to drive this mess we call "city leadership" because no one will step up and oppose them, Dickert will run un-opposed and he knows this.

    If people are really serious about the mess stemming from city hall, start a recall petition, start detailing problems in a way that makes sense and publicly.

    Stop whining on these blogs and put that into real-world action. Let's start a recall petition, who's in?

  16. Dickert, Monte Osterman, Greg Bach, John Crimmings, Brian O'Connell and the rest of the cronies will continue to drive this mess we call "city leadership" because no one will step up and oppose them, Dickert will run un-opposed and he knows this.

    If people are really serious about the mess stemming from city hall, start a recall petition, start detailing problems in a way that makes sense and publicly.

    Stop whining on these blogs and put that into real-world action. Let's start a recall petition, who's in?

  17. A recall would not work I thing getting the numbers needed to sign a petition be overwhelming. However we can look for someone one to run to free Racine and help them win. WE can and should keep bloging about what we think is goi9ng on in the city.
    A podcast called Storm Racine is a good place to hear what the Mayor does not want you to know!

  18. You bloggers are riduculous! You saud the incumbents would be out and not one of you chose to run. Where was Dick and Jody Harding? Their alderman is running unopposed. You said you'd be at the last council meeeting speaking out. No one commented.

  19. Fake Colt

    The real Colt has a most interesting Email for the Post from your master.

  20. I'm sure Drizzle Racine will be all over it like white on.....tea.

  21. "A podcast called Storm Racine is a good place to hear what the Mayor does not want you to know!"

    Yeah, I'm sure Dickert is running scared from a mumbling idiot's lie-filled online radio show that only has 10 listeners.

  22. Well Colt you wonder where Jody Harding is? You shouldn't have beat on her on the blogs for nothing. You are the one insisting she used CNH time for campaigns. Deal with Dickert and all the other jerks. Where is Jamie? and all the other candidates for mayor. They won't run for alderman? Why pick on Jody only?

  23. 12:33 - You are wrong - Colt is not the one on Jody! That would be me - Be careful however Richie has to come to her defense because she cannot stand up for herself - and she thinks she should lead this city? Not a chance!

  24. See for yourself!

  25. Has Rielle Hunter come to Racine? I thought I saw her near City Call.

  26. Just for kicks, I listened to the link for Storm Racine posted earlier.

    I give the guy credit for at least doing something, but man was this tough to listen to. The guy just goes on and on and on, most of the time straying off topic and interjecting sourceless opinions with Glenn Beck-like paranoia.

    Audio is bad, guest speaker is terrible. He just sits on there and agrees with everything. There really isn't a conversation going on, more like thinking out loud. The bromance going on between the host and guest is a little creepy.

    But again, at least he is doing something. It might be crap, but it is something.

  27. Storm Racine1/12/2010 3:11 PM

    Thanks for giving the show a try. Anyone here can do the same thing. The shows on Blog Talk are free to do.
    Sigh up and do one yourself. Sorry about the audio, guess I will have to try a better mic, the shows are not about me its about what is going on in the City of Racine and what we need to do to stop it.

  28. I listened and thought it was great. Yeah there is some goofy down time and whatever but at least the guy is trying. I will listen again and I would like to see this transfered to a tv show. maybe you can use channel 25 and do a show? Keep it up!

  29. Storm Racine1/12/2010 6:04 PM

    A show on CAR 25 is in the works as well as you Tube and other free video hosting sites. This is to insure should Mayor Dickert IMHO achieve his goal of turning CAR 25 into the Mayor Dicket Channel we still have an outlet to broadcast our message.

  30. The old Colt disappeared after his felony conviction was brought to life. IMHO the old Colt don't exist anymore. Therefore the new Colt is not an imposter.

  31. I listened to this one, and thought the host just droned on and on, taking forever to get to the meat of the story and repeating the same statement over and over and over about how great CAR 25 is. The story was about the no bid contract to a campaign worker of the mayor's, not how great you think CAR 25 is.

    I have listened to a couple of other ones in the past and they were pretty good, but this one was pretty bad.

  32. There is only one Colt and you are far from him. Then too your master is far from what he likes to claim.

  33. To anonymous 1/12, 8:33 am:

    "Kenny - maybe the girls should close their legs and there would not be a need for some of these programs."

    I'm so glad you brought this up. Obviously the issue and responsibility lies solely with these young ladies. It's clear that there were absolutely no young men involved at all. And I'm sure the lack of a father in the environment had no bearing on the situation. (sarcasm)

    Clearly you would have been one of those people gossiping and condemning Mary back when she was knocked up with Jesus at 15.

  34. How many friggin times are we going to let HALO rely on these funds? I said it when the story first broke that they were not being considered, and Ill say it again - HALO has come to expect this money.

    I wonder how many of the committee members Cheryl Buckley personally met with to sway their opinion. I'd love to get the info on that. I bet that she freaked out when she realized what was happening just as she was turning over the Executive Director reins to her little HALO baby and started making all those calls to her buddies with the power to get the money back.

    Racine dig up so much on the government. You can't find out about meetings between Cheryl and anyone political?

  35. Storm Racine1/13/2010 11:38 AM

    Thursday's show with Ken Lumpkin

    9:00 AM live

  36. Anonymous 9:01:
    Of course HALO "comes to expect" these funds. EVERY non-profit depends on grants, governmental and otherwise. It may surprise you to learn that housing the homeless isn't such a money tree, and there's no stampede of Racinians eager to give their money away.
    Do you have evidence of some skullduggery, or are you just looking for something to gripe about?

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Doesn't the same prominent business man own all the buildings the non-profits are located in on Dekoven ave.? The non-profits went through extensive remodeling. Must make the building quite a bit more valuable.

  39. The man you talk about is also I think a big wig in Racine Democratic party. IMHO comes no surprise to me that he in a act of pettiness go after Ken Lumpkin and that Dickert would follow orders.

  40. The City of Racine site lists HALO as the owner of the property. That is incorrect?

  41. "HALO has come to expect this money. "

    Duh - that is because the city told them (and HUD) that they could expect this money.
