
November 29, 2009

How you can help feed the hungry

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
~Mother Teresa

For the period ending June 30, 2009, the Racine County Food Bank reports pounds of food donated were down by 15 percent from the previous year. Individuals served increased by 4 percent to 59,620.

Unemployment for the City of Racine hovers around 15 percent; for the county it is 10 percent. Executive Director of the Racine County Food Bank Dan Taivalkoski states, “We are serving more people with less food.”

Now is the time to help.

Donations for holiday baskets are being collected now through Friday, Dec. 4.
  • Canned hams (especially the “Celebrity” brand, 12-ounce ham – the can is blue)
  • Boxes of Jello
  • Canned yams
  • Microwave popcorn
Donations of the Super Six are always welcome:
  • Canned fruit
  • Peanut butter
  • Tuna
  • Canned meats
  • Beef stew
  • Canned pasta with meat
There will be a collection barrel at the Volunteer Center of Racine County from Monday, Nov. 30, through Monday, Jan. 4. Donate your time and take a ride over to the Volunteer Center with your food contributions. Please be generous. The office is at Western Village, 6216 Washington Ave.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
~Winston Churchill


  1. I would be more inclined to donate if I knew that the needy were actually the recipients. An employee of mine who was living at the homeless shelter on DeKoven told me the cook and some of the staff were loading the trunks of their cars with donated food to take home.

  2. I usually never comment on rumors about our shelter. But in the hope that no one decides not to give food that is needed in our community right now, I will here.
    I am the Executive Director of HALO. First there is no cook on staff at HALO or the food bank. Either a team of residents have the chore of cooking or volunteers groups from the community are cooking on any given day. Second there is no way to take food out unless you go by 60 men who know there is a shortage of food, and all who have an anonymous way to report anything they might see.
    If you believe anything is being taken call me Kevin Cookman at 633-3235 X143 or call Dan Taivalkoski at the Food Bank 632-2307 and we will investigate.
    At this time of year there is food brought in for the adopt a family program, that has been donated to families in temporary housing or at other shelters such as the women's resources center. This food is documented as a donation and delivered by staff.
