
October 26, 2009

Super School Star: Jeff Appenzellar, North Park Elementary

Every day students and teachers excel in our local schools. RacinePost will highlight a few of these successes with a weekly series called "Super School Stars." Do you know a student or staff member who deserves recognition? Contact us at:

Jeff Appenzellar, North Park Elementary

Jeff Appenzellar, 5th grade teacher at North Park Elementary is an outstanding teacher, mentor, and all around leader within the school community. Not only is he one of the most talented science teachers I have encountered, he co-ordinates a school safety patrol, helps manage the school nature center, and has given up his lunch time to run a citizenship workshop for the student body. He has developed school spirit with the students through chants, respect for others, and exemplary behavior and responsibility for all. Any student or parent of a student will speak of him with the highest regard. He is an amazing teacher and very deserving of this recognition.

Every day students and teachers excel in our local schools. RacinePost will highlight a few of these successes with a weekly series called "Super School Stars." Do you know a student or staff member who deserves recognition? Contact us at:

1 comment:

  1. Jeff has long-deserved recognition for his extra efforts! He goes out of his way to help all students at North Park! He is an excellent role-model and trains our fifth-graders to be helpful leaders at our school. He is a super science teacher, planning many interesting science experiments with our students. I would like to see Jeff get Teacher-of-the Year for Racine or WI.
