
December 7, 2009

Regency Mall's list of 'Santa's Top Picks' for Christmas 2009

Regency Mall put together a list of the most popular gifts kids and adults want wrapped under the tree this Christmas. Here's what they're saying is hot this holiday season:

DJ Hero – This music rhythm video game has an electronic turntable device that lets kids mix and scratch to popular tunes like a real DJ. Starting at $99 at GameStop.

Wii Motion Plus – A new Wii accessory that has additional sensors creating fast response to the slightest wrist action or twist, and greatly enhances accuracy and control – just $24.99 at GameStop.

Keeping in the Wii family – Find Super Mario Bros Wii $49.99; Wii Fit Plus Game $99.99; Wii Sports Resort $49.99; Nintendo Wii $199.99 and more.

Remote control toys – Young children love animated plush toys and vehicles that go.

Gifts for adults

Mini Laptops / Net books – All of the best manufacturers from Apple to Dell are in the game. These mini laptops are perfect for travel and staying "connected" wherever you are.

Video Game Consoles – From Xbox to Wii, the game consoles get better every year and feature relatively inexpensive add-ons to keep the games challenging and enjoyable year after year.

Portable GPS Navigator Systems – These systems have navigated their way from the dashboard to the purse and pocket. Pre-program any location in any city and you're on your way. The Tom Tom One is regular price $129 at Radio Shack.

Mobile Phones – The latest editions go beyond calls, text and e-mail to features including video cameras, Web browsers, and photo capabilities that are better than many stand-alone cameras. Get the new iPod Nano with video at Radio Shack $149.99.

Blu-ray Disc Player – It seems like Blu-ray picture quality just can't get any better, and now many players are compatible with almost any disc format. Recent updates include streaming and Wi-Fi capabilities to watch Internet content on your TV. The list of options is endless.

Portable Gaming Devices – From the Sony PSP to the Nintendo DS you can take fun along wherever you want to go. Don't forget accessories like headphones and portable speakers. Nintendo DSi at GameStop just $169.99. Sony Reader $229 at Radio Shack.

Digital Cameras – Point-and-shoots have come a long way. High quality imagery, ease of use, and affordable prices make it easier than ever to capture your memories.

Portable MP3 Players – Sleek new models feature touch screens and can play music and games, stream podcasts, show HD video, and more. Look for iPod, Zune and SanDisk models.

Flip Video Mini Camcorders – These hand-held video recorders are the size of a cell phone, can record up to 120 minutes, and can come with built-in software for sharing your adventures.

For Young and Old

For All – Games, Books, Movies, Cashmere Scarves, Luxurious Scents, Leather Gloves, and Slippers.

For Women – Personalized jewelry, planners/organizers, family photo frames, cosmetics or manicure/pedicure gift certificates.

For Men, Outdoor/Sports Gang – Multi-tools, outdoor accessories, hats, camping accessories, and outdoor apparel & equipment.


  1. Most of these gifts are techno-garbage, from what I can see, as well as being big-ticket price tag items. Why be a shill for the mall?

  2. It's not techno-garbage. Alot of the so called "techno garbage is really helpful to many people.
    What i was going to commet before i saw that message was that the Ipod Touch is a great gift to get for anyone. It's holds music,pictires, and much much more.
