
October 8, 2009

Comments on Bloom overcomes criminal past

Post comments here on the Gerald Bloom story.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Was the mayor thinking? Isn't this O'Connell's job to check this out?

  3. People do stupid things but often do change. If he paid his debt to society, e has the right to start over fresh.

  4. So then can we expect Gary Becker to become mayor once again when he is rehabilitated. Do you think that Gary will get his second chance.

  5. Nobody's Slave10/09/2009 12:55 AM

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  6. If Bloom is selling "hundreds of thousands of books per month". Why can't he pay for his own land.

    If the taxpayers are to subsidize businesses, shouldn't it be for businesses paying a living wage?

  7. I need help understanding something? The Mayor and the RDA have made rude remarks about Brent Ogelsby on the record. They turned him down on a 12 month option to purchase a parcel of land on State St., saying they would not sell it at this time because the possibility that is KRM, could greatly inflate the value of the property in 6 years. Just minutes before this they vote to give a man with a violent and racially motivated past $80,000.00 of our tax dollars. It seems that the only way you will be treated equally in Racine is if you are "WHITE"!
    Is it because Brent was black that the option he required was not granted? Why did the mayor act so fast to kill Brent's deal? Why was Brent not given a chance to prove himself to the city? Does the decision not to grant Brent with an option have anything to do with the memorial to Mrs. Owens? These are questions that myself and many other African Americans want answered, and answered fast!! This is 2009 and not 1950 yet everyday we see the hate that so many bigots bring to Racine and we as a hard working, and God fearing people can't even get treated equally by elected officials. For the record I am a 44 year old "African American", a 1984 Graduate of Case and a 1988 Graduate of UW Plattville, and a regitered voter!

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  9. I'm tellin' Obama about this Mr. Mayor.

  10. The important part of this story is missing. There are NO new jobs at this time! The job increase is just CLAIMED over the next 3 years.

  11. Buill The Cat10/09/2009 6:55 AM

    1) Great that this man over came his past
    2) Great that his company is doing well
    3) Fantastic that this man is building a expansion in Racine

    A) We have many others who over came a past I do not see stories on them a few even have done great things for the City that is not costing the City a dime
    B) At least one of them Colt was dragged in the mud on the pages of the Post and of course The Post let it go/ Might it be a cheep way for The Post to hit back at a critic?
    C) It's getting real easy to tell what The Post likes by following the puff stories.

  12. Trying to make sense!10/09/2009 6:55 AM

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  13. Once a racist always a racist!

  14. Maybe outsourcing the background check to the Obama vetting team wasn't such a good idea.

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  20. What's is going on with all the deleted comments. I have read them they weren't bad.

  21. You guys are missing the important part. The Christian bool wholesaler graduated from St. Catherines. That is where our fine mayor graduated from. They look like they could be about the same age. Could they be old pals? Could Mayor Mayor Dickert be responsible for slamming his pals project through with ease along freebies and perks. Could explain the feel good press confernce at city hall for his old buddy. What was going on at RCEDC, City Development, The Racine Redevelopment Authority and The Mayor's office. Weed the fascists from our government starting today. Many resignations are in order.

  22. good luck to this man.

    the city owns a lot of land and i'm glad someone is doing something with it.

    this city is becoming a ghosttown fast.
    once johnson pulls out, it's all over. expect that soon.

    regarding this other gentleman who got turned down, that's his own fault for having is idea in the vicinity of the FAIL TRAIN project

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  25. This is good development in the industrial park. This guy has turned his life around and created a good business. While initially I thought this would have been a interesting public interest story, I think the post blew this one. You shouldn't have wrote the article until you had made contact with the owner (or people that know him) to give you his perspective. You certainly left a bad taste in people's mouths now for the treasures business rather than showing how he turned his life around to give some inspiration to other people. Normally I think the post does a pretty good job. This article was premature. And that's not doing your job.

  26. Only ONE side of this is being report, shame on the Post for again not telling the whole story. Where is the "overcoming" portion of Bloom's story? It could have been a great success story if the Post would have done a little more digging. Obviously, a transformation has taken place and GOD has made something new and wonderful out of this man's dark past. PTL!

  27. Any comments from the mayor?

  28. I am all for someone rehabillitating their life, but there are some crimes that are just unforgivable. One is sexually abusing a child and the other is racially motivated crimes.

    I am glad that the man has turned his life around, but my tax dollars should not be spent on someone who fired shots into a crowded church. That is just unconscionable and the City of Racine should be ashamed for giving away freebees to someone who did such a horrible crime.

  29. A separate page for comments on just this one story? Is that so you can dump the whole page of swill at once if necessary? What are you thinking?

    If you guys are going to start this, then you better stand back as the fecal matter hits the fan. I have met city and county officials and local business leaders in AA meetings. I don't much care if my personal journey to hell and back is chronicled, but some people are sensitive about this sort of thing, especially those in the public spotlight. A lot of "important" people could be splattered with a lot of assumptions, distortions and misinformation.

    Perhaps that is your intent. There has been a radical shift in the "negative" comments from the Journal Times site to here. I assume that is also your intent. But be fair: expose all the crap on all the players. There's enough dirt in this city to put everyone 6 feet under.

  30. His rebuttal will be that he has found Christ and he is reformed. Some of the worst racists claim to be Christian. Christianity can many times, mask the true identity of the Christian. Don't forget that it was a black "Christian" church that he opened fire on. He didn't respect that it was a house of god that he was firing upon. I won't fall for the I am a Christian now story.

  31. Do you guys know how to make the news link to your site on our site yellow?

  32. And enough with the smarmy claims to a patent on Christ. Self-righteous reptiles that kill in their quest for the top of the religious heap.

  33. Whoa....unbeleivable that the mayor would continue to endorse this invividual the way he does...caliing him special in so many ways and how great he is....shocking

  34. Orbs, Who are you to talk about Christianity? This man is a good and Devout Christian doing god's work by spreading his word. You should read the bible, confess your sins and change your hell bound ways. Jesus forgives him, even though I don't believe that forgiveness is even necessary. You should be the one looking for forgiveness from Jesus not him.

  35. Where's the page to comment on the Becker divorce?

  36. Jim, there's a special place in hell reserved for religious bigots like you. Are you are too ignorant to understand that my comments were in support of Mr. Bloom and his "conversion," if that's what it was? He and I are one.

    If you still feel the need to spill your vitriol, please keep it off the blogs and contact me: orbscorbs@jtirregulars. We can get together and I will explain what I think of "Christians" filled with your brand of hatred.

  37. They ought to name the place "Books and Crooks."

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Buill The Cat said...1) Great that this man over came his past
    2) Great that his company is doing well
    3) Fantastic that this man is building a expansion in Racine

    A) We have many others who over came a past I do not see stories on them a few even have done great things for the City that is not costing the City a dime
    B) At least one of them Colt was dragged in the mud on the pages of the Post and of course The Post let it go/ Might it be a cheep way for The Post to hit back at a critic?
    C) It's getting real easy to tell what The Post likes by following the puff stories.

    It's real easy to tell who is talking out of their, er... hats here.
    All of the drivel above with not one iota of fact - if there are so many, why can't you cite any?

  40. Anonymous (coward) said...

    What's is going on with all the deleted comments. I have read them they weren't bad.

    You have no say anonymous coward.

  41. Why doesn't the Post just prevent anonymous postings? If you are too much of a coward to name yourself, you have nothing valuable to say.

  42. Do you think Mr. Bloom announced his name before he started shooting into a church full of women and children. He was anonymous himself. Good for him, good for us.

  43. Tell Dickert & O'conell to smile for the camera now. I wonder if they have any tatoos under their long sleeves? And please don't tell me John Dickert didn't know, they went to St. Cats together for pete's sake.

  44. PrefersCoffee10/09/2009 1:19 PM

    Anon 1:02

    Dickert and Bloom are nearly a decade apart in age.

    Last I checked, high school lasted FOUR years, not ten.

    Grow up.

  45. Just because someone owns a business that sells Jesus books, doesn't mean they are reformed.

    I see nothing here to indicate who this man really is besides his past and the fact that he owns a business.

    Some conservatives will come to this man's side on this and I think it is insane given that this was essentially a domestic terrorist.

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  47. PrefersCoffee- Dickert and Bloom are less than 10 years apart, but it is a moot point because Bloom and Dickert's younger brother were at St Cats together. I am sure that is where the connection to get this done quickly came from.

  48. Tim the Shrubber10/09/2009 3:23 PM

    Seems to me that Racine Post should have spoken to Mr. Bloom before publishing the original post.

  49. Tim- If you read the original post, you will see that the Racine Post made repeated attempts to contact Mr. Bloom. It is obvious that after the story was published he finally returned the phone calls.

    I think the story, both the original and the updated, are OK for Bloom. Good for him that he turned his life around. The City, on the other hand, look like idiots for not doing their homework and giving a sweetheart deal to someone who committed a racially motivated crime. Just dumb.

  50. Urban Pioneer10/09/2009 3:48 PM

    The land is being used for a business and not more low income housing. BRAVO! Business add to the tax base..Low income housing detracts from it. Let's pay attention in West Racine and on State St.

  51. Hmmm. I wonder if he would hire an openly gay or lesbian person. I bet not.

  52. Grew up in Kenosha10/09/2009 4:42 PM

    I know the truth about Jerry so do numerous people that grew up in Kenosha! Shaved head, Dr. Martin boots (blood red color) Fess up if you are truely saved it shouldn't be an issue.

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  54. Lets make it happen10/09/2009 5:10 PM

    Urban Pioneer, I actually agree with you lets focus our energies on State St. and West Racine. Maybe mayor Dickert could use his influence to push Mr. Ogelsby and Mr. Tosis plans through like he did this one. All seem to fit with his campaign promise of creating new jobs for Racine.

  55. This could possibly blow up in Dickerts hand! Great!!!!!!!!!!1

  56. Mockers stir up a city, but wise men turn away anger.

  57. Maybe when Dickert is no longer mayor, which should be shortly, he can become a lobbyist for the KKK. They probably pay very well and are looking for a nice, handsome Christian men to spread their fury.

  58. I smell a fish.

  59. Pardon the pun.

    I anyone got it.

  60. Brent Oglesby hates black people too! And once he almost spanked his nephew, but didn't, but seriously thought about spanking his nephew who is black. Now that Brent hates black people and almost inflicted a spanking on a black person, which could almost be considered violence against black people, can he get some property for free too. Brent shaves his head sometimes and could also be considered a skinhead and he likes German Chocolate cake which makes him a nazi lover. Give him land too. I am a firm believer that Brent no longer considers himself black and has seen the light coming from the side of the neo-nazis. Now give him some property and immediately call the Milwaukee News channels for the following press conference in Dickerts office. Headlines will read: Formerly Black Oglesby joins KKK to get free land and respect from Mayor Dickert.

  61. You can not pay for this amount of puff coverage!
    Hope Bloom was very nice to The Post

  62. Just as Anonymous as Allen10/10/2009 8:04 AM

    Allen - You are a tool! I get a kick out of people in here criticizing "anonymous" bloggers, yet leave only their first names themselves. YOU ARE STILL ANONYMOUS ALLEN!!! Get a life!!

  63. Christians & Nazis the two are becoming synonymous in Racine among some of its German population like Dickert, Spangenberg & Bloom. I wonder if they are from the same "burg" in Germany. I can see that we need to designate a certain part of town as "Little Berlin" and let these types of Racinians wallow in their "traditions" The first business that will be needed in this "district" will be a tattoo parlor. I am sure it will be a success if they promote "Half Price Swastika Saturdays"

  64. LOL! These comments are probably making God chuckle. This is exactly the reaction He expects. It's what he gets every time he selects, changes and blesses obvious sinners. It's the same reaction that Mary Magdalene got and the same reaction the woman being stoned for adultery got.

    God blesses those that our own judgments would preclude from such honor. He uses those that we consider beneath us, or unworthy. He changes those we think are beyond help.

    Based on all of these comments, Mr. Bloom was just the guy God needed. A person few would believe could be anything but an angry, possibly racist burden on society. That's the kind God loves to recruit. So it doesn't surprise me that today, Mr. Bloom is married with children and the kind of citizen that doesn't just give back, but specifically targets those who, like he once was, are ostracized and condemned by our society. It doesn't surprise me that he is pictured alongside our mayor in two of our local newspapers. That's just how God rolls. =) He loves to show what he can do when we (like Mr. Bloom did) give Him the opportunity and the leeway to do it.

    Great job, Mr and Mrs Bloom! Keep your heads up. The two of you know who you are compared to who you once were. These comments and the naysayers of this community do not define you - God does.

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  66. Do you want a convicted child molester moving in next door to your house? Why not? He did his time and found god. Well I don't want a skinhead nazi that shot up a black church with kids in it during a service living in my neighborhood. You can say whatever you want, but I just don't want it. I can forgive someone for using the word "n****r" but shooting at a church can't be forgiven. Do those people need to hear the lies that this man spews about not targeting them because they were black. He should be ashamed of himself and the city should be ashamed because they had planned on putting him in a primarily black neighborhood. Put him in West Racine if he is so good so he can be with the rest of the "Germans" in that neighborhood. But I bet they don't want him either. I am so sick of these evil people calling themselves christians.

  67. Anon 11:46-

    I would prefer to hear from someone who was actually in that church on that day, rather than a person completely unassociated with this event.

    Isn't it their business whether they forgive him or not? This had nothing to do with you.

    As far as you're concerned, this man's only obligation to you was that of any citizen who commits a crime - to fulfill the punishment dealt by the law. The matter of forgiveness and letting go is one to be decided by the victims of this situation - not a very angry blogger.

  68. I can't believe the tripe posted here. Our neighborhoods are overrun with crime and criminals and all that some can worry about is a man whose life has been transformed for the better. Mr. Bloom is not a thug caught in the act who is suddenly proclaiming his conversion. He paid the price for his crimes and has spent years rebuilding his life and a booming business. None of you knew a damn thing about him, nor would you have objected in the least to his business, if someone hadn't gone out of their way to publish dirt on him before they checked out all of the facts. Do only the years 1988 and 2009 count, or is it possible that something happened in the interim? Why hasn't his past been an issue as he built a thriving enterprise and created jobs for others? He did exactly what you are supposed to do when you do wrong: he took his punishment and then changed his life for the better.

    Racine: a stupid, sad, sick city with a death wish. We must replace all of the old lead laterals that feed water into our homes before the city's collective IQ is lowered any further.

  69. Why is it that if you are a lost cause that somehow improves your life, you seemed to be celebrated more than a person that has strived to live a good life since birth. How about celebrating the good person that has always been good. I don't have a problem with him turning around his life or that he is a smart or successful businessman, but rather that or politicians don't need to celebrate a "reformed" nazi. It is not fair to Racine's Black population to parade this man around like he is some sort of hero.

  70. Anon 2:23-

    (1) You sound exactly like the older brother in the prodigal son- the one who didn't want to celebrate the return of his younger brother because he had stayed and been faithful while the younger had completely desecrated his father's name. As I recall, Jesus rebuked that mindset.

    (2) Mr. Bloom has not been proven to be a racist or a skinhead, and in fact denies those allegations, so why should he be held accountable to the entire Black community? It sounds like the only ones he remains accountable too (having already fulfilled his obligation to society and state) is the people who were in that church on that day.

    (3) For Pete's sake, Dustin, could you please get an interview with one of the victims so that we can hear their opinion, rather than the random anger of people completely unassociated with the event? I'd be surprised if there was continued animosity. After all, real Christians forgive. We have to - our own forgiveness depends on it. "Forgive us our trespasses AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US."

  71. If Mr. Bloom has changed drastically, and honors God for that change - then it is God that we are parading around and celebrating. Mr. Bloom's presence in the press does not just "advertise" him or his business, it "advertises" what God can do by showing what he has done.

    I praise God for the change in Mr. Bloom. I praise God that He is able to change a man or woman from anger and destruction to love and kindness. This glory belongs to God. No man could have done this. Even Mr. Bloom admits his success is not his own. So, thank you God, for showing us this story of hope in a city that is despondant. You are a God of mercy, forgiveness and CHANGE. You are a God who makes the impossible possible. With that in mind, God, look upon our city. Do with our city what you have done with Mr. Bloom. Take our anger, our frustration and make us loving. You can do it! We know you can because we have seen your work in people like Mr. Bloom. Thank you God for what you will do in Racine!

  72. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
    man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The
    credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred
    by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short
    again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings;
    but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm,
    the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best
    knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he
    fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never
    be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”


  73. "Bloom credited Mayor John Dickert, City Development Director Brian O'Connell." Well, DUH! Pretty much anyone who was receiving a free gift of land from the city (at taxpayer's expense) would give credit to those responsible.

    Hey John, if I decided to open a business in Racine would you be willing to give me free land to do it? I doubt it. And out of respect for the taxpayers of Racine, I'd probably turn it down.

  74. Why is it the blacks can always "turn their lives around" but Bloom can't make the same claim?
