
October 10, 2009

'Pepi's Pub and Grill' proposed for Sixth Street

Sixth Street is hoppin'.

The freshly rebuilt Downtown street is fast becoming the city's center for nightlife. Established bars Henry & Wanda's, Park 6, Blue Rock and McAuliffe's on the Square are now joined by a revived Tango Bar and the ambitious Raytown Roadhouse bar and restaurant.

And now another restaurant is in the works.

Joe Madison, co-owner of Pepi's Deli on Main Street, is seeking a liquor license to open Pepi's Pub and Grill at 618 Sixth St. Madison is scheduled to appear before the City Council's Public Safety and Licensing Committee on Monday.

The proposed site is located on the west end of Downtown's Sixth Street. Here's a photo:

618 Sixth St.

Also on the agenda for Monday's Public Safety and Licensing committee:

* The owners of Coasters, Kenny's, Neighborhood Bar and The Club are requested to appear before the committee for incidents at their taverns.

* Park 6's owner is called for a three month update on its tavern.

* Joey LeGath, the owner of four bars in the Racine area, asked to talk with the committee about the changing clientele in his bars. Some bar owners are concerned the committee's aggressive enforcement of taverns is forcing troublesome customers to find new bars.

* The committee will consider tweaking its quota on Class A liquor licenses to allow sold businesses to keep their licenses regardless of the quota.


  1. More bars! Who needs jobs or a 10 year plan when we can drink our cares away!

  2. Too bad that Pepis' is in FACT owned by an asian. It will be interesting to see what the city does in this case.

  3. I remember when this was the unemployment office, not that I ever went there being born in 79 and all.

    Good luck Randy, could be hit or miss there with whirly-gig construction coming soon.

  4. Yeah, another straw purchase.

  5. 11:52

    Do you know anything about Dickert being a major partner in many buildings on State Street?

  6. Some bar owners are concerned the committee's aggressive enforcement of taverns is forcing troublesome customers to find new bars.

    What does this statement mean by McGrath?

  7. How interesting: "The committee will consider tweaking its quota on Class A liquor licenses to allow sold businesses to keep their licenses regardless of the quota." But when the Chun's wanted to open a much needed convenience store on 6th Street, to only sell packaged beer and wine, they were shut down because of the city council's self imposed license limitations. What a bunch of hypocrites. Any business that wants to start up in Racine is shut down, unless it's a bar and Dickert and his real estate cronies can capitalize on it. Enjoy your only term in office John, and wave good bye to your alderman's seats all of you liberal, self-serving fools. The public has had enough of your ignorance and bad management.

  8. It's Rany, not Randy. He is a good guy. I am curious to see what are retarded council comes up with.

  9. should be "our" not "are". See, they are wearing off on citizens.

  10. As long as he is not Korean there should be few issues.

  11. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
    man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The
    credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred
    by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short
    again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings;
    but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm,
    the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best
    knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he
    fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never
    be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”


  12. A convenience store on 6th St. would have been competition for "Rany,Randy". He owns the one on Main St. a few blocks away. Interesting that he is interested in 6th St.

  13. 8:54 - come up with a better term to call the City Council.

  14. Anon 8:08, I think the term "intellectually and or morally challenged" would be the best suited term for the current city council. But then stupid, or assonine, or foolish would also fit.

  15. I call them the nanny council. They don't think we are smart enough to be on our own. They babysit every little thing.

  16. Perfect location for a Christian book store

  17. Pepi's Deli is in FACT not owned by Rany, but by his daughter Kristina and Joe Madison. FACT

  18. Hey another restaurant on 6th street would be great, but financially is it a good move when the existing restaurants are struggling through these tough economic times? All the luck to them, but I would not be investing in such a venture at this point in time.

  19. We need a grand jury or a real newspaper.
    If The Post likes you they will never report on whats going on about the issue (West Racine) if they dislike you forget about it. (Robin Voss)

  20. 4:45 you are an ass!

  21. 4:45 you are an ass!

  22. anon 7:56

    The city is closing bars that have alot of problems like vipers and cash money. The trouble makers that made those bars issues still go out to cause problems. When you close those bars they look for new ones. Mr. LeGath has 4 really nice bars and has very good clientle and is worried those trouble makers are now going patronize his bar. When they do the trouble comes with them. I think its a precautionary heads up, just in case theres an issue with one of his bars. I have seen it at others. It's a good time and then a few people come in and start fights and ruin the night for everyone. I am Not a patron of Mr. LeGaths but do patronize a bar whose owner is having the same issues.

  23. Another bar/pub/tavern...just what we do NOT need in Downtown Racine -- or anywhere in the city really! Keeping people in liquor seems like it's more than covered around here.

    What can be done to keep trouble out of these establishments? Alcohol & problems seem to go hand in hand.

  24. Anon 2:38 -

    Rany is a successful businessman. If you think for one second, make that a half a second, that his money is not being used to back this venture, you are a knucklehead. Let's be honest here. Rany owns and financially supports Pepi's. What's the big deal?? His daughter is very intelligent, but it is dad's money that allows many things to happen. Just keepin' it real.

  25. anon 4:45 is right.

  26. concrete katie10/15/2009 10:43 AM

    Sixth Street needs daytime businesses like a grocery store. Like a laundromat. Turning the street into racine's version of Mardi Gras leaves it dead in the daytime. City planning leaves it dead in the daytime.

  27. If Randy Kong has anything to do with this business it will be a no BLACKS allowed establishment, much like ODDFELLOWS on MAIN and his other ventures.

  28. Donzell - well at least then there won't be any police calls.

  29. Whites are just as likely to be the subject of police complaints from businesses it just doesn't get the same attention via the white media and politicians.

  30. 6:09 - yea right. What is the % of whites vs. blacks in prison today?

  31. Anon 8:42 - That statistic will do what to support your argument?

  32. Just look at 6:09 comment.

  33. So you're attempting to correlate # of police calls and # of incarcerations by ethnicity in one sentence?

  34. Howeezy - you've got it - prove me wrong.

  35. I have no desire to prove you wrong until you prove the correlation between # of police calls regarding either black or white suspects and # of incarcerations of black or white people, as well as the reason that you believe it proves Anon 6:09 to be wrong. Seems interesting to me because Anon 6:09 said nothing about prison. Even further, what is the percentage of police calls that actually lead to incarceration?

  36. Howzee - I bet you have your sites on a Public Defender position.
