
January 4, 2010

Attention businesses: We want your news!

One of RacinePost's major goals for 2010 is to expand our local business coverage. Specifically, we're looking for opportunities to report positive Racine business news from Main Street to corporate board rooms. We're envisioning stories and posts about promotions, awards, new products, milestones, acquisitions, expansions and anything else local businesses would like to share.

Racine takes a beating for its high unemployment rate, but we know there are dozens, even hundreds, of local businesses and business leaders succeeding in a difficult economy. These are the stories we want to share this year, and we'll be looking for them.

But we could also use your help. If you have stories you'd like share - particularly if they're from a business, service club or local organization - we'd love to hear from you. Really, nothing is too small. We'll do everything possible to include your story on the Post. Send your stories to:

Also, we're growing every year, but we still don't reach everyone in the Racine area. If you hear anyone with a story to share, or looking for a place to share it, pass our name along. Our readers are our No. 1 marketing effort. Your word of mouth can help us grow and improve RacinePost in the New Year.

Thanks much ... and Happy 2010!


  1. How about a story on Granger's Lounge? If I'm not mistaken, when I drove down Main yesterday I saw an open sign in the window. A review would be neat.

  2. Yes it is open. I've been there twice and it is great - good music, nice crowd, no smoking and great atmosphere. They will also be starting to serve food sometime this week.

  3. Good idea guys. It is nearly impossible to get any coverage in the JT about area business. To get coverage in the JT one must pretty well write the article for Mick and email it to him. That way he can cut and paste it into the JT system. This isn't made up. Last I knew you had to embed the pre-written article in an email because he couldn't handle attachments.

    I hope you get some good response. I am sending this link on to some of my business friends with the suggestion to submit articles.

  4. Where is 'Granger's'?

  5. It is next door to Uncorkt. I'm not sure what the address is.

  6. Where is Uncorkt?

  7. 12:41 - Don't get out much do you? Uncorkt is in the store where Flowers in Company once resided on Main Street downtown. Maybe you should MapQuest it so you can find the downtown area.

  8. Where was Flowers in Company?

  9. Next to Ricky's.

  10. 200 block of Main St. in Downtown Racine.

  11. Where is Ricky's?

  12. Where is Idiots?

  13. Da Polar Bear1/30/2010 1:23 PM

    I noticed the other day that Finishing Touch Auto Body is adding a huge expansion to thier building.

  14. I hear someone is trying to open something at the corner of Washington and West Blvd.
