
November 25, 2009

City offering indoor tennis lessons for all ages

The City of Racine’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department will be collaborating with the Racine Tennis Club this winter by providing tennis lesson for all skill levels at the Indoor Facility.

Registration will be taken at the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department, 800 Center St. Room, 127, Monday, Nov. 30 through Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009.

Class dates and times are as follows:

Sundays (Youth and Adults) Jan. 3 through April 18, 2010
10–13 year olds, 2-3 p.m.;
14–18 year olds, 3-4 p.m.; and
Adults 3-4 p.m.

Wednesdays (Adults only) January 6th through April 21, 2010
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Lessons will be held at the Racine Tennis Club, 5100 Briarwood Lane. The cost for
these 16-week classes is $160.

Registration Forms are available at the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Department; Community Centers and the Racine Tennis Club.

For information or questions, please call (262) 636-9131 or come down to the Parks,
Recreation and Cultural Services Department, 800 Center St., Room 127, City Hall


  1. This is a great way to learn what can become a life long sport for you at a very reasonable cost! I signed up for group lessons more than 15 years ago and have been playing ever since.

  2. Looks like fun.

  3. Wait - you'll soon be seeing Waxi comments.

  4. I'm sure that Mr Angry will weigh in on why this is a terrible thing. After all people are starving etc...
    Any only "Waxies" play tennis, so this is another JWax plot.

  5. Oh, Mr Angry... We're waiting for you. This article was apparently written with you in mind.

  6. Not sure what's worse. Negative commenters or people taunting negative commenters. The former are at least sincere. The latter are just plain mean.

  7. This is great BUT-how much of the $160 is the city getting for promoting this business ?? Friend of who at city hall ??

  8. Registration will be taken at the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department, 800 Center St. Room, 127, Monday, Nov. 30 through Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009.

    Who's paying for Parks & Rec. employees doing this ???

  9. Why does anyone care about"who's doing it" or "who's paying"? They are Park and Recreation Employees and Tennis would be Recreation.
    God, give it a rest. It will not impact your taxes.

  10. Dustin - liberal website owners are worse - always promoting your socialistic craziness.

  11. Anon 3:20: Is there no end to the negativity of RacinePost readers? They dump on Christmas, they dump on tennis, they dump on ... everything!

    Here, just for you, a video of the grace you can say on Thanksgiving:


  12. Why can't we agree to disagree with each other in a civilized way? The old gentleman whose family ran Western Publishing was right when he compared Racine to a chariot drawn by four horses, each of which wished to run in a different direction.

  13. Dustin, I take offense at your note which suggests we are "taunting". The idiot who refuses to provide any ID (but we know him as Mr Angry) continues to ruin any and all discussions with his hatred of the Johnson Family and his virole about capitalism.
    He hijacks any type of meaningful discussion and quite frankly is growing tiresome. Please Don't tell me you aren't encouraging him with headlines like "Free Tennis Lessons"...

  14. I think this is a great idea. The parks employees are going to be paid whether they fulfill this function or not. I hope it's a money-maker for the Parks Department.

    Let's see: good clean fun, relatively inexpensive, a year around sport, pretty much non-political, a potential income for the city and great entertainment. Yes, I can see where so many of the negatifve posters here will hate it. But I think the vast majority of us will agree that is a positive thing.

  15. "...always promoting your socialistic craziness."

    I didn't know tennis was for socialists. Is that the newest conspiracy theory? I think you may want to check your facts on that one friend.

    Tennis is a terrific sport and I'm glad the city is helping kids learn to play. I hope it's a great success for them and the kids!

  16. Will the "poor" children have to pay this $160.00 fee??

    Or will I through some BS tax?

    Serious question here.

    I am already benevolent enough throughout the year (United Way, Red Cross, American Cancer Society,....Etc....), so blow it out your meat nozzle if you don't like this comment.

  17. Hmmm - the City to provide indoor tennis. How is this suppose to play out with reduced snow plowing and the planned slowdown in filling of pot holes. I'm perfectly agreeable with fun and games, but not at a time with cost pressures on the City tax levy.

  18. Maybe a certain corporation which likes to promote fitness will help the kids who lack the $160.00. In addition to being a good deed, assisting those youngsters would be a public relations coup.

  19. You bet! Ever since a major company decided to cancel its famous profit-sharing program, its name has been mud. Assisting poor kids by exposing them to a great sport could benefit the community and counteract the negative publicity surrounding that corporation.

  20. I would be happy to sponsor a child that cannot afford the $160 - maybe if others helped out, any child that wanted to participate could.
