
September 22, 2009

Spangenberg rips post card supporting West Racine proposal

Alderman Jim Spangenberg is fighting mad over a post card sent to West Racine residents last week in support of a proposed development at the corner of Washington Avenue and West Boulevard.

The post card shows a vacant lot in the 3100 block of Washington Avenue on one side and on the other side speaks in favor of Tom Tousis's proposed $5 million development, which includes a grocery store, restaurant, bank and gas station. The post card singles out Spangenberg as an opponent of the project and asks people to call him to voice their support.

Spangenberg provided RacinePost with a copy of the post card. Here's the front:

And the back:

Zak Williams, a spokesman for Tousis, said he hadn't seen the post card and said Tousis had nothing to do with it. He added Tousis did not pay for the post card and was unaware it existed until RacinePost called to inquire about it. The post card likely came from local unions, which are backing Tousis's project because he's agreed to use union labor to build the development.

Spangenberg called the post card "sleazy" and inaccurate. For starters, he said, the post card states Tousis wants to build a grocery store, restaurant and bank, but makes no mention of the gas station.

Spangenberg also contested the post card's claim that lot has been "an eyesore for nine years." Buildings in the 3100 block of Washington Avenue were demolished in 2006 to make way for new development. This is the third year the lot, which houses the West Racine Farmers Market, has been vacant.

"This is sleaze," Spangenberg said, adding that he's up for a fight if Tousis wants to challenge him over the development.

"They don't know who they're messing with," Spangenberg said.

The post card, and Spangenberg's response, is the latest in an increasingly tense fight over the vacant lot in West Racine. Tousis' proposal is controversial, in part, because it's largely what West Racine has been seeking for years. Tousis intends to build a grocery store with a produce section and butcher, a sit-down family restaurant named after his father, Gus Tousis, a long-time restaurateur in Racine, and a bank branch. The development would also preserve the West Racine Farmers Market.

But Tousis also wants to build a gas station on the site, which Spangenberg adamantly opposes. He said gas stations always cause problems in their surrounding neighborhoods, adding Tousis' gas station is simply a bad fit for West Racine.

Spangenberg rejected the argument that it's time to build on the vacant lot. He said Downtown Racine waited a number of years to replace the Venetian theater, but then landed the Johnson Bank building. (That said, Spangenberg estimated in 2006 that the loss of the Piggly Wiggly grocery store in West Racine cost nearby businesses 10-15 percent of their sales.)

A key meeting on the proposal is scheduled for Sept. 30. A small group West Racine business owners, and a few residents, met in recent months to discuss their hopes for the 3100 block of Washington Avenue, which is owned by the city's Redevelopment Authority. Organizers of the group said it was not called in response to Tousis's proposal. The group was actually forming back in March, before anyone had seen Tousis's plans.

But the group's recommendations do affect the proposal. The final draft of the proposal, which will be considered by the Redevelopment Authority at its Oct. 7 meeting, calls a gas station an "unacceptable/undesirable" use of the land. "Undesirable" was added to "unacceptable" in the final revision of the group's proposal, in part to soften the recommendation. In theory, adding "undesirable" gives the RDA the opportunity to consider Tousis's plan without immediately discarding it because it does include a gas station.

One person close to the process said the RDA could may adopt the West Racine recommendations and then grant Tousis an exception on the gas station based on the positive aspects of his projects, mainly the grocery store and restaurant. "I think that may be what happens," they said.

But support from the RDA is simply the first of several steps any development in West Racine would have to survive. Tousis also wants a "Class B" liquor license for the development, and needs approval from city committees and the City Council to proceed.

The Sept. 30 public meeting on the West Racine group's recommendations to the RDA will be held at 6 p.m. at Gethsamae Lutheran Church, 3319 Washington Ave. The church has offered to provide activities for the children for parents who would like to attend.


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  3. Concerned Resident9/22/2009 12:51 PM

    I got this postcard in the mail last week. I called Spangenberg to voice my support for building the grocery store and restaurant in West Racine. When he finally called me back he was extremely rude to me and accused me of being lied to. He then accused me of being in a union and how, I think he said Tom, and the unions do not know who they are messing with.

    All I know is that I have never been yelled at by a politician when I tried to give my opinion. When is he up for reelection?

  4. We've already deleted two comments - one attacking Alderman Spangenberg and one attacking Tom Tousis.

    Keep the comments clean, no unsubstantiated allegations and focus on the issue of what's best for West Racine.

    If you do criticize, people, do it respectfully.

  5. Maybe this will be allowed. I strongly feel that the efforts to put far outweigh the return. So I wonder why? I also wonder why The Post is not doing more investigating on the matter.
    A 5 million project is not worth the outlay in Cash and resources

  6. They don't know who they are messy with - Spangenberg - is that a personal threat?

  7. I live right there and did not get a postcard. Nor did I see anyone at my door canvassing for this project.

    It is interesting that I've checked the internet about 10 different ways and cannot find anything at all about Quality Developments at 4327 West Forest Home in Milwaukee WI 53215. Whoever sent this garbage wants to be secretive. Hardly the people I want developing my neighborhood. Dustin and Pete, there is more to this than we know right now.

  8. Sorry - that should be messing!

  9. To those that sent the postcards - way to go. Let's get this project up and rolling.

  10. Ok people......WE NEED JOBS! This project brings many jobs and a nice facility run by people who know what they are doing! SO WHAT THE PROBLEM?! As I see it Spangenberg just signed his resignation papers with this fight!

  11. 2:03 - and this guy wants to be mayor? Fat chance.

  12. Isn't this another sign of free enterprise rather than government spending and adding debt? Why the emotion from the Alderman. Have we forgotten what economic development and free enterprise looks like already.

    Calm down Alderman and quit the emotion on this one.

  13. Mike Prudhom9/22/2009 2:13 PM

    I live on Kinzie Avenue in West Racine - a few blocks down from the dancing girl billboard that had some people up in arms, right near the new music store.

    I have never belonged to a union. In fact, in most cases I prefer earning based on my ability to do work, not on someones collective agreement.

    That said, I am all for Tousis's building plan. Something, added to the tax base, is better than an empty lot.

    Do I wish it were an upscale restaraunt and grocer - in some ways, but then I would not likely frequent them. Not much in the way of upscale in that my neighborhood. Give me good quality, functionality, and a fair price over upscale and elegant.

  14. Why is this card sleazy? It seems more informational than anything. Jim sounds like such a whiner.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. What has he been doing for nine years? Where is the development he has been promising? Empty promises, promises and secret meetings, this is what city politics has become.

  17. Very interesting that so many are bloging about this almost like maybe are organized to do so? Again lots and lots of resources spend on this.
    Intersting that questios like the Station up the street closed why should we think that this station would do better?
    Since in many opeppens the store is a real grocery store if one comes to West Racine area how will this one compete?
    The constitution jobs only last a short time how many real jobs will this bring and will there jobs have good wages/benefits?

  18. Any job now is a good job. I have a daughter with a MBA that has settled for temp work at a local manufacturer for $9/hour. Do you think that is fair Jim? Open your eyes and realize the current economic state of Racine. It doesn't look good.

  19. I would bet the price of a head of cabbage that Anon 1:27PM is Spangenberg.

    I just do not see the point to such a hateful response. We have a piece of land in our neighborhood that has been either a vacant lot or rundown empty buildings for 10 years, and now someone wants to put in a grocery store and restaurant? We desperately need that here.

  20. 301

    Define grocery store. You looking say for a Quick Trip or a Pick and Save?
    Thinking the area needs a Pick and Save, a Quick Trip not so much

  21. John O,

    You are wrong. 1:27 was me, not Jim. Also, we have not been waiting 10 years, it's been three. And the card does not mention: the gas station nor video gaming on site. If Tousis really wants the neighborhood behind him, he will remove those unnecessary points and far more will get behind him, maybe even the Alderman. Everyone knows gas stations don't make money on gas, so why should it take away from the project. The recommendations of the committee are in keeping with the nature of the neighborhood. He should do very well at the site and the gas station only detracts from what could be very useful. Why won't he back down / compromise for the good of the area and his proposed development. Why add controversy?

  22. 3:11 - you'd rather have empty store fronts, gravel pit and outdated architectural styled buildings. Potentially this plan could bring additional business to this area instead of the business's closing or moving out of the area. It's not like this area is pristine - it's dieing.

  23. I would think grocery store means Pick and Save, or with the gas Woodmans, but you would have to ask the person who proposed the store. I looked at the previous article and it said the grocery store is over 10,000 square feet of customer space. That is a decent size grocery store and probably about the size of the old Pig accross the street.

  24. Zak Williams and WZW Consulting did work for the Dickert Campaign. I'm sure Quality Developments is one of his front groups for sending out hit pieces like this.

    The orchestrated talking points blog posts also reminds me of the pro-Dickert bloggers during the campaign.

    This is getting interesting.

  25. 3:31 - what a knucklehead - yeah it's a Dickert conspiracy.

  26. 3:31

    Very interesting. Questions I now have:
    1) Who paid for the mailing
    2) Is the Mayor's old campaign staff doing the blogging on this?
    3) Will the Grocery Store be union?
    4) Will the Grocery Store put in writing they will by locally?
    5) Who is all getting paid to promote this project?

  27. 3:39

    1. What Difference Does it Make?
    2. What Difference Does it Make?
    3. What Difference Does it Make?
    4. What Difference Does it Make?
    5. What Difference Does it Make?

  28. I get we need jobs but we also need to look at this place for 50 years too. Maybe you don't like Spangenberg, but attacking his character should be off limits as should his outbursts.

    The developer has many subordinates working on his behalf, the unions, Karen Sorenson (who stands to make a lot of $ if she sells the property), Quality Developments (the ghost company in Milw) and people sending postcards that the developer doesn't know about. hmmm....

    Why doesn't Tom speak for himself? Why doesn't he renounce character assassination of a legally elected official? Where is his leadership in this conversation? If he truly believes in the neighborhood, why doesn't he lead us out of this, by asking his bullies to remain civil and announce all the facts.

  29. Zak Williams9/22/2009 3:56 PM

    Anon 3:31PM- Unlike you Alderman Spangenberg, when I comment on the Racine Post I use my real name and not hide under the cloud of anonymity.

    If you had bothered to read the article, you would have read that until someone sent the link to this article to me I had not even seen the postcard, nor had Tom. I did not design it, I did not send it out, and I have no clue who "Quality Developments" is. Maybe instead of whining about how you have FAILED to bring meaningful development, frankly any development, to West Racine, you should take an honest look at Tom Tousis's project. You are taking away the right for Tom to fairly and honestly propose his project and go through the normal process to build a grocery store in West Racine.

    Oh, and I fail to see how anyone urging people to call their Alderman about a project in their neighborhood is a bad thing. You ever stop and think that Racine needs jobs so badly that there are a lot of people who are counting on this project. Unless of course you want to operate under the cloud of secrecy like you did when you were pushing for the low income 55 unit apartment building. I hope the neighborhood shows up with torches and pitchforks on Sept 30, and stops you from secretly deciding what you think is good for West Racine.

    At this point, Racine just needs a win, and West Racine needs a grocery store with fuel pumps, restaurant, and bank.

  30. 3:54 - Tom did speak for himself at the city council meeting.That is all he is obliged to do.

  31. I like reading these post and then looking for word patterns and vocabulary.
    Then I reread old emails and old comments on the Post.
    My thought is some in City Hall are taking a great deal of interest with this project.

    BTW West Racine has a win we beat back the slum project. Thinking we have a chance to stop this too

  32. Bond - I suggest you re-read your postings before you send them. They may make a little more sense.

  33. Zak Williams9/22/2009 4:17 PM

    Oh, and I fail to see how this turned in to something about me. It really should be about a fair process for any developer to propose a project in the City of Racine. It smells a little fishy to me when an alderman forms a secret group to place restrictions on a property after he is, out of courtesy, shown a project. Particularly when city staff tell that person to hold off submitting the project so the neighbors can be "debriefed" on the 55 unit debacle. Instead of "debriefing" the neighbors, the Alderman with inside information on the project secretly tries to create restrictions.

    All Tom Tousis wants is a fair process.

  34. Zak - I agree!

  35. Please people, this is nothing to do with jobs. This project will last maybe 6 months tops, and the union "jobs" will be finished.

    As for what's left behind, waitress jobs, cooks, gas station attendants, well those jobs are already out there looking for good people to take them.

    This whole thing stinks in my opinions, people are trying a little too hard to push this through. There are a few people out there who obviously stand to make a great deal of money.

    Follow the money trail and you will uncover the true information here.

  36. Please people, this is nothing to do with jobs. This project will last maybe 6 months tops, and the union "jobs" will be finished.

    As for what's left behind, waitress jobs, cooks, gas station attendants, well those jobs are already out there looking for good people to take them. Racine is not going to benefit by these so-called jobs.

    The union boys pushing for this certainly wouldn't want them!

    This whole thing stinks in my opinion, people are trying a little too hard to push this through!!! There are a few people out there who obviously stand to make a great deal of money.

    Follow the money trail and you will uncover the true information here.

  37. West Racine Mason9/22/2009 4:47 PM

    You do realize that construction workers move from job to job right?

  38. When did making money become illegal?

  39. 4:50

    Not making money the how is critical.

  40. Frankly, I prefer the pile of rocks on the site. It blends in with the general business climate of Racine and it's elected officials that prefer to chase business away from the area.

  41. 5:15

    I think the site be great for oh a mercury dump site or strip mall with a $1 Store. After all if they will but the site why should we care?

  42. I like the creamy white postcard.....That could be tousis' new T-Shirt slogan.

  43. WHAT ABOUT THE GAS STATION! What brand? How many tanks. Pay to pump first? Who chases the drive offs? Will they sell premade sandwiches? What egress and exit will it have? Who's done an environmental impact study? Can I buy a twenty ounce two dollar bottle of soda? Someone needs to make another postcard!

  44. This my friends is the problem with Racine. Rememeber this come election time

  45. I would question the motives of a local government official who was more interested in preventing growth and development than making a contribution to his community.

    Even if the lot has only been a vacant eyesore for 3 years, in my opinion that's 3 years too long.

    What's better for West Racine - raising taxes to cover deficits the city is sure to encounter from the last year's economic failures, or building new businesses, creating new jobs, and keeping the tax dollars spent on household necessities in Racine.

    The nice thing about roadblocks is that sooner or later they're either flattened or a path around-them is forged. I hope in this case my neighbors remember this come election time. It's a disgrace to our city to have elected officials who think we're better off with vacant lots than local businesses. It's even more embarrassing when that official is, himself, a local business owner.

    If we really are better off with the vacant lot, Jim, why not tear down your furniture store and beg Ikea to come put in a store near the Kenosha outlet malls?

  46. I don't live in the area but have driven though many times, I just don't get it. The whole area that is known as "West Racine" I would call a dump. Let this man build maybe then the rest of the business owners would get off their but's and fix up their "Rat Hole Buildings" it can't hurt but it will probably help to jump start Racine as a whole.

  47. Mark Gregory9/22/2009 6:38 PM

    Mark Gregory, FirstWeber Realtor said ... First and foremost we need to take an anonymous comments with a grain of salt. Second this could be a good development for the area if we focus on how the city, the neighborhood and a business can work together. Maybe the gas pumps shut down at 9:00 PM. Maybe we require the gas station to be a green development and be a model for all future gas stations in the country.I think there is a solution to the problems and if we start taking a positive approach to development we can make most people happy. Positive energy will be a big help by all.

  48. Tousis has a problem paying bills. He's been sued by many times over they years by Venders for non-payment and his home is in forecloser. It's all public record, just look it up.

  49. Bob the Builder9/22/2009 7:28 PM


    Someone does not know how to read CCAP. It is not true.

  50. When did we turn over Racine to Realtors to run....
    Mayor Realtor
    Fritz/Sherry Cape Downtown Cop Realtor
    Those pushing The West Racine Slum Project Realtors
    Those pushing The West Racine Kill the Farmer's Market Realtors

    Guess we did turn over Racine to the Realtors

  51. It's a known fact that vacant lots attract an undesirable element to the city. Do we want street gangs, drugs, and prostitution? Or would we rather have fresh produce?

    I'd prefer spinach to syphilis.

  52. It the Tousis spokesman denies the family sent out the postcard, then who did? Is there any way to track who the owner of US Postal Permit # 4140 belongs to?

  53. Interesting, thinking this is a not going away any time soon.
    Be cool to find out who did the mailing and again, this is a lot of effort for a 5 million project.
    Are Slot Machines that much of a money maker?

  54. How is this "sleezy?" This is just basic free speech. People have a right to make arguments to support their goals. Geez.

  55. Not that I want to start some big religious argument here, but Mark 11 talks about Jesus turning over the tables of the money changers and the benches of men selling doves. Perhaps this applies to our situation here? Might it be a dangerous move to build a bank and grocery on the same lot?

    I certainly don't want to see our fair city the victim of pestilence, hoards of locusts, and rainstorms of frogs. That's just not a price I'm willing to pay to have a grocery store within walking distance of my home.

    My vote is with Spangenberg - he's the voice of morailty and family values for Racine

  56. "They don't know who they are messing with," Spangenberg said. Come on Jim I live in your district and can answer that for you. You are a spineless coward that has put himself above those that he represents time after time, that is Jim Spangenberg in a nut shell. If you get this bent out of shape over a meaningless post card how do you think we, your constituents, view you. I have heard rumblings of this development, and met a man at St. Edwards on National Night Out and if he is a example of the developer and those working with him I say let him build it.

  57. Anon 8:18 What is wrong with a grocery store and a bank on the same lot! Maybe you would rather see crack dealers and a ATM because that is where our fine city is headed. It is intelectuals like you that have ruined Rat Town USA.

  58. How funny would it be if the alderman that initiated this article was actually the one who sent the post cards! Conspiracy Theory!!!!

  59. If anyone is able to dig up information about who sent the postcards or about the permit number, including Mr. Spangenberg, Mr. Tousis, the Post, or any alert reader, could they share that info here?

    As was said earlier, follow the money.

  60. To Mr. Zak Williams,

    How can ripping on someone who will in part determine this project's fate be helpful to this or any cause?

    If you really want to help your client, find a better way. Your words don't endear anyone to the project you support.

  61. Grocery store = convenience store
    Sit-down restaurant = Hooters Lite
    Gas Station = Gas Station

  62. These comments should be sent to anyone wanting to develop in Racine.

    Racine needs development, this is a good, not great development.

    Spangenberg - I am sorry you do not want that development...maybe if you would have done something /anything as Alderman something else would be there.

    I guess for you Alderman, 18% unemployment is not good enough. At least, under your watch, Racine will be a leader in something

  63. West Racinian9/22/2009 11:29 PM

    We in West Racine are mad as hell about secret deals by our alderman and we are not going to take it anymore!

  64. How much time does Jim need to find the "perfect" development? Isn't nine years enough? He failed to bring development during the boom years of easy credit, when every street corner in America was being developed. What makes him think he will be successful during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression? Should we allow him enough time to "practice" or should we stop wasting more taxpayer money and make the site a producer? Jim, by the way, you sound foolish when you say that the corner is perfect for Whole Foods or Applebees. I'm sad to inform you, but you are lacking prowess when it comes to real estate development. Some things you are good at but not limited to are: wasteful spending, complaining and arguing with voters in your district. Keep up the good work Jim! The neighborhood looks great.

  65. If you look at a majority of the complaints, it mainly boils down to the gas station/liquor/video gambling.

    Eliminating those three parts of a rather large and grand plan would indeed make the proposition much more agreeable to all involved.

    BUT... Mr. T is a developer. I don't care how he says it, or how many times he denies it. He wants the property in order to develop his business on. That's a developer in a nutshell, and in the end, I really don't think that anything he says are more than just sweet words of honey in people's ears to get what he wants.

    Nobody has said, no, we don't want the grocery store, or no, we don't want the bank or the restaurant, they've just spoken out about the things that don't fit into what doesn't fit in with the image and the style that West Racine has.

    People just need to stop the talking points, and help both sides come to a middle point at which both will be happy. But I get the feeling that this will not happen, as it's the inmovable object being hit by the unstoppable.
    Neither side seems willing to discuss or even admit that more work needs to be done.

    They just want it their way, or not at all, whether we like it or not.
    It's not about us, it's about them.
    And that should say everything you need to know.

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. H R Puffenstuff9/23/2009 6:10 AM

    I think a local bar (with 4 current different locations) brings in 30-40K a MONTH CLEAR on those nasty little non-enforced gambling machines. If he wants scum, thugs and chain smokers to fill his little gas station fiendishly playing and puffing, Oh well.......

  68. antiwesley - you said "BUT... Mr. T is a developer. I don't care how he says it, or how many times he denies it. He wants the property in order to develop his business on. That's a developer in a nutshell, and in the end, I really don't think that anything he says are more than just sweet words of honey in people's ears to get what he wants." What a knucklehead - of course he is a developer and he would agree with that - That's what people do - they put a development plan together and make a proposal to the city - what a knucklehead!

  69. I think he should be put in an electric chair and fried or Hung with a rope. I mean that is what we do to people that are guilty of working hard and making money isn't it. I am all for Alderman Spangenberg! He is the only one that will make sure that no business in West Racine, including his own, will have foot traffic or be profitable. Spangenberg for Mayor of Racini-Green. He will make sure the city has no tax revenue, the streets are empty, and the people are unemployed! LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE SPANGENBERG!

  70. This has obviously turned into a personal issue with Mr. Spangenberg. Someone needs to find out why and get back to the issue at hand which is what is a good fit for West Racine. I don't live in West Racine but will be at the meeting on the 30th in support of this project. Since Mr Spangenberg is so sure he knows what's best for this location he should have no problem backing his alternate plan (if he has one) with his own money. This issue affects everyone in Racine that pays taxes. This is not just a "West Racine" issue.

  71. Without development, city of Racine taxpayers pay more. Does Spangenberg want me to pay more in taxes. If he is using this issue to run for mayor again forget it. I do not want him on council

  72. Smells in West Racine9/23/2009 9:07 AM

    There is something fishy going on here. Why would an Alderman so strongly oppose a grocery store and restaurant from the get go without trying to work on making the project better? Is there some side deal with the property that Spangenberg is working on?

  73. Tim the Shrubber9/23/2009 9:31 AM

    I am not a Spangenberg fan in any way, but this post card is pretty dirty politics.

  74. Smells - that smell is Mr Spangenberg. Timbo - why is informing the resdidents about the plan dity politics.

  75. It is dirty politics because it talks about rumors and doesn't give the full truth about the gas station and gambling machine development.

  76. It's called Marketing - last I heard this is a free society - freedom of speach. Are you trying to take that away just because you don't like the plan. Furthermore - no political figures are involved so how can it be dirty politics. If you want something to call dity politics, take a look at Mr.Spangenberg, he's the one making the stink.

  77. Can you scan and link the proposal to the article so we all can see it again?

  78. Sara in West Racine9/23/2009 10:55 AM

    Why is everyone ignoring the best comment we've seen thus far? Mark Gregory, FirstWeber Realtor is right that there is a solution to the problems, we just need a positive approach to this development. His thoughts about opening a 'green' business to be a model for others in WI is a great one, and an idea that has already had success in many other states. Open the restaurant and gas station, but add solar panels all over the roof to ease energy usage. Add some draught tolerant landscaping that doesn't need to constantly be watered. Chop up all the old tires the dump takes from residents to use as mulch. Use
    recycled glass that cannot be remade into bottles instead of sand in the concrete. There are a million possiblities that could result in excitement for Racine residents and good publicity for our city. The rest of this post's comments just shows how depressed this entire city is. It's true that misery loves company, and people that don't have their own ideas will just crush others.

  79. Tim the Shrubber9/23/2009 10:57 AM

    "It's called Marketing - last I heard this is a free society - freedom of speach."

    Marketing? The postcard reads 'But one local alderman. James Spangenberg, opposes this quality development. Why? Well, he isn't saying, but the rumors have it there are Chicago developers sniffing around the same site.'

    Since when is speading rumors marketing?

  80. Timmy - Marketing takes on many different forms - one very common appraoch is comparrison of products or brands - that's all this is. Suck it up boy.

  81. Tim the Shrubber9/23/2009 11:44 AM

    "Timmy - Marketing takes on many different forms - one very common appraoch is comparrison of products or brands - that's all this is."

    That is total BS.

    Generally I like this development proposal, but that support is is starting to wane with this crap.

    "Suck it up boy."

    You must know that you are wrong since you are resorting to insults.

  82. Zak Williams9/23/2009 11:53 AM

    Sara- if you look at the coverletter for the project that was submitted to the city, most of your points are already part of the project, as well as several other environmental components. The key is reducing the impact on the neighbors and make sure the project blends into the historic character of the neighborhood. As well as creating a grocery store, restaurant, and bank.

  83. Is this grocery store going to have the same high prices that his current gas station convenience store has?

    I have been to the location on Douglas. If you live in West Racine go over and check out his present projects. If you like them then support them.

    What sweet deal is Tousis getting to develop this property?

    This project only brings jobs to union workers. I am not a friend of the unions. They are bleeding the tax payers dry. So whine about the jobs that this could bring in all day, none of those jobs will go to people I know.

  84. Zak - you said "make sure the project blends into the historic character of the neighborhood." You've got to be kidding - what exactly is the historic character -it's a mismush of ugly store fronts.

  85. The card is Sleazy, because it leaves out important information. ie. gas station.

    There is an abandon gas station down the street and an abandon grocery store across the street. Those properties should be used for those uses. Gas stations also have environmental hazards.

    Rush into this modern monstrosity instead of doing the work to bring in the best project.

  86. Oh, there is an abandon bank just kiddy corner to this spot.

    He wants to put in bank, grocery store and gas station. All where there are ugly unused buildings for the same businesses already. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Fine if you do it but then fire the city planner because we don't need them evidently.

  87. Why in the world in a depressed city is a alderperson wanting to stop jobs. Is he getting something if it doesn't happen? This whole things just smells rotten.

    This is a postcard, to call my alderperson, that isn't whats his face.

    Spanenberg...leave my neighborhood alone. No wonder you finished last when you ran for mayor.

    I want a store and whatever this brings. Since this is a local guy and not some faceless corp if I want to complain I can find him.

    No wonder my kids want me to leave, they are right this town is a circus and the clowns are on council.

  88. Doesn't every kid want to leave where they grew up for the lights and glamour of another place? LET THEM!

    When they get there, the find the same deal as we have here. Eventually, most boomerang back "home", but with new experiences and a new viewpoint that their "god forsaken home town" is better than they knew.

    As for all you pro-development, pro-jobs converts, we'll be watching as the KRM debate heats up. $5M vs $200M? You should be 40 times as excited about that as this development. Can't wait for your very verbal support!

    And to say that Ald. Spangenberg is anti-development and anti-jobs is rediculous. He has been involved in all of the previously proposed developments. They failed for a variety of reasons, none of which involved him. A failed partnership, an inability to land an anchor tenant, and neighbors with torches and pitchforks cannot be attributed to him. Get real people!

  89. 1:12 - so basically Spangenberg has done nothing to develop the area! It does not take much to drum up bad deals and now he has a solid one and he is fighting it.

  90. I am laughung my ass off at these comments. (Really, that's the only reason I read them, for the entertainment value.)

    It seems nothing can be proposed in Racine without your being labeled an elitist snob or a union hack. Doesn't leave many choices.

    There are alrady is an empty grocery store across the street, so all we need is someone to move in there. There's already an under-utilized bank across the street. Just fill it. We don't need more of the same that didn't work there already. And a gas station - are you kidding? Smelly, ugly, garbage, big gulp, drive-offs. Beautiful. Not.

    The manager of CVS told me that CVS has been sniffing around Racine for property to build a bigger, better CVS. Gee, there's a brilliant idea. I wonder why none of the other brilliant developers haven't pursued that.

  91. Holly I am laughing at your spelling.

  92. Apples, Spinnach, and Pasta, Oh My!

  93. 1:51

    I am laughing at your inability to contribute anything constructive to the conversation other than inane observations that make fun of people.


  94. Plus, the postcard LIES. The lot has not been vacant for 9 years.

  95. I am surprised by all this negetivity on Jim Spangenberg. He wants development in Racine, just he wants to give his approval first. I think he has earned that. Racine needs jobs and this "development" just does very little to bring those jobs. Small businesses are not welcome, we need big industrial jobs to put Racine back to work. The short-sightness of just a store and other stuff is not enough.

    If Mr Toucis really wanted to develop in Racine he needs to speak to Jim and develop what he thinks Racine needs.

    It pretty simple folks, if you want to build in Racine go see Jim and if he approves he will make sure it happens. Thank you alderman for your great service to this community.

    Racine is doing great with your leadership.

  96. Mr. O - that is B.S. - you need to get his approval 1st. He has done absolutely nothing in the way of development - and dream on if you think any large business is going to move into Racine. Unfortunately it is only small business that will invest in the community. So move aside and let them do their thing.

  97. Holly it is fun to make fun of ignorant people!

  98. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  99. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  100. The most hilarious thing is: the postcard shown is addressed to the 3600 block of 16th street - really? Is this West Racine? I wouldn't consider that West Racine. I live ON the block that is going to be developed - and I've never had any communication from the Tousis camp in any way, shape, or form - nor did I get this post card.

    It's just odd where they are trying to drum up support....

    No gas station, no video poker, no passing off a large scale convenience store as a grocery store.

    It's amazing to me that with all the interest and passion this topic has generated that Racine is turning into the craphole that it is - if we put this energy into positive, it could be amazing. But maybe that's the problem: lack of vision from our leaders and the willingness to settle for mediocre from our residents.

    Someone wrote on the Unified article blog that there is nothing here to bring people here - that is why I oppose this development. It is just ANOTHER corner with ANOTHER gas station, and bank, and convenience store.


  101. Strength In Numbers9/23/2009 4:53 PM

    Jim Spangenberg said after a recent city meeting, that it was a mistake for Tom to team up with unions on this project. That the unions are irrelevant in this city now and that they can mail cards all they want. Do you really think that we are irrelevant Jim? We didn't forget you Jim or your Anti-Union tactics. One suggestion Jim, be careful what you wish for!

  102. It's funny how when Jim S. is in a meeting (West Racine BID), the anti-development and Pro-Spangenberg blogging comes to a halt.

  103. If you want to see how much Tousis does not need pumps and poker, go to the site right now. It is packed with people excited about the Fall Harvest Fair. People are ready for positive things here.

    BTW, the pro-Spangenberg camp is alive and well, even if he is in a meeting right now, probably helping the district as he has for years.

  104. Have they broken ground yet? I cannot wait until a grocery store like the old Pig is back.

  105. All you excited Uinon workers, get your money up front or he'll try to pay you with gyro's and gas later. Trust me, I learned my lession the hard way. His promises are as worth as the checks he writes.

  106. Worthless not worth. Somebody must have hired third graders to run his propaganda machine.

  107. I notice Spangenberg did not disagree with the Chicago developer side deal. I wonder what that side deal was?

  108. Most elected officials don't read the blogs because of the drivel we write about them.

    Stop thinking silence means anything but silence. If someone called you a liar would you comment on the fine print? Missing the point? He didn't comment on the ficticious company who sent it either? Does that mean he believes in that too?

  109. Comrade Spangenberg: We are sending you this message to inform you that you are doing a wonderful job suppressing free speech, stomping capitalism, eliminating democracy, trashing peoples rights, and last but not least intimidating the average stupid taxpayer. The Kremlin is proud of your hard work and would like to commend you for your efforts to stop this stupid thing that the Americans call "FREEDOM". You will be rewarded when we take over your stupid little country with the position of Commander Governor Premier of West Racine and at that point it will no longer be necessary for you to pretend that you care what people think or have to listen to their rediculous requests. You will be free to sentence them to life in the camps breaking boulders with hammers and waiting in line for bread at the food pantry. Again, all of your comrades salute your tireless efforts.

  110. You must support the plan for Little Vegas or you will disappear from History

  111. Listen, it is very easy to understand.

    1. These elected guys held illegal meetings.

    2. They are planning to change city processes to keep certain people from proposing certain projects.

    3. They are working with city staff to do so.

    4. When confronted, they make false statements about the people that they are trying to stop.

    5. They could care less about what we think.

    6. They attempt to place deed restrictions on city owned property in order to protect the businesses of their friends.

    7. They work side deals with "approved" developers.


    9. They did this to us with the 55 unit low income housing project and they are attempting to do so again. Always secret, always quiet, and always with the help of staff and RCEDC. We pay them to listen and they feel no need to do so.

  112. I am a West Rscine resident, I actually live on the block that all you people are arguing about, and I am all for the current proposal. Here's a thought, let's all start acting like the grownups we claim to be, and work together to come to a compromise. I havn't seen so much Drama since I was in high school and that was over 40 years ago.

  113. I heard Ikea is looking at moving in across the street where the old Pig used to be.

  114. Okay, wait, here's something I'm not understanding - the grocery store being proposed is like 10,000 square feet of customer-access space. The vacant grocery store across the street doesn't look like it could be more than 7000 square feet. It's not really fair to refer to this project as a "glorified quickie mart", when the store proposed is 30% larger than the closed store across the street.

    And regarding CVS wanting to build a bigger store, aren't they really just a glorified quickie mart with a pharmacist? I can't think of anyone who looks to CVS for all their household and grocery needs. Living on just their grocery choices would lead to a very early grave.

  115. Interesting. This is just like the Dickert Machine. Someone posts as anonymous and pretends to be the voice of reason (Anon 2:58). I guess Zak is earning his keep.

  116. Maybe J should have hired this Zakk guy, then maybe J would have been able to at least claim victory in his own district.

  117. I wonder what Terry Mcarthy thinks about this, considering he's the real alderman for the development. Did his district get a postcard? This could get really funny if the unions decide to beat these baboons as bad as they beat the taxpayers.

  118. Looks like others are trying to create jobs here too.

    Maybe Tom could add some franchises to his development!

  119. Anon 2:58,

    Why are you talking as if something in West Racine needs to be a catch-all to buy everything? If you want that, drive down 11 and visit Wally World, because that's what it would take.

    There's NOT enough space on that lot to do EVERYTHING, people!

  120. I like the Green materials suggestion.

    A 10,000 square ft. grocery store would be a good start.

    A restaurant would be nice but lets not get young ladies to work there and objectify and degrade them.

    The poker machines and gas station kill it for me.

  121. A lot of people are coming down super hard on Spangenberg. He is just an alderman. It is a part time gig. He gets some puny salary.

    We have a full time developer with the city. He has his own dept. with a staff,funding and resources.

    Then there is RCEDC Racine County Economic Development Corp. They have full time employees that pull a salary. They have a board of directors.

    So I have a little problem with laying it all on Spangenberg to fill that corner with development.

    We need to demand that those who are responsible do their jobs. Or.. better yet stop wasting money in those areas.

  122. I put the fact that this lot has sat there for 9 years, that is when the city bought it, squarely on Spangenberg. He has said it is his personal mission to develop that vacant lot and he is actively blocking development that is not his idea.

    A previous commenter mentioned this property was not in Spangenberg's district. I would like to know what the Alderman whose district this is in feels about the project.

  123. Is there really a need for another expanded mini mart? Why did the Piggly Wiggly close?

  124. Anon 7:05 Piggly Wiggly on Grove closed because the ownership group that bought the once privatly held company did not want small corner grocery stores any longer. The original owner of Piggly Wiggly Lee Schultz thought that small community based stores would have to grow into large discount mega stores to compete, he had ventured into one such store in Racine called Schultz's Sav-U-Foods. This new venture for Mr. Schultz was profitable but never produced the sales volume that he had hoped for. In fact the store on Grove Ave was his top store in Racine and also was one of his smallest.

  125. And once again, the grocery store on this property will be larger than the Pig.


  126. This project is a joke just like the person proposing it. He does not even have the money for it, if he did, he would have been able to build the mini mart / gas station on Washinton Ave. in Uptown. It's going to funny and it's voted down and fails ...... just like Andrea's, Ritzy's, Athan's and Gibson's did.

  127. 11:11

    RCEDC who has done little if anything and The City Department of Development are part of the problem.
    Build in every green space build as much low income projects build build build is not the answer

  128. Doesn't the sign outside the old Pig say 18,000 Sq Ft for sale? So this new proposal will be a little more than half of the old Pig. I know one place that would like to see this gas station open--the Speedway gas station at Washington & Ohio St because then all their problems will then move to Washington and West Blvd.

  129. What is his security track record like at his northside store?

  130. Not sure but I've seen the Police there few times. Don't know if it was offical business or if they were just getting free food like they use to at Athan's.

  131. Except for the occasional drive off, zero. The north side location has clean bathrooms, which is an attraction to police on the job. The Tousis family has always had clean bathrooms, which is why police have always used their restaurants.

    Can the Spangenberg mob stop calling this a convenience store? It is a grocery store. What was the Pig? You might as well call Woodman's a convenience store because they have fuel pumps as well.

  132. Well .... I hope you at least buy a bottle of water or something after using their facilities. It is a place of business not a truck stop.

  133. nice, hopefully the homeless will see this and take a bath in the clean sink

  134. Shocked and Outraged9/25/2009 3:40 PM

    Did Spangenberg just equate police officers with homeless!?

  135. Keith W.Deschler9/25/2009 9:13 PM

    Well,I haven't looked on this for a couple of days and I must say I'm very dissapointed.I would've thought we'd be past all this tit for tat rehtoric by now.Although,one posting caught my eye.The Racine taxpayer pointing out the fact this is not just a "West Racine"issue,but a city as a whole issue.Maybe this isn't just about one city official trying to stop progress.Maybe this is much bigger,why after all haven't we heard anything from the mayors office? It would seem to me this is something that would warrant his attention.Ooops I forgot,that's why our city government isisted we taxpayers had to hire a city administrator.So Friedel what say you?

  136. Your all Morons!

  137. I got some sleazy automated call on my answering machine yesterday. It mentioned a neighborhood meeting to talk about restrictions some "work group" created. I have a couple questions and concerns about this:

    1. Why would the city create a "work group" to come up with restrictions on a development site>

    2. Who was on this group and how were they chosen?

    3. When did they meet?

    4. What are these restrictions?

    5. Why are we even talking about setting restrictions on a piece of land? Isn't the city supposed to do that when it comes before the council?

    6. Will the plan that is already in front of the city be discussed?

    7. Why do we not have a public meeting on the project?

    8. How much of my tax dollars were spent on this call? Is it really the job of the city to promote a meeting such as this one?

    This reminds me of what happened with the 55 Unit building. I am tired of all this secrecy and waste of my tax dollars.

  138. I got some sleazy automated call on my answering machine yesterday. It mentioned a neighborhood meeting to talk about restrictions some "work group" created. I have a couple questions and concerns about this:

    1. Why would the city create a "work group" to come up with restrictions on a development site>

    2. Who was on this group and how were they chosen?

    3. When did they meet?

    4. What are these restrictions?

    5. Why are we even talking about setting restrictions on a piece of land? Isn't the city supposed to do that when it comes before the council?

    6. Will the plan that is already in front of the city be discussed?

    7. Why do we not have a public meeting on the project?

    8. How much of my tax dollars were spent on this call? Is it really the job of the city to promote a meeting such as this one?

    This reminds me of what happened with the 55 Unit building. I am tired of all this secrecy and waste of my tax dollars.

  139. Should be titled "Spangenberg rips his pants" when he sees post card telling the truth. He is allergic to the truth by the way.

  140. People Are The Government9/29/2009 4:34 PM

    I just received an automated telephone call stating that a certain West Racine alderman is working on a development deal for taxpayer subsidized 55 and older low income housing project for the 3100 block of Washington Ave. Do you know what 55 and older low income housing means? It means that grandma's government check pays the rent and the second bedroom is rented out to her ex-convict son. It is a way for developers to tap a huge government rent check that is supposed to be used for senior assistance. We will again have drug dealing, loitering and crime in that building. Mr. S*********g. has learned how to navigate around the term "low income" and will again try to slip this one by his constituants. I am not going to again buy into his last minute change in opinion once people realize what he is really doing.

    What is in it for you sir? Could your business be supplying furnishings for this building? Are you a some sort of silent partner in this deal? Do you think that we wouldn't recognize your games and back room deals like we did when you tried to slam us with the low-income 55 unit building. We don't want more housing and empty store fronts. We will fight you like we did last time.

    RACINE, WI 53405

  141. There's only ONE project looking to build on the site - USING HIS OWN MONEY! While jobs are flocking away from the US (that includes Racine who has the 2nd worst unemployment rate in the State) Alderman Spangenberg is blocking adding more jobs? Tom is a LOCAL guy who wants to provide the neighborhood with jobs! I'll support a ressurected Adolf Hitler if he runs against Spangenberg when his term is up in May of 2010. Spangenberg - YOU'RE the one who doesn't know who he's messing with!

  142. I think we should put a Walgreens or Johnson Bank on that corner.
