
November 20, 2009

Grand opening for new Lockwood Park playground on Saturday

Coach Ben Lake and the St. Catherine's High School soccer team lift a piece of the new Lockwood Park playground into place back in August. The team won the state championship this year.

It took a little longer than most would have liked, but work is finally done on the stellar new playground at Lockwood Park.

The community-build project was all-but done in July, but the city repaved the park's parking lot and took awhile to finish up landscaping around the city's first handicap-accessible playground.

The re-dedication ceremony will be held on Saturday at noon at the park, located 4300 Graceland Boulevard.

As a cool aside, the St. Catherine's High School boys soccer team, led by Coach Ben Lake, played an important role in building the playground back in August. The team went on to win the state championship this fall. Something to be said about community service and team work there ...


  1. Thank you to St. Cat's, Alderman Wisneski, and everyone else associated with the building of this new playspace.

  2. Good karma to SCHS soccer team for their hard work. Thank you gentlemen for your help and congratulations on winning state. Thank you also to all the other volunteers. We are all better off for your generous volunteer time.

  3. What no credit to Cory Mason?

  4. Annoyedoumous.11/20/2009 4:34 PM

    yeah really how much fawning over Cory Mason over the past few weeks.. Cory the Taxer, has been everywhere all of a sudden. Must be afraid of a competitor in next years race. Hey Cory u want to get some REAL attention? Try reducing the size of Govt.

  5. Thank you, Alderman Wisneski, for all your work. My kids and I really appreciate this playground. The city let our park go downhill for years. It's about time someone paid attention to the taxpayers out here and gave us something nice, too.

  6. Anonymous3:52 and Annoydoumous you are Idiots.

  7. Anon 11:04, making a larger point, your limited brain pan is apparently to capable of grasping it.

  8. They didn't Give taxpayers anything.It cost taxpayers $63,000

  9. I beleive it was Cory's idea.
    The other just implemented it.

  10. Anybody but Harding11/21/2009 7:36 PM

    Was Jody Harding there? I heard our former candidate for Mayor told the city council it was a waste of money to put playground equipment in the park because its not safe to walk the streets of Racine-therefore no one would use it. Lets get out of your bunker Harding and start mixing with the common folk. Because you were too afraid to walk the streets of Racine to campaign you did poorly in your quest to save Racine from us liberals.

  11. Wow anyone but, let go of your hatred.
