
December 22, 2009

Becker hearing in photos

(Photo - above) Gary Becker waits for Tuesday's plea hearing to start in the (ironically?) Juvenile Court Room. He was there to plead guilty to child enticement and attempted sexual assault of a child. He's sitting next to Channel 12's Colleen Henry.

(Photos - above, below) The media out-numbered lawyers, judges and plaintiffs in the courtroom Tuesday. All of the Milwaukee TV stations, the JT, the J-S, WRJN, WGTD and (of course) RacinePost were all represented at the hearing.

(Photo - above) Becker's fate now rests with this man. Judge Stephen Simanek will sentence the former Racine mayor on March 3. Simanek is leaving the bench in April after deciding not to seek re-election.

(Photo - above) Following the hearing, Henry asked Becker "Do you have anything you want to say to the people of Racine? How about to your family?" Becker stormed past without saying a word.


  1. "Stormed past"? I tthought that he just walked by; with his usual smirk of course.

  2. No, it was definitely a storming. He was angry on his way out.

  3. Becker can only be angry with himself. If HE had not taken these actions HE would still be mayor and maybe even have a quality life. He brought all this on himself. As a public official, even fallen, the press has the right to ask questions of him and cover the story. Sadly this has been a national story. Becker can chose not to answer but angry, that is his own issue.

    Hopefully, the judge will give him plenty of time in striped sunlight to think about his actions and be angry. Anything short of the maximum time locked up will be a real slap on justice and be the judge's legacy. Considering all the charges dropped Becker better serve the max on these charges to make up for the dropped charges.

    Thanks for the coverage Dustin.
