
October 9, 2009

Feingold rejects proposed Afghan troop surge

Maybe it's just me, but on the day President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize it seems strange to be discussing whether he will send an additional 40,000 U.S. troops to fight in Afghanistan.

That timing aside, the Los Angeles Times reported today, "Key Democrats on Capitol Hill warned Thursday that a decision by President Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan could trigger an uprising within the party, possibly including an attempt to cut off funds for the buildup."

One of those key Democrats is Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, who favors a timetable for withdrawal.

Feingold appeared Thursday on CNN and said the President would be committing a "very serious error" if he went along with Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal's recommendation to send up to 40,000 more troops.

"I would take whatever appropriate steps are necessary to try to persuade (Obama) not to do it, including using my vote," Feingold said on CNN's "Situation Room," as reported on "It's time to start thinking about how we disengage from this situation... the appropriate strategy is to draw down in Afghanistan."

More of his remarks are HERE, along with comments by Rep. Dave Obey, D-Wausau, who also rejects the so-called Afghanistan surge.

Obey said, "The military cost alone would approach a trillion dollars or more.... I do not believe the American people will buy it. A policy that is not sustainable is no policy at all; it is a Hail Mary pass that even Brett Favre would be highly unlikely to complete."


  1. Tim the Shrubber10/09/2009 3:17 PM

    Time to vote Feingold out.

  2. Feingold is an idiot.

  3. I think to save time we should have Islamic law now. Myself I like having some slaves like they do in Sudan. Think of the heath care savings when Women cant get heath care, and do they really need to go to school or vote?

  4. I guess that Obama will have to decide what is more important, fighting terrorism or keeping the ultra left of his party happy. Meanwhile, the terrorists will be watching his decision. We will find out soon if he is a leader or just a politician playing president.

  5. I'd like a timetable for Feingold's withdrawal.

  6. Does the sun rise in the East?

  7. Come on Tommy Thompson...we need you to help bring some sanity back to our Wisconsin Senate representation.

  8. Feingold is right. Get out NOW. How would you like to have one of your kids there? Whose fault is it when they come back in a box?

  9. Who fault will it be when the come here and blow up buildings? Who's fault will it be when the troops already there have no back up.

  10. If we had pursued Al-Qaeda in the first place, instead of Bush's personal vendetta in Iraq, this would already be over. We invaded and destroyed a country that did nothing to us while we allowed Bin Lsden to roam free.

  11. 12:18 - I guess you don't believe that women should have the same rights as men. What were we thinking allowing girls to go to school - what were we thinking stoping Sadaam from killing millions of people. You are right we should never have gone into Iraq - the U.S does not believe in these freedoms.

  12. 8:11

    And under Obama we will soon lose our freedoms.

  13. Incredibly ignorant comments about one of the most honest and intelligent senators in D.C. He has always been true to himself; he has always done his job. He works for us and it shows.

    Get Osama, and get out of Afghanistan. That's what should have occurred. Now we will listen to the war drums and pump mega-trillions into a country that has for 2,500 years expelled ALL invaders.

    It's a lost cause. Feingold is right.

  14. Feingold does not care about the millions of people Sadaam killed. Apparently he does not think girls should go to school or that women have the same rights as men - he is a true American.
