
October 14, 2009

City searching for public health administrator; One of several Health Department vacancies

The city is now accepting applications for its vacant public health administrator job. You can see the posting here. The job is open until the end of the month.

The Board of Health discussed who would review the applicants for the position at its meeting Tuesday. Among the members on the selection committee include two City Council members, the city administrator, program directors and a public health administrator from another community.

The Board of Health may add two or three members to the committee, which will interview the candidates.

Marcia Fernholz is filling in as interim public health administrator until a replacement is hired. She can't apply for the job because she doesn't have a master's degree.

Fernholz took over the department after Janelle Grammer, the previous public health administrator, was fired by the City Council.

The department head is one of at least four openings in the city's Health Department. The city is also looking for a sanitarian, nurse and dietitian. They'll also post in the next month for someone to run the city's Healthy Births, Healthy Outcomes program.

The city appears committed to filling the vacancies. Fernholz told the Board of Health she submitted the department's 2010 budget, which included no lost positions.


  1. Great! No money spent on consultants, little (or no) money spent on that advertisement - and watch how many incredible candidates, with MPHs from Big Ten and even Ivy league schools, apply! Note to the review committee: Big Ten and Ivy League degrees will be REAL degrees.

  2. Now please hire a Human Resources director. It's crazy the City doesn't have one. There needs to be someone to deal with employment issues - Scott Lettney is not good enough Mr. Mayor and has not been capable enough to handle it. He just doesn't have the personallity for it either.

    How many large companies do you know of that does not have an HR Director? This in my opinion was much more important than a City Administrator!

  3. His campaign manager and cousin needed work. That is what Dick-ert priorities were.

    Remember, he is up for election in 14 months.

  4. I want the job! I don't have a degree but I am arogant and will agree with the Mayor whenever I am ask to. I don't have any formal training but I have been sick before and I have a great recipe for chicken soup. Soup always makes me feel better, so that would have something to do with health right!

  5. 7:56 - that's pretty funny.

  6. Anon 7:56 - then get yourself a high-paying job with the city and transfer your work and life experience to a PhD through some online school.

  7. Why not appoint Dr. Kinzelman? She has the degree and is already on the city payroll. Split the job duties between Kinzelman and Fernholz. The Health Dept is topheavy with management anyway, and this would save a lot of taxpayer money.

  8. The city should get rid of the whole department.
