
December 16, 2009

Becker to enter a plea next Tuesday, avoiding trial

Update: Today's the day. Two big questions will be answered at today's hearing. 1.) What is Becker pleading guilty to? 2.) How much prison time will the prosecutors go after?

Judge Stephen Simanek is presiding over the trial. For the conspiracy buffs out there, Simanek and Becker were friends before the ex-mayor was arrested and Simanek isn't running for re-election this spring.

But before the comments get going with the "Becker won't go to prison" thought, it's safe to say the former mayor will spend time behind bars. It's the appeals process that'll be worth watching.

Original post: Former Mayor Gary Becker's journey through the court system, which began last Jan. 13 with his shocking arrest on child enticement and child porn charges, may end soon.

Instead of the trial he was facing on Feb. 1, Becker is now scheduled to enter a plea to at least some of the charges on Tuesday, Dec. 22, at 2:30 p.m. before Judge Stephen Simanek.

Becker was arrested in Brookfield Square Mall when he attempted to meet up with a 14-year-old girl he had been sex-chatting with online -- except "she" turned out to be a Department of Criminal Investigation agent. Computers he had turned in for repairs to city workers were also found to have child pornography on them.

The Journal Times has a little more HERE, mostly background.


  1. So do we know what the plea is yet? 5 yrs prison 5 yrs ext supervision?

  2. Don't be surprised if there is no prison time.

  3. Yep, word on the street is NO time. He's got deep pockets b.

  4. Pockets, or connections?

  5. If he doesn't get prison time, this city will turn to chaos. No one will respect the judicial system, which had little respect anyway.

  6. Bercker knows far too much to go to jail. If Garry sings I think the jail fills with city crooks I mean leaders

  7. 8 Felony charges? He has GOT to do prison time no matter what!

  8. The Translator12/17/2009 8:28 AM

    If that dirty pervert walks, Neiskis should loose his job. Plain and Simple. Dont let Racine be known as soft on these crimes against children.

  9. It's not what you know, it's what you know about who you know.

  10. No time, intrapment is my guess.

  11. I so would have loved having Becker talk about who he did what with out of town, IMHO lots of interesting names would have came out. I feel he started will women over 18 who enjoyed a man with power.

  12. There's no entrapment. The state has been busting pedophiles this way for years. It's 100% legal and upheld in every case so far.

    When Becker walks, he will just move to another city and start up again. It's the nature of the sickness. He knows this, Nieskes knows this, Cafferty knows it, Simanek knows it, everybody knows it. There is no concern for the children mutilated by monsters like these; only fear of the political fallout.

    Racine needs a sin eater. Decade after decade of denial and disease takes its toll. We're already known as "little Chicago" for our violence. Soon we'll be known as the city that cut a deal with a pedo mayor.

  13. My guess is that he'll get 18 months jail time and out in less than 12 months. Any one want to bet?

  14. Simanek's retiring. Nieskes was just re-elected, unopposed. Becker will get no jail time.

    You don't think this has anything to do with "justice," do you? lol

  15. Orbs - I disargee - in order for these guys to feel like they have saved face, they give him something that will allow him minimal jail time - once again, you want to bet??

  16. Bet what? Internet money? OK, I bet a gazillion internet dollars that Becker gets no jail or prison time.

  17. Orbs - you are on! Now you are dismissed - I'm done with you!

  18. Hey 10:20 You are right.

    There is a RCEDC employee who just adored Becker, talked about him all the time, been out of town with him more than once.

  19. I bet $119097564500000 in internet funds that none of the charges he pleas to are felonies, so we could see him in office again! Maybe little Gary (Dickert) can make room for him?

    The sad thing is many can and do turn a bad phase around and should be given a chance or two.
    However my understanding is the sex offenders can not and there will be 14 year old girls around all the time. If he walks God save Racine

  20. Hey RCEDC - how's Beckers buddie Dave? Been having fun with him also?? Cheating Slime, slime, slime.

  21. @Orbs... Has to be a loop hole some place, there always is they just need to find it.

  22. The Shadow Knows12/17/2009 1:36 PM

    My guess is he does six months home confinement and gets fined $10,000 and then is on probation for ten years with an order not to have a computer, etc.

  23. In a just and decent country, Becker would be incarcerated for the rest of his natural life. However, he's got money, Honey, so he'll probably walk. Meanwhile, our children won't be safe and the rest of the world will snicker at our little privileged pedophile's paradise.

  24. I don't understand why so many people say he has money - he was mayor. You do not get rich on that job. Plus he has no job - his wife divorced him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting him, I just say he's got no money.

  25. I don't know where he acquired his loot. However, a guy who wears glasses with pricey Versace frames isn't a pauper. Believe me, the good men at the Lions Club don't give away designer specs.

  26. Somebody somewhere is supplying Becker with lots of green stuff.

  27. His brother attorney John Becker is the one with all the money.

  28. I hope Becker will have more time than money and that his time will be spent behind bars.

  29. 4:18 - and your point is?

  30. Our kids will have one less predator to worry about while Becker's in the pokey. Also, his incarceration will send a message to other Jennifer fever freaks, especially the prominent ones with access to green stuff--if an ex-mayor with rich relatives can go to prison for molesting youngsters, ANY perp can be punished for that crime.

  31. Becker's going to have quite the Xmas this year!

  32. 11:27AM
    do you work for RCEDC? please tell us how you know so much about an employees personal life...adores becker? he hasn't worked for the city in over a year.

  33. In all honesty, Becker made alot of deals with many people that if exposed could harm both sides. One crook always helps another in need.

  34. What is really sad is that I spoke with two different big attorney firms in Milwaukee. They both said that the local DAs, defense lawyers, and jusdges in Racine and Kenosha are all in the same circle. If you get an out of town lawyers your chances of getting fair shake are slim. So here we are with the former mayor in the hot seat, the DA, a local judge, and local defense attorney.

    Take a wild guess on how this is going to shakes out.

  35. 11:27 am -- just a case of an ex-husband out for revenge. Work with this person and people who work with him try to avoid him because all he does is slam his ex. He need to move on and quit the slander! And he wonders why she left him!

  36. Sorry 11:27-

    I work with her and know it's true, a real class act.

  37. Regardless, Becker ought to be locked up for the rest of his life. If we made an example of that Versace-wearing Poobah, perhaps the rest of our pedophiles would keep their predatory paws off our kids. (Alas, Racine has a raunchy reputation because of Becker and his pals. Sad to say, the first things I hear about Racine from out-of-town friends are comments about Becker's craving for young girls. Other topics include our notorious infant mortality rate, our high property taxes, our lack of decent jobs and the overweening power of a corporate clan which touts its so-called family values.)

  38. According to some of my Milwaukee-area friends, Becker will walk because he knows too much about other, much wealthier pedophiles and crooks who'll use their influence to buy his silence by keeping him out of the clink. Already, rumors are flying that he'll get a nice trip to a rehab facility connected with the Mayo Clinic. For the sake of our kids and Racine's reputation, I pray that these stories aren't true.

  39. Which corporate clan are you talking about?

  40. Tomorrows the big day!!!

  41. I still feel so sorry for his now ex-wife, but mostly his daughters! May they get over the pain he has caused them! Forgiving is one thing, forgetting is a much larger matter.

  42. They have moved on and are doing good.

  43. Meanwhile, we've got a sexual predator who needs to be confined for the protection of our children. Please pray that he may go behind prison walls and remain there until he leaves this world.

  44. Too bad we can't send Becker to a California prison. Then, maybe, after Roman Polanski is finally extradited and made to pay for his crimes, he and Becker can entertain each other with teen tootsie tales and other stompin'stories.

  45. Stay tuned - 2:30 this afternoon! Pete and Dustin, I assume you'll be right on this - let's see you beat the JT's on this one.

  46. I'm still betting on 18 months out early for good behavior.

  47. Interesting comments from the Milwaukee attorney. My Madison legal friends say the same thing: Racine County Court is a closed game, and has been for years. The system is run for the benefit of the judges and lawyers, no one else. Mayor Becker molests girls on our dime and will walk away smiling because Racine's criminal justice system is criminal itself. Keep your heads buried in the sand.

  48. Out pending appeals. This case I think is so fixed. Hope I am wrong

  49. wonder when street justice will come into play?

  50. I'm certainly not an attorney - but the Racine Post guys are looking forward to the appeals process. If you reach a plea agreement, is an appeal even viable?

  51. Dustin and Pete - he pleaded guilty - sentancing to take place March 3.
