
December 16, 2009

Super School Star: Karen Plummer, Janes Elementary

Every day students and teachers excel in our local schools. RacinePost will highlight a few of these successes with a weekly series called "Super School Stars." Do you know a student or staff member who deserves recognition? Contact us at:

Karen Plummer is the reading best practices/model school coordinator at Janes Year-Round Elementary School. "She is top-notch at staff development and does a wonderful job of sharing tips and best practices for K-3 reading. Staff from other districts around the state, including South Milwaukee and Platteville, have visited Janes to find out how Karen does it," stated Jeff Weiss, director of curriculum and instruction for RUSD. "Karen has also really led this school in the use of data for student achievement. We're very lucky to have Karen."


  1. Love great teachers. It takes a special person to do that job well.

  2. Great job and please keep up the good work! Teachers are a vital part of Racine's future.

  3. Karen is wonderful to work with! I was impressed with her use of data and how she supports others' goals in using data for improved student achievement. Wonderful work Karen!

  4. Karen does so much to help the students and teachers at Janes find success. Her unstoppable energy and enthusiasm is a constant source of motivation. We are definitely fortunate to have her on our team!

  5. I have worked with Karen from the side of administrative support, she is very conscientious, dedicated to excellence, and a great leader!
