
January 25, 2010

AG rules on JT request they learned about from RacinePost

Congratulations to The Journal Times and reporter Stephanie Jones for doggedly pursuing a ruling from the Attorney General's office regarding email votes by the Loan Board of Review in 2009. It's the type of work a daily newspaper should be doing, well, daily.

We'd also like to thank the JT for crediting RacinePost for breaking the story four days before going to print with the violations. Oh, wait. That never happened ... but we can dream.


  1. It is so good to hear the Journal Times can do some investigative reporting when it involves Racine. How about expanding that to include some shady dealings going on in other municipalities such as Mt. Pleasant? The AG really needs to look into how Mt. Pleasant is governed from the administrator on down to the village staff who place their families/friends in positions at the village hall. Oh! how about the 2008 Mt. Pleasant elections..the cheating surrounding that election is still not settled, yet two of the trustees running in the 2010 have never been brought to task for their involvement. How about an investigation on this Journal Times?

  2. Does the journal times announce every time they scoop you?

    This is so ridiculous. Get off your high horse.

  3. As long as the email votes were made public I would not have had a problem with that, but I guess the law sees it differently.

  4. Will the dead tree media follow up with the story why the city streets were covered with SALT this morning - NO SNOW, just salt!

  5. The journal times that is a sinking ship. I seriously doubt they have the capability of acknowledging any other news source. Hopefully the few staff left can pull it out of the mud.

  6. Bob, simple: if Mr. Jones doesn't use up his allotment this year, he doesn't get more of our tax money next year.

  7. First off, the JT won't tell you if they scoop the Post because they would have to first admit that the Post exists. The old line media barely admits that the Internet exists.
    Secondly, why is Brian O still employed by the city? This guy's mistakes cost the city dearly and continue to make the City look bad.

  8. I don't see how the JT, not acknowledging the POST, is any worse than, the POST linking to JT stories.

    In both cases it seems like each paper isn't doing it's own work.

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