
December 15, 2009

Chinese delegation visits -- Racine may get a new sister city

Carolyn Milkie, Sheyang Mayor Chao Xu and John Dickert
'sign commitments to consider future alliances'

A week after they've come and gone, we're told that a delegation of Chinese government officials and businessmen visited Racine and met with local government officials.

RCEDC sent out a press release this morning saying "The Racine County community recently hosted a reception honoring Wanming Chi of the China SINB group and five government officials from Sheyang, China."

A call to RCEDC brought back the information that the reception took place Dec. 5.

The press release went on to remind us that the China SINB Group purchased 54 acres in Mount Pleasant in July, and has proposed the development of an Eco-Business Park with 600,000 sq. ft. of office and production space.

Among the local officials sitting down with the Chinese were Carolyn Milkie, president of the Mount Pleasant Village Board; Peter Hansen, president of the Racine County Board; and Racine Mayor John Dickert. All three -- according to the press release -- made the usual stilted welcoming remarks: Milkie: "The Village welcomes the opportunity to work with ...investors that discover the benefits of our location in the Chicago-Milwaukee corridor." Hanson: "Racine County is well positioned and open for business." Dickert: "The cities of Racine and Sheyang have significant similarities, both communities are waterfront cities, home to industries and open to forming new, mutually beneficial alliances."

Sheyang, according to the 'net, is on the Yellow Sea and has a population of 1,047,000 (and is not to be confused with Shenyang, which is four times larger). Pictures of Sheyang are here, on the city's English-language website.

According to RCEDC, both Racine and Mount Pleasant have agreed to consider sister city agreements with Sheyang, "the first step that will lead to cultural and business exchanges that will benefit both communities."

Racine's current sister cities are: Oiso, Japan; Montelimar, France; Aalborg, Denmark; Zapotlanejo, Mexico; Forteleza, Brazil; and Bluefields, Nicaragua. Mount Pleasant has none, but Milkie said the village "would like to foster some idea exchanges and educational exchanges. The more we do, the more likely is further investment in Mount Pleasant." Wanming Chi, she said, "knows some very influential people."


  1. Was this publicized BEFORE the meeting? Maybe the paper just missed it then.

  2. Michael Michna12/15/2009 1:55 PM

    I met two of the Chinese gentlemen at the Milwaukee Civil War Roundtable Christmas dinner. Both seemed quite personable. Only one of them spoke English. I wonder what they thought of all the women in 1860's hoop ball gowns and men in Civil War era uniforms.
    They did say that it is illegal to own guns in China.

  3. Probably have large suitcases with them to take home more jobs...

  4. "A week after they've come and gone, we're told that a delegation of Chinese government officials and businessmen visited Racine and met with local government officials.

    RCEDC sent out a press release this morning saying "The Racine County community recently hosted a reception honoring Wanming Chi of the China SINB group and five government officials from Sheyang, China.""

    Gee the PRC the home of so many former American UNION jobs. The home of crushing protests with tanks the home of occupying Tibet and forcing natives off land so Chinese can take them over, the home of child labor, forced one child policy, of all the nations on Earth, wow China.

  5. 2:20 - you forgot the harvesting of body organs from executed prisoners... - really something to emulate

  6. Time for a new mayor; again.

  7. 2:46

    Your right but when does one stop?
    So many great places to chose from, Cities in Free counties from around the world but Iguess it comes down to this ...Wanming Chi, she said, "knows some very influential people."
    Its all about the money and how this Good old boy group can make money .

    of course The Post will follow up this story with what is going on with the land bought by I believe some companies from the PRC along I 94.


    Is it not great of Racine to be a home of the biggest copyright violators? but its all about the $$$ How disgusting. Here another idea! Lets set up the Uptown as part of Thailand I understand the child sex market is huge! Anything for the $$ right?

  9. Another sister city ?? what for ??
    What have the others done for us ?? What has it cost us ?? We have people here in Racine that need help !!

  10. Please don't post websites. If you have something to say then say it. I really don't care what someother site sayes especially when it isn't has nothing to do woth the discussion...

  11. Please don't post websites. If you have something to say then say it. I really don't care what someother site sayes especially when it isn't has nothing to do woth the discussion...

  12. Sorry, I'll try again
    Please don't post other websites. If you have something to say then say it. If you have no original thoughts than perhaps you should just skip the discussion.

  13. Realy?The PRC steals copy written and patented information all the time proven fact that many companies from the PRC are fronts for spying on host counties. That to me is critical as well the PRC sees this country as the one they are most likely to go to war with. The PRC has cyber attacked us often. Why in God's green earth would we want to have business here from the PRC? That's right its about the $$$ and only about the money. No way in Hell can The Mayor I believe be called ethical if he wants to get blood money from The PRC.
    Mayor Sheilds sounds better and better

  14. Who started this sister city garbage and why did they inflict it on us? Are certain multi-national corporations owned by Trilateralists and CFR members involved in this mess?

  15. Free Tibet!

  16. Wow, of all countries that could be chosen to be a sister city, WHY would anyone choose one that's Communist? Yeah of course guns are illegal in China, duh!

  17. If jobs like "Mayor" and "Alderman" and "Technical College Administrator" could be outsourced to China these wonderful (expensive) pow wows would never happen.

  18. Pete or Dustin - are these the same individuals that came to work a deal with CNH?


    They are the ones who bought land off Hwy 11 this year.

    I am now looking into what links they have with the PRC Armed Forces.
    Racine WI soon to be owned by the PRC.

    How many pieces of Silver did the PRC pay for your souls?

  20. Was this part of the 10 year plan?

  21. This is exciting news. If they become our sister city, we can hold a Human Rights Fest in downtown Racine in their honor. We can roll tanks onto Monument Square and burn the Dalai Lama in effigy. Smart shoppers will keep an eye out for discounted items produced by child labor in China. 50% off lead painted toys and contaminated pet food!

  22. I look forward to Racine becoming more like China - then we don't have to wait for pedestrians to cross the street - they become ligitimate targets. And we can then also drive on the sidewalks. Also, no more standing in lines and patiently waiting - you can feel free to push people out of the way so you can be first.
    Look forward to being able to pee on the streets rather than waiting to find a restroom. It's all good.

  23. Silly me! Just think of the cash we can make harvesting organs out of say traffic offenders and those getting UNIT Letters!
    We can stop treating both sewage and water.
    This will be so good for the City.

  24. Seriously,a Red Chinese sister city is the LAST thing the people of Racine--or anyother American community--need.

  25. Want to bet that certain local plutocrats have something to do with this farce? Our owners of multinational corporations admire the way their Chinese counterparts exploit cheap labor for sick,slick fun and profit. I wouldn't be surprised if our got-loot gangsters yearn to reduce American workers to the level of Chinese wage slaves.

  26. "Plutocrats"??? How did Mickey Mouses' Dog get introduced to this discussion.

  27. I wish plutocrats were like Mickey Mouse's dog--harmless, amusing and totally imaginary. By and large, plutocrats are all-too-real private sector predators. Apropos of such creatures, I fear that Wenming Chi may be one. If he's in cahoots with our local moolah monarchs, you may be sure that his activities won't benefit American workers.

  28. Mr. Angry - you still haven't responded to my question. Did the police get a hold of you to stop your threatening posts?

  29. Is there any way that Racine can ditch its sister cities? With a depression in full swing, we can't afford this bunk. (Years ago, I can recall my French teacher telling me that we blew a bundle bringing a certain delegation of Poobahs over here and showing them the local sights. In return for our lavish hospitality, the group in question gave Racine a miniature flag and an insect-infested box of nougat that had to be chucked in the trash.)

  30. That's nothing. An instructor at U.W.-Parkside informed me that a delegation from an Asian sister city whooped it up at our expense, received a present of pricey engraved crystal from our civic leaders and gave Racine a non-functional clock with a broken plastic case. I hope this story isn't true, but since I'd never caught that instructor in a lie, I'm inclined to believe it. In any event, Racine shouldn't be playing with hoohah like the sister city program.

  31. You think that's bad? One sister city delegation which we foolishly wined and dined gave the mayor nothing but a tiny sticker depicting its national flag. Word on the street is that somebody at City Hall hightailed it to a variety store and bought a toy banner which matched the image on the sticker so the city would have something to display as a token of appreciation from the foreign guests.

  32. Regardless, we neither need nor desire a Red Chinese sister city. It's bad enough that the machinations of a prominent clan have stuck us with the sister cities we've already got.

  33. Mr Angry - why must you ruin every discussion by introducting your hatred the the Johnson Family into it.
    Frankly Michael, you're last years news...

  34. If a long-gone Gallic delegation gave us the notorious bug-ridden box of Chabert's nougat, I shudder to think what the Red Chinese will dump here. Joking aside, we shouldn't be buddy-buddy with a police state which leads the world in human rights violations. Red China--which combines the worst of our capitalist system with totalitarianism--ISN'T America's ally.

  35. We all know who pours money into Inner Mongolia via an outfit called the Crane Foundation. (Inner Mongolia, of course, belongs to Red China...)

  36. Who's Mr. Angry?

  37. I don't know, but my neighbors are mad that Racine is growing chummy with Red China.

  38. Dear Dustin and Pete, Please tell us how Racine can drop out of the sister city program. Thank you very much.

  39. "...which combines the worst of our capitalist system with totalitarianism--ISN'T America's ally."

    No but they are Mayor Dickert's. Maybe we will see some the interesting campaign finance BS here like happened in the Clinton's. Many believe nothing can get done without $$$ changing hands.

  40. Hey Mr 1:13 - I would have thought that you would welcome a Chinese type government here. You have in the past hinted about public beheadings and the execution of the rich. - That's pure Chinese. Why the change - afraid they might confuse you with the rich???

  41. No Anon 2:23 We all don't " know who pours money into Inner Mongolia via an outfit called the Crane Foundation. (Inner Mongolia, of course, belongs to Red China...)"

    The International Crain Foundation does not list "you know who" as a donor or a sponsor, and they haven't referenced Mongolia since 2007.

    Of course maybe you were talking about the Crane Foundation which is a private charity funded by the Crane Corporation - agian nothing to do with "you know who".

    Or maybe the Charles Crane Foundation which "has continued to support the work of THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Federation of Baltimore and Mercy Medical Center, two institutions that Mr. Crane held in high regard.
    In addition, the Foundation devotes 70% to 80% of its remaining funds to support Jewish education in Maryland, mostly in greater Baltimore, and 20% to 30% to encourage violence prevention programs to benefit Baltimore and Maryland youth.

    Please tell us oh great hater your latest evil fantesy concerning "you know who".

    Try harder next time...


    Read in detail about The Mayor's new Friends.
    IMHO if we help them at all we are just as guilty as they are.
    Do you want to help mass murderers? Help in the rape of Tibet? Reward the leadership that ran peaceful protesters over with tanks? Jail those who practice religion? Force abortions on women?

    Looking forward to telling your kids yes Jimmy the Chinese kill a lot of there own and yes they write about destroying your county but we need the tax base. Be nice to your new masters

    We need to tell the City of Racine NO!

  43. The way to stop sister city activity is to ask the city council to stop putting money in the budget for it.
    Didn't they allow 10 grand for next year?

  44. Dickert has just ensured that he will not be re-elected. His family and friends must be really proud of his bone-head decisions day in and day out. I didn't realize that one man could be so dense upstairs.

  45. They came to Racine because Obama sold Racine to the Chinese for 100k. Dickert was told that it was a matter of national security and to treat the delegates as if they were royalty. Being the dumb ass he is, he fell for it and offered them a piece of his new business American Tire, for the low price of $40,000. Get use to this America in ten years we wont worry about learning Spanish we will need to learn Chink!

  46. Dear 3:21 AM, The current regime in Red China ISN'T socialist. On the contrary, the Chinese government promotes an unholy mixture of totalitarianism and cut-throat capitalism. Let's not forget that Wanming Chi is a billionaire.

  47. I hope and pray that American plutocrats haven't struck deals with him and haven't brought him here.

  48. The sooner Racine divests itself of any and all sister cities, the better. Even in good times, they're an unnecessary expense. During a depression, it's criminal to splurge our taxpayers' money on cities in countries which aren't exactly America's allies.

  49. We should be distancing ourselves from Red China, not cozying up to it and letting its corporate elite play evil games with our city.

  50. Dear 3:39P.M., The story on the street is that a certain powerful clan donates big bucks to the Nature Conservancy, which in its turn either passes the cash along to the International Crane Foundation directly or tansfers it via intermediaries. According to people who claim to be in the know, the dough winds up in Red China, where corrupt officials cadge a lot of it and give a prominent family special breaks. (This is ONLY what I've been told. I hope and pray that none of this is true. Still, the fact that we've got a Red Chinese billionaire here looks pretty odd...)

  51. Let's hope and pray that our corporate elite ISN'T in league with its Red Chinese counterpart. Everything I've been able to learn about China's big business class is negative.

  52. Labor exploitation and total disregard for human rights are all-too-typical of the Red Chinese entrepreneurial class. Racine neither needs nor desires a Red Chinese sister city.

  53. Why are you complaining. With all your direct quotes from the Communist Manifesto I figure this is what you want.

  54. Although some of them may call themselves Marxists, most of Red China's leaders are robber-baron capitalists who've gotten filthy rich by exploiting slave labor. We don't need Red Chinese entrepreneurs and their firms in Racine.

  55. I think we need to go to the next City Council meeting and make our thoughts know.

  56. "leaders are robber-baron capitalists who've gotten filthy rich by exploiting slave labor"
    Sounds like socialism/communism to me.

  57. My guess is they were just here checking up on their investment.

    After all they are holding most of our debt.

  58. In any event, we don't need a Red Chinese sister city. For that matter, Racine doesn't need ANY sister cities. Considering the present depression, we ought to cut ALL of this nonsense out of our budget.

  59. From what I've heard, most sister cities are nothing but expense and trouble. It's time we learned to take care of our own people and stopped playing cosmopolitan games.

  60. I'm old enough to remember the yucky box of Chabert's nougat (with creepy-crawly critters added) which our French sister city bestowed on us. Enough is enough!

  61. Can anyone tell me why Racine is stuck with the sister city program and who started that bunk here? As a victim of our filthy free trade agreements and our ruthless brand of multi-national capitalism, I can find zero justification for Racine's participation in this stupid stuff.

  62. I hatev the idea of having a Siser City from the PRC.
    However Sister Citys do not have to cost one tax $. Great effort for civic groups to undertake. I myself plan to if I must on my own contact Blue Fields Nicaragua to see if I can at least get a pen pal to exchange Garnering stories. Who knows where that might lead.
    But I again say NO to any Sister City from The PRC and Free Tibet!

  63. Have any of you checked Sheyang's website? If you have, you'll remember that there were lots of pictures of CRANES. Yep, those big, mean ugly birds were all over the place. Anyone who doesn't think that there's a link between a certain clan's interest in cranes and deals with Red Chinese businessmen and officials is very naive.

  64. Although certain plutocrats may need Wanming Chi and the city of Sheyang, Racine's workers need neither a Red Chinese entrepreneur nor the municipality which he is rumored to control.

  65. Is this the only place in the world that has cranes? Get some sun and take your meds please.

  66. No, I don't touch drugs of any kind. As for the cranes, they're the same species (Siberian) which played a major role in the "Three White Cranes, Two Flyways, One World" program. First our kiddies get a school project dealing with Siberian cranes in Red China. Then we get a hush-hush visit from guys who just happen to come from a Red Chinese city infested with those birds. Now we're being asked to make that Red Chinese municipality one of our sister cities. Something funny is going on here.

  67. We don't need sister cities and other hoohah. If a certain multi-national firm weren't based here in Racine, I'm pretty sure we'd have zero sister cities. (Assuming a major corporation wants the sister cities program in our town, it should pick up the entire tab. Except for a handful of entrepreneurs and their bought-and-paid-for civic stooges, NOBODY benefits from the sister cities program.)

  68. All I learned from the sister cities program was to stay away from insect-laden containers of Chabert's nougat which arrived here courtesy of a French delegation. (How our Gallic guests had the Gaulish gall to inflict the critter-crammed crud on their hapless hosts remains a mystery. If I'd been in charge, the French visitors would have received an assortment of our locally-manufactured bug sprays in exchange for their incredible inedibles.)

  69. Then, perhaps, a nice little guy from a big-buck corporate clan could have given our French friends a tour of his R and D facility. Maybe he could have fed the noxious nougat to his pet Madagascar hissing roaches and his Brazilian Goliath beetles.

  70. On second thought, since the entrepreneur in question was a good man, he would have spared his six-legged pals from any contact with the gosh-awful glop. After all, it was bad enough that the unfortunate French bugs had been forced to consume it. If anything, the decent little guy would have come up with yummy candy for his R and D critters, the Gallic insects and the bipeds who'd lugged Chabert's gunk from Montelimar to Racine.

  71. Joking aside, a good Sister at our now-defunct Dominican College once told me how she got sick on a single piece of Chabert's stompin' stuff. If this is what the sister cities program brings to Racine, we don't need it.

  72. Over the years, I've heard that only one of our sister cities--a nice place in Denmark--ever reciprocated Racine's generosity. Delegations from all the others have received the red carpet treatment and great gifts in exchange for stickers, miniature national flags, non-running clocks with damaged plastic cases and boxes of Monsieur Chabert's consarned confections.

  73. Make it "coleoptera confections"--Sister Mary Anthony, O.P. swore there was a beetle in every box! (If anybody knew about Chabert's merchandise, it was the Venerable Sister. Back in the mid-sixties, the dear nun took a trip to Montelimar. Everywhere she went there were stands or kiosks filled with Chabert's products. NEVER did the good lady encounter a bugless box of Chabert's nougat.)

  74. Maybe we should send Mr. Wanming Chi an assortment of Monsieur Chabert's tricky treats.

  75. No way! With our luck, he'd like them, buy the Chabert Candy Company and flood the WORLD with boxes of beetle bonbons.

  76. Quite the interesting conversation you had with yourself there.

  77. Actually, there were three of us commenting on the sister cities silliness. (I'm the guy who studied French--and heard about Chabert's nougat--in Sister Mary Anthony's class at Dominican College.)

  78. It's time for Racine's sister cities program to go into the garbage with that infamous box of Chabert's nougat.
