
December 19, 2009

Anderson, Stein not running for re-election

Two sitting aldermen will not seek re-election this spring.

Kelli Stein, who was appointed to the City Council in August, will not seek a full two-year term in April. She represents the city's 10th District on the south side. Look for Racine Unified School Board member Dennis Wiser, who finished second to Stein for the appointment in August, to run for the open seat.

Also, Bob Anderson is leaving the Council after two terms. He represents the second district, which is roughly the historic district south of Downtown Racine. Eric Marcus, a former candidate for the Racine Unified School Board, is set to run for the open seat.

The spring election is April 6 with a Feb. 16 primary, if needed. The deadline to file for election is Jan. 5. Even-numbered districts are up for election this year. Incumbents up for re-election include: Jim Kaplan, Sandy Weidner, QA Shakoor II, Aron Wisneski and Ron Hart.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Kelli Stein, is a nice person however she does not like the heat that comes from the office. As well this sets back Leadership Racine from being a stepping stone to Government, Thank God.
    I hope that Ms Stein continues to donate her time to causes she likes.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. So where are all the people that want to overthrow the council? How many of them have filed papers for these now open positions? I'm sure at least a couple of them live in one of these districts.

  5. These aldermen are not the ones on the list. The aldermen that are going to have to retire are in the odd numbered districts. So don't you worry, you have something to look forward to.

  6. The alderman up for re-election that should get voted out are Weidner and Hart. Weidner does not get it and Hart is like one of those Senator's in Washington that has been there forever and continues the same-o, same-o.

  7. I expect Kim P to run for Mayor and even though she is not much better then Dickert I pray she do no backroom deals.
    This Mayor has got to go.

  8. "These aldermen are not the ones on the list. The aldermen that are going to have to retire are in the odd numbered districts. So don't you worry, you have something to look forward to."

    Who is on the list? Who is naughty and who is nice? Did you check it twice?

  9. Kim Plache? Haven't we learned our lesson already putting in an ex state legislator with NO city experience?

  10. Even Dave Maack be a better Mayor then who we have now.
    I would see Helding as the same type of Mayor as Dickert or Becker (but no 14 year old).
    Saying Helding would be a good Mayor is like saying The Bears are a good football team.
    Kim is many things at least unlike Dickert IMHO be no rule by cronies

  11. I see Dave Maack has the support of the "grammar doesn't count" crowd. If you think he or Helding would be good, ask around City Hall. Neither of them are liked by the employees.

  12. I see Dave Maack has the support of the "grammar doesn't count" crowd. If you think he or Helding would be good, ask around City Hall. Neither of them are liked by the employees.

  13. Look for Jody Harding to challenge Wisnewski and Wayne Klingman to challenge QA. Rumor is that George Meyer will challenge Kaplan, splits the white vote and Lumpkin cruises to victory.

  14. Unless Anon 9:06 is Ms. Stein or someone with expressed permission from her to disclose personal information, you are a complete moron and utter fool.

    She said she was stepping down for personal reasons, if this is the reason it is none of anyone's business - let alone "anonymously" blab and speculate online.

    Public officials spend a great deal of time trying to get something done for very little compensation and in return they get slandered by tacky anonymous commenters who would never say the same if people knew who they were.

    Constructive criticism and legitimate differences are fine and even good, but you bunch of losers are pathetic.

    p.s. Please, please let George Meyer run. He has accused the common council of everything short of high treason...well maybe that too. It would be fascinating to see someone who has only ever criticised try and govern.

  15. Yeah right

    The crybaby crew doesn't have the stones to ever run and try to make a difference. They'd much rather complain.

    Wayne Clingman
    George Meyers

    Racine is talking to you two whiners. Put up or shut up for once. Let's see you actually do something. George thinks he knows everything and Wayne hates every company in Racine that doesn't own a garden.

    Well let's see what you've got. Put some ideas out there and more importantly, run for office. Let Racine decide how good your ideas are.

    There are a whole host of others that can be added to the list also so don't think you're alone. At least Harding went out there and went for it. All of these others are like 5 year olds that want to feel important and get some attention.

  16. Look for Jody Harding to lose big if she runs. Wisneski had a serious and well funded challenger last time and he ran away with it.

    Clingman may have a shot against QA. No one ever runs there and he is not used to working for it.

  17. It is sad that we have wait to oust Spangenberg. He has run away from his supporters and many of us are now completely turned off by him. These people use us to get elected then their personal agendas take over from there. If you really want to see them act selfishly, wait until they realize that their chances of ever being mayor are done.

  18. Wayne Clingman is a felon. Can he even run for office?

  19. No. Convicted felons cannot run for local or state office in Wisconsin unless they have been pardoned.

  20. We do need some more decent challengers for these comfortable city council members. I hope the races are fair and not unduly influenced by unions or business. The recycle bin vote alone should get hundreds out of the woodwork to run.

  21. Smith was a convicted felon and he ran.

  22. Concerned Citizen12/20/2009 5:20 PM

    Weidner still hangs with Becker. Just thought II would let anyone who cares know. I have photos to prove it, but will keep them if and when I need to defend myself.

  23. 4:47 OK, let's continue the pattern: Smith, Becker, Dickert & Clingman, all felons. How has the felons for city politics been working so far for Racine.

  24. Wesneski only cares about one thing; press! Look for the mayor, and you'll see him and vicee versee.

  25. Insider, if there are more than two people running there is a primary and it gets down to 2.

    There is no way the scenario you lay out can come to pass.

  26. Jody runs her campaigns on CNH company time. Is that really a person you want in public office?

  27. Only a complete idiot would keep repeating Jody campaigning on CNH time. No one cares. You have said it at least a million times. No one cares.

  28. 7:10 When was Dickert a convicted felon?

  29. If Georg Meyers ran an won. I hope he would run the city better then his slum houses! He is the worst slumlord in Racine!

  30. 12:32. I am sorry, you are correct. Dickert is not a convicted felon, but I do consider him of shady political origins. Thanks for the correction.

  31. 12:03 - Apparently you care or you would not respond. So if you do, I'm sure there are others that do so as well.Here it is again for anyone that missed it. Jody runs her campaigns on CNH company time.

  32. 12:03 - is that you Jody? At least you commented during the lunch hour rather than during work hours as you normally do.

  33. Is Lumpkin running for Alderman?

  34. "vicee versee"

    Thanks for the laugh.

  35. Lumpkin is rumored to be running for Alderman and County Board, again.

    He should be taking a spelling class instead.

  36. Even one of our vice-president could not spell "Potato"

  37. Anon 10:28 is a liar and a coward. Why not pony up and identify yourself so we can meet. I'd be more than happy to straighten your ass out!

  38. Also, Jody does not read the Racine Post and she has seldom, if ever, resonded on it to anything I've informed her of. And any time Jody ever spent on her campaign during business hours was always with the consent (and blessing) of her supervisors, and she always worked extended hours to complensate for it.

    So, once again, you loud mouth, cowardly liar, why not meet up with me you chicken sh*t?

  39. Mr. Harding, I don't it's wise to come on a blog and post such comments... If anything, it's going to hurt Jody's campaign or attempts to campaign down the road.

  40. Tim the Shrubber12/28/2009 6:21 AM

    "If anything, it's going to hurt Jody's campaign or attempts to campaign down the road."

    I dunno...seems like Jody is her own worst roadblock when it comes to campaigning.

  41. Richie - Physical threats could be turned over to the police. And who is the chicken s**t - where's Jody's response? And I will contine to dampen any attemps she may have in running again - so get use to it.
