
October 27, 2009

Kringle, from your own kitchen? Ah, elusive...

UPDATED, with recipe! See below.

Original post:

We were so-o-o close!

A RacinePost reader sent us a note today saying that Racine, kringle and O&H Bakery are portrayed favorably in the Dec/Jan issue of Cook's Country magazine. So we immediately hied over to their website, Cook', entered kringle in their search engine, and Bingo!

Up popped links to recipes for :

And then Cook's Country teased us with the news that "This Wisconsin favorite rivals the best Danish you ever had. Given its three-day prep time, it better. We set out to cut down the cooking time without sacrificing flavor..."

Aha! The Holy Grail of kringle! Considering I just saw some TV cook make New Orleans' beignets out of refrigerator biscuit dough (Total prep involved cutting the biscuits in half and frying them! Yum, said the tasters; I have my doubts.), my mouth started watering. Here might be the perfect way to avoid getting off my butt and driving the half-mile to my nearest O&H Bakery! (I know what you're thinking: Sure, easier for him, but his Saintly Wife is gonna have to actually bake the kringle, no matter how easy the recipe is. What's your point?)

So I clicked one of the links. (Pecan, if you must know, like O&H's at right.) But only disappointment fed my hunger: The actual recipes are restricted to subscribers and members! Ah, but wait, there's an out: The magazine offers a 14-day free membership!

So I filled out the first page of the 14-Day Free Membership Trial: name, address, e-mail address, phone number, height, weight and hair color (just kidding about those last three). And then I got to the second page -- known as the Bait and Switch Page: Choose between a one-year and a two-year subscription, provide your credit card number, blah blah. Of course, you can cancel anytime before the 14 days are up, but, Frankly, M'dear, it's just not worth the hassle to me.

But maybe it is to you? If there's anyone out there who wants to sign up, or track down the actual print magazine and test Cook's Country's home-kitchen kringle recipes, we're available for a blind taste test. Any day of the week ending in the suffix -day.

Meanwhile: Condolences to the O&H family on the death of Dale Olesen, one of the three co-owner brothers.


Seek, and ye shall find! RacinePost reader Dawn Schubert found a recipe for kringle on -- supplied by none other than O&H Bakery! The comments following it ranged from "A little challenging at first," to "It just doesn't get any better than this."

Try it yourself and let us know how close you came to the original: O&H Kringle Recipe. Recipe makes two kringle, but one of the commenters at said she doubled it and the extras "froze and thawed beautifully." FoodNetwork lets users print recipes on 3x5 cards; click here for the O&H Kringle recipe in that format.


  1. You fat Americans make me laugh.

  2. Lars Larson, was on his deathbed in an upstairs bedroom. His doctor had said Lars would last for only a matter of hours. Lars woke from a deep sleep and sniffed. His wife must have just returned from the bakery, and the aroma of freshly baked kringles bought a spark to Lars. He whispered, "If I could just have a taste of kringle before I die, it would make my dying sweeter."

    He mustered every ounce of strength and got out of bed. Slowly he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. there he spied two kringles on the counter. Just as he was reaching out to take a piece, his wife swatted his hand away. "Stop that," she said. "We're saving these for the funeral."
