
October 8, 2009

Vote for new endangered species license plate

Eastern Bluebird... or other choices below

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' Endangered Resources Program will introduce a new license plate to showcase work to protect the state's natural heritage and the habitats that support them -- and you get to help choose what's on it.

This will be in addition to the original wolf license plate introduced in 1995. The new plate will be issued early next year. It will cost an additional $25 with the money used to support the DNR's efforts to protect endangered plants and animals.

To help decide which of the four plates should be added, vote here, from midnight tonight until Oct. 19. See the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

Great Blue Heron


Red-headed Woodpecker


  1. Why waste time designing a License plate - The car dealers all cover them up with their license plate advertising borders so you can't even see the plate and one quarter of the population seems to think that the renewal stickers can be placed anywhere they want.

  2. The Translator10/08/2009 3:33 PM

    Where is the plate for the most endangered resource in Wisconsin - The screwed-over taxpayer?

  3. I have one..can I change it to the new one when they come out?

  4. I liked the one with the picture on it under the letters that made it impossible to read.

  5. How about one with a picture of your favorite perverted mayor?

  6. None of them. Stop pissing away our money on this crap and do some real work!!!

  7. Note to ANON 3:22, you can remove the dealer plate cover with a screw driver.

  8. Thanks Anon 10:39am but that's exactly what I did. Apparently that has not occurred to the other 5 million drivers who don't. BTW - I also have my year sticker in the lower right corner! Do you?

  9. 2:18 - I love those people that have their stickers all over their plates. What don't they understand about the directions that indicate the lower right hand corner.

  10. Quit changing everything! Is there a diar need to change it? Come one...

  11. I like the Great Blue Heron.

  12. Translator---You're comment makes no sense at all.

  13. If those are the choices... I prefer the Packers one or are you changing that one too?

    I will like it to say something more like...
    "Home of Harleys and Miller"
    or "Got milk"

    Think about it...

  14. 10:30 - how about dire.

  15. I think a picture of a Caucasian should be used as an endangered species.
