
November 19, 2009

Neighborhood Watch honored for National Night Out

Racine Neighborhood Watch, Inc. has received an award -- its 18th since 1992 -- for the community's participation in the event last August.

A small percentage of the 14,625 communities hosting National Night Out receive this award, which celebrates the 6,000 people who participated in 70 different Racine events.

The evening here began with a salute to Bernice Moore at the kickoff held on her block. Bernice is a longtime board member and NNO event host. At other events, people feasted at cookouts around the city, at parks and community centers, in churchyards and on blocked off streets. Kids clambored onto fire trucks and met law enforcement officers and McGruff. Activities ranged from dancing to face painting to a cake walk to water balloons to walking on stilts.

National Night Out 2010 will be Tuesday, Aug. 3.


  1. Why are comments closed for the Sebastian's post?

  2. Because their food is delicious. Case closed foo.

  3. Seriously speaking, we must mobilize against The House of Wax and its money-mutt minions. For starters, we ought to oust all public officials who reside in the Carnauba criminals' back pockets and replace them with men who are not afraid to take on the Cherokee Red Reprobates. Messy-John-It's-A-Sin, Inc. must learn that it doesn't own Racine. We need leaders who are unbought and unbossed and we need them NOW!

  4. ok...we get it already. Start your own website to spread your love for SCJ. Get over it!

  5. How can Neighborhood Watch sign a contact with the City of Racine (for who knows how much and it looks like a no bid at that) to educate the public on Recycling before the City has the $$ to pay them? When will that project begin? Is that what part of our $10.00 fee will go for?

  6. Our neighborhood watch does a good job. The office staff are very helpful. I know I can call anytime and get information. National night out is fun, but it is only once a year.
