
September 11, 2009

Tousis submits plans for West Racine grocery store, restaurant and gas station; Announces he'll use union labor on project

Local businessman Tom Tousis submitted plans to the city Friday to build a grocery store, restaurant, bank and gas station in West Racine.

Tousis's proposal for the corner of Washington Avenue and West Boulevard differs from the one he talked about in July. He eliminated a proposed car wash and expanded the grocery store to 10,300-square-feet of retail space. (Initial plans called for 6,500-square-feet in retail space.)

He kept the 165-seat diner called "Gus's Diner," a small bank and a gas station. The proposal also would preserve the West Racine Farmer's Market.

Tousis said Friday he expanded the grocery store in response to critics, including Alderman Aron Wisneski, concerned he wanted to open a gas station with a convenience store. Adding 3,500-square-feet to the grocery store, which will include produce and a meat department, clearly elevates the project above a convenience store, Tousis said.

Wisneski confirmed he did raise concerns about the car wash when Tousis first made the project public, but said he still needs to review the official proposal to decide if he'll support it. At a glance, Wisneski said, the grocery store and restaurant appear to be two items West Racine residents have wanted for several years. But city officials need review the details to see if the proposal holds up to scrutiny.

"Tom's plan, just like any other development, will sink or swim on its merits," Wisneski said.

Along with submitting plans Friday, Tousis also announced he would use all union labor on the $5 million project.

Tom Reiherzer, of the Tri-County Contractors Association and the Southeastern Wisconsin Building & Construction Trades Council, confirmed Tousis signed a project labor agreement on the project, which would lock him into using all union contractors.

"He wants union workers from Racine first," Reiherzer said, "and he'll expand to Kenosha if he has too."

Wes Gable, president of Teamsters Local 43, said the project would bring needed jobs to the local unions. He estimated 20 percent of union workers in Racine are out of work.

"I sit on a council with 14 different (building) trades," Gable said. "They all have guys on the bench, looking for work."


  1. Isn't a "real" grocery store (like pick-n-save) about 60,000 - 70,000 sq feet? Playing the Union card, guess thats one way to get at least a little support. My other concern is every other business this family has had only lasted 5-7 years. Why would this be any different?

  2. I am so excited someone wants to build a grocery store and restaurant in West Racine. I used to go to Andrae's all the time. Great food. Hopefully the city will not screw it up.

  3. Karen Sorenson9/11/2009 5:37 PM

    The original retail floor space of the West Racine Piggly Wiggly was 7500 sq ft. I know because I used to own it.

  4. We are a local contractor with years and years of excellent work. I guess Tom will be giving us the shaft because our local guys are not unionized.

  5. How much did Tousis pay for his advertising in the Post? He could not have wanted any better "reporting"

  6. Anon 5:50, 5:52, and Capone- when you are going to make multiple posts, space them out some more and change the way it is written. Will be easier to fook people.

  7. HP Lovecraft9/11/2009 6:48 PM


  8. So are the plans public yet?
    I'd be curious to see just how big the liquor and slot machine aisle are going to be.
    I'm guessing over a 1000 sq. ft. right now.

    I for one will be speaking out against the liquor license at any public hearing.
    The city complains that it doesn't have enough licenses to hand out, yet I bet one will be 'conveniently' be available when the time comes.

    I don't have a problem with the grocery store or the gas station aspect of it.
    I have a problem with what everyone else seems to have.. the slots and the liquor... there's already enough liquor around in the neighborhood, and nothing will be served in having one more place selling it as well. Sure, we're a free market economy, but what good will it serve the community when his 'Megamart' closes other established businesses?

    Man up, Mr. T! Build this without the liquor or the slots.

    (and as for Unions? Let's talk about how many unions have cost or have almost cost their members their jobs because of unreasonable demands and unwilling leaders. Unions are like Congress. They do what the bosses tell them, and don't give a crap about the people that they are supposed to be serving.)

  9. Unions contractors are more likely to follow safety regulations, pay a good living wage, and be properly trained.

  10. Tousis is applying for a "Class B" liquor license, which would allow a full bar in the restaurant and sales of bottles of wine to take home.

    The state, not the city, determines how many "Class B" licenses are available in Racine.

  11. 5:50 Join the union and let your employees receive a viable wage and the benefits that unions provide, or you can over charge your customers, screw your employee's and live like a king on the backs of those that work for you. "Union strong, Union proud, Union forever!"

  12. God Bless this man! My wife and I have lived on Blaine Ave. for more than 15 years and really miss the Pig on Grove. It is nice to see that someone from Racine is willing in these economic times to help out those of us who proudly reside in West Racine. Good luck to you and our support is with you 100%.

  13. Jesus Christ...Can we stop talking about this guy and west racine??? The way this crooked city govt. is going, I could give 2 craps.

  14. A Community Grocery store is not 60-70,000 sf it is anywhere from 2,000 - 10,000, That being said I can tell you (Anon 5:20) that Piggly Wiggly did a larger volume of sales per sf at Grove Ave than at any location in Racine including Durand Ave which was originally a Schultz's Save U Foods. How do I know this, I work for Lee Schultz in Racine for over twenty five years finishing my career at The Grove. I hope that this gentlemen receives the same support and recognition Lee did when he owned and operated Piggly Wiggly. Good luck to you sir all the best wishes on your venture.

  15. What grocery store does not have a liquor license? Would seem a little unfair to not give one to him because the alderman has failed to recruit an out of state store that never would have moved here anyway.

  16. Just think. If he would have gotten this done a few months ago, Spankenburg would now be our mayor. Better than what we got I say.

  17. Keith W. Deschler9/11/2009 11:06 PM

    It's about time a viable development is proposed on the West Racine eyesore. I as well as my neighbors am in full support of this proposal. I certainly hope our elected officials take note of that. We are after all the ones that voted them into office to represent the best interest of the MAJORITY, not just a select few. I have had the pleasure to meet and get to know Mr. Tousis and his family personally and I have found that they have great character and taken an interest in hearing and addressing any concerns that the people of West Racine have brought forward.
    I certainly hope our elected officials think hard before before doing their best to derail this chance at what could be a catalyst to future development in west racine.We voted you in,we can vote you out.

  18. Sounds like he's a Union Man? Gotta love the Blue Colar West Racine. Wonder if the Employees of the Mini Mart will be required to join the Grocery's Union?

  19. Welcome to day two of the death of West Racine!

  20. The death of West Racine will be because of all the arrogant, whiny, small minded, loud mouthed jerks who live there.

  21. Because he is hiring union, we will buy as much as we can from Mr Tousis' store. We are retired union members and proud of it.

  22. Love Gas Stations9/12/2009 8:31 AM

    I know lets take down DeKoven Woods just think what we can build there!
    Maybe we can get Tousis to put a gas station there too!
    Want to see trees drive in the county.

  23. The grocery store at 16th and Villa does not have liquor.

    Are the girls in this restaurant going to be tight shirted with "I have Mouthful of Gus's Creamy sauce slogans?"

    Don't delete this post like the others, if they wear the slogan in the restaurant it should be appropriate for here.

  24. Everytime you talk about the shirts, you are doing what he wants you to do. It's called marketing. Free advertising for his place.

  25. Anon 9:30 You are disgusting!

  26. Have people forgotten that this has been a gravel pit for nine years? Yes, that is 9 years.

    Not only is the vacant lot not generating property taxes, the taxes that would be generated are rolled into the TIF. That means that it is generating negative taxes.

    We finally have a realistic project that the neighborhood wants, that fills a need, a grocery store and sit down restaurant. Let's not let a few who think our neighborhood I'd their kingdom ruin it for us all.

  27. Wow, what a bunch of vindictive Anon's. If you dislike Tom Tousis just say so, but explain. If any of you have a better idea and can back it up with a builder with funds, speak up. Blasting someone or project just to spout off because your not involved takes no brains. Be pro productive. I remain .....anonymous...thanks

  28. Oh, and Belle City Foods at 16th and Villa is a convenience store that is less than a quarter the size of the proposed grocery store. Oh, and it sells beer.

  29. Jim S. You promised!

  30. Many people have blasted Tom under the screen name of Anonymous for what ever reason. I would say to all of you step up to the plate and visit him at his other store. I was in opposition to the plan when the grocery store was around 6,000 square feet. I have talked with Mr. Tousis about my concerns and those of others I know, and he has been more than willing to accomidate our wishes. He has been nothing less than a man of noble intent, starting when he and the group that has been working with him were acquiring signuture on petitions and listening to us the residents of West Racine. Racine needs business men like this to further our local economy and help us to get back to where we need to be. When this project is brought before council I for one will be there to show my support for him and his proposal in any way I can. In closing I ask all who do not have the facts, to contact Tom, I believe you will as I did have a change of opinion of him and his proposal.

  31. Keith W.Deschler9/12/2009 10:23 AM

    AHHH what's that I smell,finally a breath of fresh air in west Racine. thanks Tousis family.

  32. Shut up you stupid voters and do as we say. We are your rulers, I mean your aldermen. We know what is good for you, so listen carefully and be good little voters.

  33. Hmm, do I smell some anti union folk here or what! The point is, Mr Tousis believes in Racine. He enjoys and has the ability to venture into the community and offer business and eateries for us. Clam up. We support our unions and we will support this store.

  34. The Tousis family is a class act. I appreciate the fact that he'll use Union Labor from the area.

  35. FYI ... Union workers, get your money up front or they'll try to pay you with gas and gyros later. Trust me, I learned my lesson the hard way.
