
November 5, 2009

All that hard work on Sixth Street finally pays off

The new Sixth Street, looking west toward City Hall

Has it been just two years?

Two years of construction, a torn-up street, blocked-off sidewalks, dark streetlights, pedestrian barriers, business-as-usual under the most difficult conditions?

Yes, it has been horrible -- but all that comes to an end Friday night, with the official completion of the Sixth Street renovation project. The pavement is done, utility lines rebuilt, brick sidewalks and bump-outs installed, new street lights erected and made operational. Crews were finishing up the fine points Thursday afternoon, installing decorative metal "shrouds" at the bottom of the last few street lights.

The Downtown Racine Corporation is throwing a party -- the centerpiece of this month's First Friday celebration -- to mark Sixth Street's rebirth, its rise from the ashes ... um, dirt and planks of the old Plank Road, revealed during the sometimes archaeological project.

The ceremonial rededication will begin at 5:30 p.m., in Porter's parking lot, where DRC will read a proclamation, install a time capsule, recognize many of those involved in the project ...and allow far too many to speechify about it (briefly).

Devin Sutherland, DRC executive director, and John Busey, DRC board chair, will welcome state and local officials, and those from the companies that completed the street work (on schedule, it must be noted).

After this, the real party will begin, with cake, music, free attractions and Sixth Street $6 bills good for special offers at many of the street's merchants. Go here for the real party specifics, as well as the details of other Downtown events marking November's First Friday.

Sixth Street, looking east toward the Lake


  1. It does look and function very nice.
    Should be good for another 100 years.

    I drove through about an hour ago and the freshly planted trees were adorned with white christmas lights.

  2. I loved the empty store fronts. Great idea to keep Koreans out, Racine far better off with empty stores

  3. There are several Korean owned businesses along Sixth St. Hint Hint: look at some of the occupied storefronts.

  4. whats up with the racist comment?

  5. It looks very nice. Hope they are finished with it for a long time.

  6. 7:49 - is an idiot. He continues to not understand the liquor license laws - 7:49 - you are dismissed, I am done with you.

  7. Bumpouts invite double parking that snarls traffic. All delivery trucks and vans on Main St now stop only at the convenient bumpouts, blocking crosswalks and right turns at intersections. No traffic laws are enforced in Racine. If you don't want vehicular traffic, just close off the street.

  8. The street is two foot smaller! I hope the city does alot better job removing snow and ice from curbs.Would not be suprised if it will be single lane all winter! If you live downtown they keep you up all night removing snow and the next morning you look out and there is nothing done! They should teach them to use equipment!Buy a tool box Now your a mechanic!Party on Racine!

  9. It's good to Sixth Street is done.

  10. I'm more concerned about lost parking, but overall I think the constuction downtown looks great and for you 10:36 - I think the city does a great job of cleaning the streets in Racine. Also you are inconsistant, you complain about the snow removal and then turn around and complain the noise - what is it that you want - another idiot

  11. They say "build it, and they will come". Well we built it (spent it) now all we need to do is lower taxes and attract new business, if the city counsel will allow it. As it sits we have a beautiful street to starve to death on. This is not my wish but just my prediction. Oh buy the way the national unemployment rate just hit 10.2% with Racine at 15%. I know Mr. Mayor, LETS RAISE TAXES. Or is it Mr. Oneterm.

  12. Mr.11:15 You must not work live or even shop downtown! It isn't the noise it's the tax dollars being wasted to make noise all night and not do ANYTHING! Bet you work for the city I wouldn't brag about it!Hope you still have a JOB next year!

  13. 11:52 - no I do not work for the city - quit whining, poor baby it's too noisy at night.

  14. Noise NOT A CLUE!

  15. Nice website you got here.

  16. Personally I think the Sizth St folk owe Pete and Dustin a big hand for keeping the public up to date, keeping the downtown businesses in the spotlight. I know I have changed my eating habits to include eating downtown alot more with my family rather than doing the Olive Garden and other Mall eateries. Thanks guys, the pictures look great and we should be lingering around downtown tonight. Another job well done. Sincerely, appreciate all the hard work to keep us updated on the progress!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. It looks great!!!
