
November 30, 2009

City to consider $40,000 contract for annual fireworks show

The City Council will consider renewing a contract for a $40,000 fireworks show on the Fourth of July for the next three years.

The annual show, provided by Melrose Pyrotechnics of Kingsbury, Ind., costs the city $17,500 per year. The remainder of the cost is covered by sponsorships and private donations, according to a letter from city purchasing agent Sam Aiello.

Melrose Pyrotechnics has run Racine's fireworks show since 2000.


  1. It's always good to take a look at contracts and bid them out, but whatever the case, keep the fireworks in the future!

  2. I hope that someone is verifying the shell and salute counts. Those numbers should be on the bid, not just "20 minute display...$40,000.00".
    This is a count that should be verified by someone. A video recording helps.

  3. Although I know some folks like fireworks, I question the need to make money literally go up in smoke during a depression. On top of that, fireworks are dangerous. Ask any pyrotechnician--even the guys who earn mega-moolah setting them off concede that fireworks must be handled with care.

  4. Aiello gets paid WAY too much for what he does. Cut the fat at City Hall, now THAT would be some real savings. Arrogant guy I tell ya.

  5. What about the thousands of hours (tens of thousands of dollars) of OVERTIME paid out to the Police for the 4th of July?? When will this soon to be bankrupt city ever become fiscally responsible? I'm ready to pull my 100 employee business out of this city if things don't change REAL soon. It's a promise John, not a threat.

  6. 7:48 - get the hell out then. Better check out your moving expense 1st!
