October 1, 2009

Johnson family's net worth falls 13 percent, but they're still among richest Americans

The Johnson family's net worth fell 13 percent in the last year, but the late Sam Johnson's wife and children remain among the richest Americans, according to Forbes magazine.

Imogene Johnson, Fisk Johnson , Curtis Johnson, Helen Johnson Leipold and Winnie Johnson-Marquardt all have personal fortunes of $1.95 billion, Forbes reported. The amounts ranked 183rd in the United States.

The Johnson family members are among the richest 400 people in the world.

You can access Forbes' coverage of American billionaires here.


  1. Poor babies! Even so, they remain world-class treasure tyrants and global grandees of greed.

  2. If I had a handkerchief, I'd start crying right now. Seriously, those private sector privateers deserve to lose the entire stash. When thousands of Racine residents are one paycheck away from disaster, moaning over the plight of money-monarchs worth 1.9 billion apiece is ridiculous.

  3. Five generations of greed built their obscene pile--one generation of progressive government will destroy it.

  4. I'd like to see them try to survive on a reverse mortgage and subminimum-wage earnings. When the people's enemies pound the pavement looking for a rotten low-wage job to pay their bills, please call me and I'll join their pity party.

  5. Although they yap about their commitment to Racine, they dodge their property taxes and shift the burden to low-income and middle class citizens.

  6. When the taxman takes away their power to treat the rest of us like garbage, spread the good news and we'll all celebrate the fall of the House of Wax.

  7. Boo-hoo! I guess that's why the yuppies didn't get their profit sharing checks this year.

  8. Somebody should look into their off-shore operations. I've heard they've got plenty of loot they don't want to discuss with the authorities.

  9. When the right time arrives,the feds will nail them for tax-related transgressions. That's how they got Al Capone.

  10. Considering what they possess, those parasites do little for the people of Racine. Art and architecture are no foundation for a thriving community which considers and meets the needs of ordinary residents.

  11. Someday the government will make them disgorge their loot and share it with their victims. God speed the day!

  12. For what one of their women and her clique blow on modern art in an afternoon, they could have saved San Juan Diego Middle School and a now-defunct school clinic which Unified provided for disabled children. Their lack of compassion proves that my father was right when he said that anyone with more than ten million dollars was a menace to the impecunious majority in our community. Wealth above that figure does NOT belong in predatory private hands.

  13. Modern art...Silver Ghosts...silly seaplanes...property tax exemptions...fiberglass bogus bovines... If the above are a certain crass clan's contributions to Racine, we don't need billionaires.

  14. Thanks to them, Racine is the most corrupt company town in the Midwest. We all know which hyper-privileged people keep bought-and-paid-for civic Poobahs in their back pockets.

  15. Don't tell Becker about his masters' monetary misery. He'll weep when he hears that they may not be able to buy him and his Versace glasses out of a stint in the pokey. (Maybe they need the dough they would have spent on springing him for more Nic Noblique sculptures.)

  16. Temp agencies...low wages...high profits without profit sharing... All of those are the Waxie way.

  17. I am troubled by the lack of sympathy to our masters.
    Just look at what they give us:

    A worthless school system
    Uptown Art Project
    The change for us to pay more property taxes.

    We should help them out lets pass the hat!

  18. All kidding aside, I know the Johnson's fancy themselves and philanthropists but they tend to contribute to entities that will only benefit themselves.

    They needed a "nice" school for their execs kids so they built one.
    A very exclusive one that's so politically corrupt it has become an inside joke.

    They needed a hotel so they built one. They realized they really needed an exclusive hotel so their people wouldn't have to mix with commoners so they built one.

    They needed a show piece downtown so they built one. As a result they rule downtown with a heavy hand and the hopes of real progressive thinking down there has gone out the window.

    They don't pay their rightful property taxes.

    The culture of their employees is one of privilege and excess. I've never seen a more arrogant spoiled group of people.

    The family is so paranoid that everyone wants to take advantage of them that they've cloistered themselves from the people of Racine. Ya think you'll see them at Party on the Pavement? I used to see Sam there.

    I also believe as J wax goes so goes Racine. I wish them success but I wish they'd stop fooling themselves and either get behind this city in ways that really matter or hire someone who understands true corporate community stewardship.

    Bottom line is: Don't let anyone tell you they're for the little guy. They are not and if given the chance they'll pick the pockets of the same community that built that company.

  19. Amen! The Waxies won't be hurting until a government answerable to the common people makes them stop hurting the little guy. Socialism now!

  20. Looks like a gaggle of posts in the wee hours from one person. No doubt that person's life is much more fulfilled now that most of the bile has been flushed out.

  21. As one of the big-buck bandits' victims, I wish them and their retinue of haughty Harvard honchos and crass Cornell cruds bon voyage into the anti-capitalist perfect storm.

  22. Anon 8:29 - I have a feeling that individual has purged just a small fraction of his/her bile.

  23. Since the Sam-ster Scamsters have exploited thousands of wage slaves to accumulate their blasted billions, I pray that a people's government may confiscate and redistribute their assets. Although President Obama won't do this thanks to his privileged private school mis-education, there are other men waiting and working for meaningful change who'll make him look like Mitt Romney.

  24. I think someone has a bug up their arse. Obviously from the same person.

    The Johnsons have done alot for this community. They are, after all a family owned company. I personally thank them for what they are doing for this community.

  25. Dear 8:43 A.M., You'll see what your servility will get you--nada. The Lighthouse Loot Lords and Lucre Ladies do nothing for anyone except their putrid elitist selves. The same applies to their hoity-toity pet Ivy Leaguers, who assist them in oppressing Racine's rank-and-file citizens through questionable labor practices.

  26. I have lived in this community all of my life. I think the people of Racine should thank God that the Johnson's started their business here. The Johnson company has done more for Racine than be counted in dollars.

  27. The Almighty willing, someday the posh porkers will be paraded around Monument Square prior to their life-long incarceration for crimes against humanity. Perhaps their guards will make them oink for the amusement of their erstwhile serfs. (Don't laugh, but one of their corporate females has her white collar low-dough drudges squeeze toy loons which emit bird calls at her warped behest. Turnabout is fair play.)

  28. Here's an Irish-style ballad about our fiscal fiends: The Waxtrash oppress us,/Waxtrash bring us pain./ They torment their toilers/ for ill-gotten gain./ They wax and they wax/ but soon they shall wane./ Meanwhile we pray "God bless the Waxtrash!"/ The Waxtrash cannot save/ the dying pauper child./ No, they must acquire art/ for that's more their style./ They're corrupt to the core/ and their hard hearts are vile./ E'en so, we pray "God bless the Waxtrash!"/ But when Our Lord and/ Savior doth return--/ 'tis an event for which/ all of us yearn--/ in hell th'entire Carnauba/ Court shall burn,/ for then, at last, God shall bless the Waxtrash!

  29. Dear 8:58 A.M., Just what have the ermine vermin done for Racine? We've got a much-touted downtown art museum which doubles as a tax shelter, assorted Frank Lloyd Wright monstrosities which would have been dozered long ago if they had borne another architect's name, an ultra-pricey and pretentious repository for a replica para-Depression seaplane and other grandiose garbage of no conceivable use to our impoverished citizenry.

  30. Don't the Waxies and their flunkeys wish that all the critical comments came from a single person! Five generations of Wax-crime and Carnauba-corruption have spawned an anti-corporate movement. The days of oligarchic pride and power are numbered. Within a decade,we may see a social democratic regime take charge of our sorry country and teach the error-stock-crazy important lessons about respect for the common man.

  31. Today's Racine reminds me of Paris as it was on the verge of the French Revolution in 1789. For the ruling class, there were expensive playthings galore while the downtrodden majority put in twelve-to-fourteen-hour workdays in exchange for a pittance. Among the top tenth of the population, the arts flourished while the working classes scrambled for bare-bones survival. We all know what happened on July 14, 1789. Anyone who thinks that the American toiler and his lower-middle class kin won't settle accounts with our kleptoplutocrats is naive.

  32. 9:31 - A good way of masking that so many of the anti-Johnson posts are coming from the same person is for the poster to change the writing style, choice of words, sentence structure, etc. Perhaps the poster's emotions are getting in the way of his/her ability to creatively show these posts are a mass outpouring from the community.

    Then, of course, there's the problem with the time-line around 3am today. I suppose we should all believe that a large number of people just happen to be up at that time, just happen to be reading the Racine Post and just happen to be having these independent and spontaneous reactions.

  33. Our Midwestern mock Medicis and their patronage of modern art are disgusting to any poor Joe and Jane who's been forced to toil as one of their temps. For what their women spend on coy little teapots and other outre ceramics in a year, we could wipe out hunger in our community.

  34. Our Midwestern mock Medicis and their patronage of modern art are disgusting to any poor Joe and Jane who's been forced to toil as one of their temps. For what their women spend on coy little teapots and other outre ceramics in a year, we could wipe out hunger in our community.

  35. Note to the high-stepping fastidious femmes of a certain hyperprivileged dough-dame dynasty: when the inevitable socio-economic and political revolution erupts, you'll have a far tougher time than the male half of your clan. Although I'm not the "Mars and Venus" maven, I can tell you that working class revolutionaries tend to be rougher on the women of a fallen oligarchy than they are on the men. If you don't believe me, compare the incarceration, trial and execution of King Louis XVI or the Duke of Orleans with the incarceration, trial and execution of Marie Antoinette or her sister-in-law Madame Elisabeth.

  36. If the rich learn to accept high taxes to build a social safety net for the rest of our people, they may be allowed to retain some of their assets and toys. However, given the oligarchs' blind belief in supply side economics and the myth of wealth creation, they and their yuppie retainers will make the same mistakes which sent the Bourbons, the Ancien Regime's nobility and much of the upper bourgeoisie to the guillotine. Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

  37. Wish my net worth only dropped 13%.

  38. Guillotines on Monument Square? I don't think so. However, unless the privileged classes reform a.s.a.p., government-approved firing squads carrying out the sentences imposed by federal courts are a distinct possibility.

  39. Those of us who freeze every winter because we can't afford to heat our homes will rejoice when the feds confiscate the cash and gold bars which a certain hardhearted clan hoards in its strongroom.

  40. We the suffering people of Racine know what our class enemies have and where they keep it. Once a good government comes to power, we'll make sure that its officials locate and confiscate the loot. I'd like to see the Mink Coat Matriarch's face when federal agents carry off the bales of century notes and the gold bullion which she and her late mate stashed out at their cushy compound.

  41. Dear 10:10 A.M., So do I!

  42. You all wish you were as successful!

  43. Dear 10:47 A.M. Spoken like one of Beck's bozos! Seriously, hoarding gold and hundred dollar bills while less-fortunate people go without the basics isn't my idea of success.

  44. Because most of us have been forced to study the wicked Waxies' quirks in order to survive in this evil little town which they control, we know more about them than they themselves can or may imagine. When a common man's government comes to power, I guarantee you that our information will be put to good use.

  45. 10:57 - Spoken like a loser.

  46. Caring and sharing now could buy the golden ghouls some leniency later. However, if their track record is any guide to their future performance, they'll continue to cut huge checks to Cornell's Department of Art History and then wonder why the irate workers fail to revere them as humanitarians.

  47. The bottom line is that anyone who hasn't been brainwashed by Beck, Limbaugh and the rest of that self-righteous right wing tribe hates capitalism and its reigning dynasties. Here in Rat-Scene, that means that our people will despise the John-Swines, the Leap-and-Grab- Hold Gang and the Boidcage Bandit Brigade. Nevertheless, there are another thirteen-hundred to fifteen-hundred thoroughly corrupt families whose heads must share the blame for the pan-pervasive misery of working Americans. what's more, our sad land is saddled with several million arrogant yuppies who can't wait to grab the brass ring and clobber some poor toiler with it. As nasty as the Waxies are, let's never forget that they are just a part of a bad class which must be taxed down to size and regulated for the benefit of the common people.

  48. Will Un-Carin' Waxbabe Boidcage wind up behind bars? I sincerely hope she will spend a few years in the clink. For what she poured into an art museum (useful only to her class as a source of tax deductions),she could have housed and fed Racine's homeless people for the duration.

  49. We all have the opportunity at the brass ring. If you are too lazy or don't want to reach for it - then don't worry if others do.

  50. Dear 11:03 and 11:28, We're not losers. Whether or not Beck and Limbaugh disagree with us, history is on our side. Sooner than you think, capitalism and its filthy brass ring game will be dumped in history's landfill. Pray that the misguided family which you idolize may not become history's roadkill like the Romanovs and other deposed dynasties.

  51. Waxtrash scams have had their day. It's time to try a better way--SOCIALISM!

  52. 11:39 - I do not idolize the Johnson family, but I do respect success. Give me a date when "Sooner than you think, capitalism and its filthy brass ring game will be dumped in history's landfill." I want to put it in my caledar to make sure I don't miss it.

  53. I am assuming that most of this diatribe is by one person... I would suggest that he seek mental help.
    "Borderline Personality Disorder" certianly would be a reason for his feeling of self lothing.

  54. Mr Angry can say all he wants - but all I have seen here is hatefilled name-calling. He really is a sad person. To spend more then 8hours doing nothing but typing hate speach into a website really is shows how sick this person is.

  55. I don't know any "Mr. Angry." Even so, there are many people in The Rodent City who are sick and tired of the capitalist rat race and the race of mean rats in charge of it. As for the date of capitalism's demise in our land, it could be chucked into history's trashcan by 2030. The next two decades will teach our oppressors some important lessons. After the dust clears, they're going to wish that they hadn't made us work so hard.

  56. Perhaps we'll do what the Czechoslovakian government did to its corporate hoggies after World War II: turn the former elite into an underclass doomed to low-wage menial labor. Under the Black Baron Program, all male capitalists and noblemen had to report to rural camps or mines for hard labor. Those who weren't capable of such work were made to sweep the streets in the towns they'd owned while others had to maintain public lavatories. The Black Baron Program lasted for two generations. Considering the Waxclan's five generations of tyranny, two generations of latrine detail wouldn't hurt them. John-Swines to the johns!

  57. Mr. Angry - I've put it down for 2030 - do you have a month and day. I want to get it right.

  58. I'm neither "Mr. Angry" nor Nostradamus. However, my First Nations friends are sure that something big is due on March 21, 2030, so I'll pass that date along.

  59. But on a lighter note the Olympics won`t be coming to a town near you!
    Thankfully, what a corrupt waste of good money

    TY Olympic committe!!

  60. Het 1:18 lighten up?

  61. Amen! The Olympics as we know them today were the work of a wealthy French elitist. Once you've researched this stuff, you'll have very little use for it.

  62. Dear 1:13 P.M., when we send the John-Swines out to clean toilets, let's dress them in pig suits. I'm sure there'll be plenty of porcine costumes available after the people's government nationalizes Piggly Wiggly!

  63. Mr. Angry - thanks for the date - now do you happen to know what time? I'll plan a party around it. And who would not hate wealthy French elitist. I know Mr. Angry does - a matter of fact, he hates everyone and everything unless you are on the bottom rung of life like he is.

  64. American soldier10/02/2009 1:32 PM

    Except for my time in the US ARMY eradicating the world of the communist /socialists that now use the freedom of my country to post their anti America crap on blogs like this one. I have lived and worked at several companies that have left Racine to go south for cheaper labor. I was born a poor country boy that work my way through life sometimes working two or three jobs to buy a house and raise my family. I also took the opportunity to go back to school to increase my education.
    I have never taken a hand out from the government because it is not there place to raise the family that I chose to have, or is it the responsibility of someone that has work hard to make there fortune to give it away to some lazy SOB that does not want to work or use the excuse that the world owes them because of their color or because life dealt them a crappy hand.
    If you don’t like it here please leave my country, because the communist /socialists will never get control of this country as long as freedom loving Americas like me are alive to stop them.
    The Johnson family gives more then there share to this community and many others around the world. Why should they have to give away all that they worked for .Do you people? Let me guess you people never try to find tax deductions to save you money on your taxes right. Before you throw stones look in the mirror. I help out with many agencies that work with people in need in Racine and they are always looking for volunteers I will be looking for you at the next meeting. Charity begins at home try it you bunch of whiners.
    Last of all I do work for S.C Johnson and I am proud of it for the first time in my civilian life I don’t have to worry about losing my job next week. You should also know that S.C .Johnson hires a lot of veterans and supports the troops that are in the Reserves and Guard buy supplementing there pay and keeping their jobs for them some have been deployed numerous times.

  65. Dear 1:32 P.M., Since you like the John-Swines so much, we'll let you dress them in their pig suits and escort them to and from the public comfort stations which we plan to build on Money-mutt Square.

  66. Mr. Agry does not agree with God Bless America. He feels Bless the Whiners.

  67. Can't you envision Crack-the-Whip Leap-and-Grab-Hold's consort in HER pig suit? Since she runs The John Outdoors and The Bugspray Bank, she ought to participate in our public toilet sanitation project.

  68. God Bless the Rich! And pity on those that are not.

  69. No, God bless the workers and blast the rich oppressors!

  70. Dear American Soldier, Please don't fall for Waxtrash propaganda. The rich send brave men like you out to be ground into hamburger for the benefit of the caviar crew. How many trust fund brats do you see serving in the Armed Forces? How many Waxies participate in the military? Please wake up and shake up our oppressors!

  71. Mr. Angry you don't mean God Bless the workers - you mean Bless the entitlement people. I doubt you would use the word God - as you can see I left it out in referring your meaning.

  72. The wacko is just a little left of Mao and even the Chinese have turned to capitalism.
    My bet is either he onced work for the Johnsons and was terminated for cause, or he is living in his parents basement...
    In any case, he a a very sad individual.

  73. Or Both! Yes, one very sad indivual who really could use some mental help

  74. Hey - I'm glad I'm not alone in my impression of him.

  75. American Soldier - don't let this piece of fecal material on the ass of humanity bother you.
    He is simply a pitiful loser who feels that everyone owes him somthing.
    He has been posting since about 3:00am, so apparenlty he has no job. Based on his crude usage of words, he also has no education, and no chance of ever becomming anything more than what he is now. You can sense his feelings of having no self worth.

  76. To WhomIt May Concern, There is NO "Mister Angry" and, to the best of my ken, none of us Progressives can claim a basement address. We are workers, scholars, artists and--yes--clergymen. Believe it or not, we even have some small businessmen in our ranks. Our goal is an end to extreme economic disparities in our land. If that means there can be no more billionaire dynasties, so be it!

  77. Or it's just Randolph Brandt trying to rile the natives!

  78. Wow and he uses rhe regal "We"...
    Yes "Progressives can claim a basement address. We are workers, scholars, artists and--yes--clergymen."
    You are none of the above and they would be embarrased by you

  79. 2:52 - You are wrong there is a Mr. Angry and it is you!

  80. OK, the blowhard so dead set against anything Johnson Wax. How about the ciy of Racine help them relocate their business to a community that appreciates what they do? So they are rich. So what? Why don't you go down to Howe street and tell them you'll help them pack. It would serve all you Johnson haters right if they pulled up stakes just like Jacobsen, Young Radiator and some of the other companies that used to be here like Oster and Hamilton Beach. I bet they were evil too by employing people. You people that think Jwax doesn't pay their people are probably union folks. They pay pretty darn good without a union. For those that think temps are all the rage, that isn't true either. Most if not all temps are gone so the full time folks can work. Why post as anonymous?

  81. By the way, since you right-wingers are so interested in religion, it may shock you to learn that despite their nominal Presbyterian affiliation, some (not all) Waxies dabble in New Age nonsense and occultism. Ever since Frank Lloyd Wright's third wife got too chummy with The House of Wax, certain Waxies have played with yoga, crystal healing, spirit evocation and invocation plus ceremonial magick. (Yes, that's how they spell the word, "magick," in order to differentiate it from David Copperfield's stuff.) If the truth were told, many elite families use Fundamentalists and other Christians to promote a right wing socio-economic agenda while subscribing to non-Judeo-Christian beliefs in private.

  82. To the best of my knowledge, no member of our Progressive group has ever been employed by the Waxies in any capacity. No, we are NOT a gaggle of disgruntled ex-Waxslaves.

  83. Mr. Angry you are so sad. Maybe we should send you a rope. Your life is not worth all the pain you put yourself through.

  84. 3:09 is mad because he was never invited to a company picnic or had a good profit sharing. Probably got a turkey or a $10 gift certificate to McDonald's. Your hate will solve nothing.

  85. Mr. Angry - you said "our Progressive group." Are those the voices you hear in your head?

  86. Were I endowed with the proper authority, I'd help the Waxies pack for a nice long vacation as guests of the people's government in a really BIG HOUSE. Wealth above the ten-million barrier rarely grows honestly. Few fortunes--even modest, decently-accumulated stashes--can be maintained, much less augmented, without recourse to unethical and/or illegal activities. Excessive wealth walks hand in hand with crime.

  87. Show me a multi-millionaire and I'll show you at the very least a petty crook. Show me a billionaire and I'll show you Public Enemy Number One.

  88. American Soldier:
    You speak of SCJ as such a great place etc. and I believe that if you are a employee.
    The question is why will they bring in temps. employ them for say 18 mos. then end their contract.
    Let them go for six months and then bring them back again.
    That is using people period.
    More and more since dad died the kids are raping the company cutting everything but their own income.
    Using more and more temps to avoid paying any benefits.
    How do you consider that a employer who has anyone other than interest in mind?

  89. Show me Mr. Angry - and I'll show you an entitlement guy.

  90. Dear 3:10, Please send the rope to the Republican Party--it may want it pronto.

  91. I wonder how American soldier would feel about his masters if he knew that they're active in the CFR and support the Trilateral Commission. Anyone who equates Waxies with American patriots is sadly mistaken.

  92. If the Waxies actually created wealth, there'd be some excuse for letting them keep it. However, capitalists and their slick system merely maldistribute money and assets, taking from the less-fortunate to enrich the top one percent. Anyway you slice it, capitalist achievement is a-THIEVE-ment.

  93. 3:37 - Actually the Republican Party is doing quite well. It is the Democrat's that are hanging themselves with ObamaCare - the majority of the public don't want it - the Dem's will be voted out if they continue with this nonsense.

  94. Too bad America didn't turn Socialist during the Dirty Thirties. Then the Wax-stash would never have grown to obscene proportions and nobody would hate a modestly-solvent family of arty-tarty aviation fans and astronomers.

  95. Mr. Angry you are so full of shit -and unhappiness give it up.

  96. Buddy, there's no "Mister Angry." As for the scatology, I'll overlook it. Even so, there's a lot of caca in the corporate capitalist system. In fact, the Waxies are prime producers of that substance. (If you've ever attended a meeting at "Whitebread," you'll know what I mean.)

  97. remain world-class treasure A day in the life of Mr. Angry - so sad, tyrants and global grandees of greed, greed built their obscene pile--one, the House of Wax, bogus bovines, Poobahs, Waxie way, haughty Harvard honchos and crass Cornell cruds, ermine vermin,Bourbons, the Ancien Regime's nobility and much of the upper bourgeoisie, Sam-ster Scamsters, posh porkers, petty crook, Public Enemy Number One

  98. Urban Pioneer10/02/2009 4:24 PM

    Whew Anon from 2:52 am and the next 16 hours of at least 60 postings...Please step away from the Crack pipe...turn the lights off. and you can stop talking to yourself..

  99. Dear 3:14 P.M., Believe it or not, our group isn't a bunch of voices in some poor soul's head. We're organized and we intend to make our land a Social Democracy like the nations of Western Europe.

  100. Mr. Angry - Have a good weekend.

    Your pal - Buddy

  101. Oh Pete, Dustin.....Someone used a profanity...Please delete the comment to stay consistent and keep what's left of your credibility. Thank you (It's about 6 posts up and starts with the letter "S").

  102. Any legal, non-violent means of eradicating capitalism would be fine with our organization. And, yes, we'd be open to letting predators like the Waxies keep a few million apiece plus their personal possessions, a primary residence and a vehicle. But we want the oppressors to be so heavily taxed and regulated that they may never harm anyone else again.

  103. American soldier10/02/2009 6:06 PM

    First off you pink-o communists I am know ones slave I can come and go as I please and can quit anytime I want and go where I please. Because of the blood and sweat from me and my brother before me. I took an oath to defend the Republic of the United States of America and the constitution. Second of all the day you try to push your pink-o communist crap in this country you will see how alone you truly are with your robin hood mentality, lazy workers, so called scholars, artists and clergymen.
    Third religion has nothing to do with this article and last of all it is not my place to comment on someone’s hiring practices even if your info is sorely lacking truth. The day you win the lottery or are left a fortune by a relative please refer back to this article and let us know how you gave all your money to the needy I be waiting and watching.

  104. Oh Pete, Dustin....Why are you not deleting the profane post?? I've seen you spew that BS line hundreds of times as an excuse to delete posts....You two are comical, like Laurel and Hardy.

  105. Who is Mr. Angry anyway? Let's think, are there any other posters here who can't stop writing once they've started? It couldn't be anyone with a byline, could it?

  106. Don't feed the troll(s).

  107. Dear 6:06 P.M., Making fortunes and winning the lottery are pipe dreams. One thing my Irish father taught me was the fact that only those who are already wealthy acquire serious loot in this corrupt country. (Yes, I know that there are rare exceptions to the rule. However, they have zero relevance to most people and their lives.) I live and work for the day when there will be no mega-fortunes and no poverty in our land.

  108. Dear American Soldier, When you said that you weren't a slave, you forgot to look at your mental chains. Somebody taught you to work too hard for too little compensation. Somebody taught you to hate the poor and call them lazy instead of demanding better pay for yourself and other workers. And somebody taught you to fight for the right of rich old women to blow their dough on fiberglass cows. (Think about it: you went through hell in the military so that a big-buck bimbo and her clan could throw money around on trash. Also, ask yourself a little question: how many trust fund twits serve in our Armed Forces?)

  109. Adirondack chairs...fiberglass monstrosities...Nic Noblique's scrapyard trash...historic district...art colony...If this stuff is what the Waxclan does for Racine, we don't need billionaires. The day that the Hellwitch opens her mind, her heart and her checkbook to give a million to HALO or another philanthropic cause is the day that the inhumanely-ruthless Waxclan will join the human race. Until then, the Waxies are social vermin battening on any disadvantaged people who are so unfortunate as to cross their predatory path.

  110. Amen! The Waxies are what many revolutionaries call "fascist insects which prey on the people." Maybe they should help humanity by using their own bug spray on themselves.

  111. The only form of liberty worthy of the name is freedom from poverty. As long as this sorry excuse for a developed country allows yuppies, millionaires and billionaires to exploit the workers, most Americans will exist in misery. The House of Wax is why Racine's poor cry. However, I work for the day when the Waxstash will vanish into the federal treasury and the Waxclan will be tried, convicted and sentenced for its crimes against humanity. (Don't worry about the Carnauba creeps--we'll make sure that their prison has lots of art and toy planes for them to play with when they aren't keeping the place clean with their products.)

  112. Net worth fell 13%? They deserve to lose it ALL!

  113. Fortunes in excess of the low millions shouldn't even be legal. As long as one American citizen endures poverty, nobody should be hoarding millions in gold bullion, not to mention billions in cash, real estate and other assets.

  114. For most of our people, the American dream is a nightmarish reality of penury, poverty and pain. Social justice demands that excessively-large concentrations of wealth be dispersed by the federal government and disbursed to the people. My advice to the little King Louis and Marie Antoinette imitators at Wax-Versailles is to read the history books which they should have studied when Mater and Pater sent them to Cornell. Then they'll understand their situation and--for their own preservation-- start to break up their obscene concentration of wealth. Failure to share some of the loot voluntarily could result in its total nationalization by the coming people's government and the incarceration of certain proud preening private sector privateers.

  115. You're too polite: the government should confiscate everything over the ten-million limit and--when necessary--try, convict, sentence and EXECUTE the scum. History shows us that the only sure-fire way to eradicate an evil privileged class to terminate its members. Alas, if you merely exile them or tax them down to size, private sector predators may return. However, if they and their spawn no longer infest the earth, you and your successors won't have to worry about them again.

  116. Memo to Fisk: Renounce your unjustifiable property tax exemptions and pay your property taxes like the rest of us. Outside of your clique of arty yes-men and wimp-women, nobody thinks that buildings designed by Wright or Foster and Partners should be excluded from taxation. If you can afford to own and maintain them, you can jolly well afford the annual property taxes. Besides, paying your property taxes like a good citizen is an excellent public relations ploy. Who knows? Maybe if you accepted your civic obligations, you wouldn't need certain six-figure flunkeys who blow mega-dough making you and your outfit look good. Then you could fire those yuppies. Think of the bucks you'd save!

  117. American soldier10/03/2009 3:17 PM

    Once again you pink-o communists have no clue what you’re talking about I get paid a very nice compensation for my work. Oh and by the way I am a factory worker not and executive before you say it.
    Maybe you need to read my previous post about what it is that members of the military take an oath for.
    As for the so called poor I have yet to see a skinny helpless poor person in America living in a crap hole bamboo or mud hunt, most have I-pods, cell phone or are on drugs and are baby factories. Maybe they should try this thing call responsibility and hard work. Because the places I have been the people would give anything to have what these people have.
    I have been poor and have had nothing so don’t lecture me about it. My points of view come from my observations that I see everyday no one had to teach me them, I have a mind of my own unlike you socialist.
    Not that it’s any of your business but Sam was a Air force vet and you also know nothing about the Johnson other then here say and untruths. The times I have meet and had conversations with them I have found them to be very kind and generous people not that any of you people would care.
    So since you people have all the solutions run for congress you won’t get my vote though.

  118. Too bad--we want good people like you to prosper. Unfortunately, that won't happen until the people's government makes the mega-millionaires and billionaires disgorge their ill-gotten gains. There's only so much wealth to go around, so when a family hoards billions of bucks, you may be sure that lots of little guys didn't receive their fair share. Any way you look at them, BILLIONAIRES ARE EVIL AND THEY DESERVE TO LOSE THEIR LOOT.

  119. Pay your property taxes, Fisk. If you do, maybe the citizens of Racine won't hate you so much.

  120. Dear Fisk, Who knows? Perhaps if you pay those property taxes and folks stop despising your family, you won't have to surround yourself and your kin with expensive security personnel.

  121. American soldier10/03/2009 6:57 PM

    Since all I can get is reply’s from uninformed know nothings, I going to go for a swim at our employee recreation center and maybe make a reservation at our employee resort for the fall colors for me and my wife . Too bad you can’t come with and enjoy the generosity given to me and mine, for a job well done.
    Enjoy your miserable hate filled lives and if we ever do meet on the altar of freedom I will win no doubt about it.
    America Love or leave it!

  122. America--love it and reform it! (If I didn't care about our country and its people, I'd just pack up and move to Canada.)

  123. Dear American Soldier, I'm glad that your employers are treating you well--for now. However, if they could cadge an extra penny by slashing your pay or firing you, they'd do it in a second. Please don't be fooled by the Waxies and their pet yuppies. Beneath their benevolent masks, they're nothing but dollar-sign despots and monetary monsters. (Because of your military background, you've been taught to trust so-called superiors and obey them blindly. That's why corporate exploiters, who want a docile labor force, hire vets.) Get whatever you can from the Waxies and their Ivy League gatekeepers, but NEVER LET THEM TRICK YOU.

  124. The oppressor class' habit of hiring vets because ex-soldiers tend to be extremely obedient goes all the way back to Ancient Rome. In the Roman Empire, the patricians and other elitists put former centurions on their payrolls to boss the slaves and keep them from swiping the richie-poos' silver.

  125. Dear American Soldier, When I read your reference to the "altar of freedom," I didn't know whether to laugh or cry because ordinary people don't have any liberty in our land. Nope, all the workers get to do is drudge away at rotten jobs for pathetic pay to make the rich even richer than they already are. Also, any time the wealthy exploiters or their yuppie straw bosses feel like it, they can destroy the little guys by firing them. Whether your masters like it or not, real freedom will arrive in the form of universal entitlement programs for all our citizens. Once those programs and the taxes to fund them are in place, the ordinary people will never have to fear the rich again.

  126. Here's hoping that the old Waxwitch and her brood don't inflict anymore community art projects on our people. When my pals from Illinois and Indiana saw the ridiculous Adirondack chairs, they tabbed this town as an asylum run by the inmates.

  127. Tell Gene--no more fiberglass critters and clunky, junky chairs.

  128. Pay your property taxes, Fisk!

  129. Where the platinum plutocrats got the idea that Frank Lloyd Wright buildings ought to have property tax exemptions is a mystery. Most of that evil little man's structures have defects galore. Leaking roofs, cracked foundations and easily-damaged floor tiles are all-too-typical of his work. And while we're at it, I shudder to think of the maintenance mess the Waxies will have once the Foster and Partners farce is completed. Both the Wright buildings and the seaplane shrine are sources of trouble which the Waxies brought on themselves. Nobody twisted their arms to make them hire Wright or Foster. Hence, the Waxies should be held totally responsible for those awful structures and the annual property taxes due on them.

  130. Anyone who thinks Fisk will pay those taxes voluntarily is as goofy as Frank Lloyd Wright was. Until a liberal governor yanks the property tax exemptions Doyle was conned into granting Fisk, the Waxies will dodge their civic obligations. What we need is an ultra-liberal governor who'll exempt only paupers' homes from the property tax. Architectural follies and ego monuments belonging to billionaires should be taxed at double or even triple the customary rate.

  131. Dear American Soldier, If the Johnsons are so "kind" and "generous," why don't they pay their property taxes? We've got seniors here in town who are literally being taxed out of their homes while Fisk avoids his responsibilities.

  132. Someday a government-mandated wrecking crew will take care of those Wright buildings, Project Honor and The Homestead. Ditto Wingspread. Anti-oligarchic regimes have a way of destroying the former elite's architectural idols.

  133. The bottom line about the low-down Waxclan is that it should pay its property taxes, period.

  134. wow, i guess that the old time nick name for racine "little Moscow" was correct. SCJ provides high end wages for low end labor. The people who work for SCJ probably make double to triple of what their labor is really worth. The Johnson family could be making much more profit if they decide to pay their employees what others in similar industries make. I actually worked at SCJ as a temp for adecco, i made a wage of $8.75 while the people who worked for SCH made atleast double to triple I recieved for the same labor. SCJ is the only corporation that is keeping Racine Alive! If SCJ fails Racine will be done and unemployement will reace over 25%!! I dont get why people do not realize how important SCJ is to the already bleak future Racine is already facing

  135. Mean rich trash/lost some cash./MAY THEY FORFEIT ALL THEIR STASH!

  136. Dear 3:31 A.M., If the Waxies are so good, why do they hire wage slaves through temp agencies instead of simply hiring employees directly and placing them on the Wax-payroll? All the Waxies are about is greed, pure and simple. As for the Waxies' failure hurting Racine, that's ludicrous. Once we bring in a social democratic government and economic system, the whims of corporate piggies will mean nothing. With a people's government firmly in command, all our workers will be guaranteed jobs paying a living wage. It works in the Western European social democracies, which give even unemployed workers better benefits than much of our employed toilers receive from the porcine predators.

  137. So Fiskie-poo sent a cheer up card to his serfs during the economic crisis... Big piggy deal: he and his tribe also deprived them of their profit sharing checks. Someday we'll mail HIM some crappy cheer up cards in care of a nice federal penitentiary.

  138. I hear that Fisk also gave his drudges two extra days off. Since workers in the Western European and Central European Social Democracies get FIVE WEEKS PAID VACATION PER YEAR, his gesture is a joke. When Fisk goes to prison, I hope he gets nice, long hours of work detail and that he'll be supervised by correctional officers from poor families who'll see that he does his job properly.

  139. Don't forget his brother--that leech should be tried for HIS crimes and locked up too.

  140. In all our rage at the male bigshots who've destroyed the hopes and dreams of their victims, we mustn't forget the she-monster responsible for much of our misery: a ghoul I'll call "Hellwitch." The foreclosure-loving bank bimbo has earned a nice long vacation at Club Fed. Maybe "Hellwitch" and Martha Stewart can swap corporate gossip and other oinkery when they share work detail in a really BIG HOUSE.

  141. Whoops! Don't forget the Waxwitch's CON-sort, Crack-the-Whip Leap-and-Grab-Hold. Because the workers remember his crimes at a certain Racine sweatshop, our guards will make him perspire while he digs ditches and fills them in over and over again. (Hey, he shouldn't object to that routine. Word on the street is that he enjoys exercise.)

  142. Then there's the Money-Mama. Because she was born poor and married wealth in a way nearly anyother woman of her class and generation would have done, let's allow her to keep her residence and enough to live on until she joins her late mate. Also, leniency must be shown to a daughter who rarely appears in Racine. From what the people's committees have learned, this lady actually shares a large chunk of her fortune with the poor. I think that we ought to allow her and her mother as well to visit the incarcerated Waxies.

  143. Okay, but the good gal and her mom can't use a helicopter for those jaunts! We know how criminals' pals use those contraptions during jailbreaks.

  144. Seriously speaking, the firing squad or the gallows would be appropriate for the worst treasure tyrants following their conviction by the people's tribunals.

  145. Why not lethal injection if it's administered legally and humanely? After all, the unholy trinity of Waxbrats and The Hellbender's husband know a lot about the chemical business.

  146. Bitter dying through chemistry!In keeping with our values, these wicked oligarchs may be punished only after receiving fair trials and due process of law. Also, given the size of the oppressor class, we'll be able to try only the worst offenders. As for the rest, confiscation of most of their assets and the imposition of wealth caps should suffice.

  147. During all our little chat, we forgot a branch of the Waxclan known as "The Boidcage Bandit Brigade." Although they aren't as hyperprivileged as the Scam-ster's widow and her offspring, they've honked off our local poor by blowing a fortune on a tax-shelter-cum-art-museum while thousands of workers went without decent housing, adequate food and the rest of the basics. Confiscation of their stash to fund social programs should teach them a lesson. Trying that tribe and locking them up for a few years should send them a message they won't be able to ignore.

  148. Methinks the incarcerated Waxies should enjoy prison furloughs to attend meetings of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. With their Cherokee red jumpsuits (designed by "Swank Line Right"), they'll be sensational!

  149. Don't omit the matching caps with the polymer helicopter propellers on top!

  150. Soon all the incarcerated members of the Error-Stock-Crazy and their unconfined kin will want to dress like our Waxies. What a bonanza for "Swank Line Right" and Federal Prison Industries!

  151. We've got to watch it. If we go too far, we'll be entrepreneurs like the Waxclan. Then WE, too, could wind up in the clink!

  152. American soldier10/04/2009 10:30 PM

    After reading some of these latest posts, I can see that some of you people are nothing but pathetic. Any Piece of sh** that would talk bad about someone’s mother or a person who has passed on the way you people do. Really need a dose of reality and I am pretty sure one day soon you will receive it. The best part is all you’re doing is pissing in the wind, because you will change nothing. Try finding the truth before you bad mouth people, nothing any of you posted here has an ounce of true other then letting us a know you are a sad little losers in the game of life.

  153. American soldier10/04/2009 10:39 PM

    Whoops true should have been Truth in the post above, my bad.

  154. Hey Mr. Angry - I'm back.

    Your pal , Buddy

  155. Dear American Soldier, The Waxtrash should be tried for their crimes against humanity. If they're found guilty, they should them be divested of their wealth and imprisoned for the rest of their predatory lives. (I'm far more lenient than most progressives. According to many other victims of the capitalist oligarchy, the rich thieves should be tried, convicted, sentenced to death and shot by firing squads. One fellow who lost everything he worked for to the Bug Spray Bank wants to see Helen condemned to death by a federal court and then shot standing in front of her segment of the Berlin Wall. He adds that he'd like to see her mate and young forced to witness her execution, after which the firing squad would terminate them as per the righteous sentence of the court.) Your devotion to your exploiters is sad but all-too-typical of good military men. Back at the time of the French Revolution, some Swiss mercenaries from peasant backgrounds wound up dead trying to protect King Louis and Marie Antoinette. If they'd remembered their class of origin and acted accordingly, they could have handed the royal family over to the mob and returned to Switzerland unharmed.

  156. Dear American Soldier, Your blind loyalty to the elitists who exploit you and your contempt for those who have a little less than you do are sad and sickening results of the blind obedience to authority you learned in the U.S.Army. Please wake up and ask yourself why one family should squat obscenely on roughly ten billion bucks while workers exist paycheck to paycheck.

  157. Mr. Angry - you are still at it. I'll tell you why - because they can. This is America where people are free to make choices. You are what you choose.

  158. Dear American Soldier, Your simple minded allegiance to the class which impoverishes millions of workers in order to grab billions of dollars is a tragedy. I pray that your children will wise up and rise up against the class which threw their daddy nothing but crumbs.

  159. Dear 8:36 A.M., People are NOT "what they choose." Our poor didn't choose poverty--they got born into low-income families. As for the current crop of Waxies, all they did was get born rich--choice and hard work had nothing to do with their wealth. Get real!

  160. Dear 8:36 A.M., Before we freed the slaves, Southern oligarchs bought and sold human beings because they could get away with it. Later on, Dixie's private sector predators learned the hard way that people weren't property. When we change the economic and legal systems of this sad country, the filthy rich oppressors will receive a lesson they will never forget. Someday family and individual fortunes will be capped in the name of social justice. Nobody NEEDS a billion bucks and nobody who inherits that type of wealth should be allowed to keep it.

  161. Mr. Angry - Just because you are born poor does not mean you need to remain poor - there are many who were born poor and worked hard to get an education and went on to have very successful lives, but then you would not like them because you don't like anyone that is successful.

  162. In this country, upward mobility is like our much-touted American Dream--a nasty cross between a nightmare and a mirage. Very few paupers escape from poverty, some middle class folks get to keep what they've got, the rich grow richer at the expense of the rest of us and most honest people fall behind. For most people, success is a myth trotted out by the wealthy in order to keep the cash-strapped majority plugging along in drudgery.

  163. Mr. Angry when are you going to say something that actually makes sense. Your ramblings are tiresome. Unless everyone is miserable like you, you'll never be happy - but even then you'll find something to whine about - poor me and the under privileged. Feel sorry for us - you richey poos, Waxies don't give us a chance. Boo Hoo.

  164. Dear 10:04, Unfortunately, what I say DOES make sense. The U.S.A. ranks thirteenth in quality of life--way behind the Social Democracies of Europe, Canada and Australia. And we all know who's responsible for this:the oligarchs. Stop defending your oppressors and their vicious system. If they were properly taxed and regulated, we could have the cradle-to-grave safety net the workers in decent developed nations enjoy.

  165. Mr. A - Boo Hoo, what a miserable existance you have. Did you ever consider medication - there is some great stuff out there for depression and anxiety.

  166. Ahhh...the SCJ haters come out. I hope all your venting makes you guys feel better. It's really one of the more entertaining aspects of the Racine Post. Keep up the good work!

  167. Mr. A - did you get your med's yet or is it time to pull out the disability card like you usually do.

  168. American soldier10/05/2009 1:49 PM

    As a member of the American military my loyalty is to constitution and the American people. I would like to see you down in monument square talking your anti America crap, because you would get a dose of reality. You should also consider your words before you write them it is against the law to advocate harming someone and yes the police can find you hiding behind your computer. And this law is for everyone’s protection from nut like you. So go back to your shack in hills with the rest of the nuts.
    Well it’s time to go to work at my great job and enjoy the benefits of a great company.

  169. American soldier - I think I've been able to shut Mr. Angry up. I think maybe he took my advice and went out to get some med's - he is a very, sad, lonely, sick man. He certainly needs some help. Furthermore - he constantly talks about stiring up up-rises in the city.

  170. This is entertaining sad reading. You haters really think getting rid of billionaires would make things better? How many of you have anything GE in your house? You driving a car? What appliances do you have? What bank do you go to? What computer are you using? A microsoft product? All of these have multi-billionaires at the helm. Better stop driving, blogging, banking or eating. You don't want to support "the man". Give it a rest. You haters are hilarious and extremely pathetic. I still think your brave posts as anonymous are great too.

  171. Could it be, Mr. Angry is gone? Hopefully gone for good!

  172. Maybe he is. Maybe the fear of being traced did it. Slander is a prosecutable offense now. People's hate for the Johnson's is unbelievable to me. They share their wealth with their employees who in turn do charitable things in the community. Bad company!

  173. Bob - I agree - are they lily white? Probably not, but they are a major employer in this weak economic town. People can bad mouth the Johnson's all they want, but as you said both they and their employees have given much back to the community. Furthermore do you think those kids really like living in Racine? They could pick up and leave anytime - hopefully that won't happen.

  174. The wicked Waxies are just the local treasure tyrants who oppress our community's less-advantaged people. All over America, there are equally-evil families who exploit the poor. The entire oligarchic class must be stripped of its loot and made to pay reparations to its victims. Unlike some people who leave comments here, I'd be satisfied if the federal government seized the bulk of the elite's assets and imprisoned only the worst offenders.

  175. Just when I thought Mr. Angry was gone - Damn!

  176. Compared with the sadistic tribe responsible for Amway, our Waxies are relatively decent. However, since all mega-millionaires and billionaires are menaces to the survival of the poor, they all deserve punitive taxation. Believe it or not, I'd never harm them. Rather, I'd let government regulate and tax them down to size. Capping their wealth and making them share it would be more painful to them than sentencing them to death by firing squad.

  177. Mr. Angry - please get some med's.

  178. Maybe when we elect a decent government, I'll get some FEDS and turn them lose on our oppressors.

  179. So the Moolah Monarchs lost some loot... Where's Robin Hood? We need him to finish the job!

  180. Johnsons: art, aviation, avarice and arrogance.

  181. Somebody died and left them a bundle. Sooner than they think, everyone else will benefit when the tax man takes most of it away.

  182. Fortunes=wealth stolen from the less-fortunate.

  183. Johnsons: architecture...astronomy...animal worship (their golden pooches eat better than their serfs).

  184. Johnsons: business...big bucks...banal ballyhoo...booze.

  185. The bottom line is that no family--much less an individual--is capable of intelligently and humanely managing the power represented by a billion-dollar fortune. Private sector wealth of that magnitude shouldn't be legal. Allowing an individual or a family to possess and use such mega-cash is tantamount to letting a toddler play with a device for launching intercontinental ballistic missiles.

  186. Waxies: cash...cars...corruption.

  187. Eeegads! Helping the supposed poor has done what? Welfare has done what Mr. Angry? We have developed whole generations of takers. They do nothing for society. They use and abuse the system, because our government is trying to help them. People working is what makes this country what it is. Your rants are just plain sad. They offer no solutions except to tax the evil rich. Those same people that employ folks, build bigger faciltiies and enable us to earn a living. Sure these owners make more than we do, so what? Yes, they are forever evil in your eyes. Thankfully we live in a free country where you can share your twisted comments. It may be much easier for you to leave this city than it would be to take down the evil Johnsons. You wouldn't have to concern yourself any longer.

  188. How about this one? Waxies: dough...deals...duty-dodging. Pay your property taxes, Fisk!

  189. Maybe so. Waxies: excellence...East Coast executives...evil.

  190. Even if they paid the taxes, you'd probably have something else to complain about. You've been saying the same thing for 4 days now, just using different words. Get over it all ready.

  191. Fun..flash...financial finagling...fiscal folly.

  192. Mr. Angry working his way through the alphabet. You get that through public education here in Racine? Johnson's helped the school system over the years...

  193. Enough, already! Most of us agree that millionaires and billionaires are a menace to the rest of society. Bring on the taxes and the wealth caps a.s.a.p.!

  194. Most of us? You got voices in your head? People with money create businesses and create jobs. There will always be wealthy people and poor people. There will always be the "haves" and the "have nots". That's what capitalism is about. Even in socialist countries you have wealthy and poor. The same goes for communist countries, except their gap is generally wider.

  195. Bob - give up on these knuckleheads. I have - what they want will never happen. Mr. Angry and others live in their own world - let's keep them there - let's keep them down because if we didn't what would they have to complain about.

  196. Agreed 1:51. It's a waste of energy. I hope I never make millions, they'd run me out of town too. Ah well, have a great day!

  197. Maybe capitalism is about haves and have nots, but socialism is about JUSTICE and a FAIR SHARE FOR EVERYONE. Once the economy heads farther south, the middle classes will see that they should identify with the poor instead of dreaming about wealth they'll never acquire under the present system. With educated middle class people helping the poor organize the movement for social justice, it will gain momentum and crush the oligarchy once and for all.

  198. The work which should have been accomplished during the Depression will be accomplished during our Recession. May the fiscal fiends meet incorruptible federal taxmen soon!

  199. The G-Men got Capone--tomorrow's Feds will take care of America's corporate criminals.

  200. Fisk, please be a real man and PAY YOUR TAXES.
