
December 7, 2009

Wastewater rates go up a few bucks

City residents will see a slight bump in their wastewater rates next year under a proposal approved Monday night by the Finance and Personnel Committee.

Sewer bills for the average city resident would increase 1.8 percent under the proposal. The average bill will come out to about $238.

Keith Haas, manager of Racine's utilities, said sewer bills have been flat over the last four years. The average sewer bill in 2007 was $236, Haas said.

City residents also get a deal compared to surrounding communities. Mount Pleasant residents are charged $95 per quarter, or $380 a year. Residents in western Caledonia pay $109 per quarter, or $436 a year, and eastern Caledonia residents pay $99 per quarter or $396 per year.


  1. Thank you again John Dickert. Just keep squeezin' the law abiding, hard working taxpayer of every GD penny they have.

    Your family must be sooooooo proud of you.

    God is watching.

  2. 6:26 - why don't you trying running the city.

  3. The rates went up to pay for the city slush fund being used to give companies money to create minimum wage jobs.

  4. Whine, whine whine - you all want something for nothing.

  5. Glad I can pass this increase along to my tenants!

  6. Thanks to the Johnsons for selling JohnsonDiversey now the rates go up to make up the difference in what they were making from JohnsonDiversey.

  7. It's always the Waxi's fault no matter what the story.

  8. Michael Kroes12/09/2009 7:06 PM

    Johnson Diversey's manufacturing operations have not left Racine. Get your 'facts' straight.

  9. MIchael Kroes12/09/2009 7:08 PM

    Caledonians on the east side used to pay much less for wastewater treatment prior to the town becoming a village.

  10. Anon 1:09 is absolutely correct. The city council pulls $40,000.00 out of the sewage fund to pay for the internal operating expenses of a low-wage-paying company and then raises the property owner's rates to pay for it.

    Anon 1:14, that can only be said for you and your welfare sucking friends.

    Anon 7:06, get YOUR facts straight. They will be leaving in the near future according to the JT. (Gee, I hope I read that right and have MY facts straight.)
