
September 21, 2009

Private schools invited to SOAR scholarship meeting

Private schools in the greater Racine area that wish to become part of the SOAR network of schools serving a larger population of students in poverty should attend a school orientation session Thursday, Sept. 24, at 8 a.m. in the Assembly Hall at DeKoven Center, 600-21st St.

SOAR – Scholarships, Opportunities & Access in Racine – is a new organization committed to providing opportunities for excellent education through scholarships awarded to families with limited financial resources. Its goal is to help provide Racine students from low-income families an opportunity to attend approved, area private schools; to grow in their academic achievement; and to find success.

SOAR schools will be accredited and have high academic standards, and they will work with SOAR to provide the compassion and support necessary for scholarship recipients and their families. All private area schools that wish to be included in this SOAR network are encouraged to attend Thursday’s meeting to learn how the scholarship program will work in 2010-11 and to indicate their interest in accepting SOAR scholarship students next fall. The meeting is most appropriate for principals, pastors, school board members, church council representatives and finance administrators.

Participants are asked to RSVP by calling Executive Director Laura Sumner Coon at 498-9425. SOAR is a nonprofit, 501(c) 3 corporation.


  1. The best of luck to you always! However, education isn't the magic key which opens the golden door to opportunity. Unless the oligarchs and their yuppie lackeys are made to open the door and share the nation's wealth with the rest of us, education won't solve our poverty problem. I know people who jumped through the hoops, earned degrees and received zilch for their effort. Until we switch from capitalism to socialism, pushing education as the panacea for poverty will accomplish nothing. Let's shelve the Horatio Alger stories in the fiction section and work on changing our socio-economic system which turns toilers into underpaid burger-flippers and workers's soldier sons into hamburger for the benefit of the caviar crew.

  2. Hey - my disabled buddy is back - where have you been?

  3. I've been busy working, trying to survive in this hellish system. Hope you're doing well. God bless you and all the other good folks who want to help our disadvantaged kids.

  4. My apologies for an error in my 7:56 A.M. comment. "Workers's soldier sons" should be "workers' soldier sons." Many thanks and best wishes always!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. What's wrong with saying I hope they have financial controls in place?

  7. Anon 3:13 ... Nothing is wrong with it. But that's not what you said at 2:51.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I hope this group has a board because like any organization - it is important to watch the chicken in the chicken coop.

  10. Amen! Fiscal foxes shouldn't be guarding the henhouse.

  11. Especially this hen house and chicken.

  12. Follow the money!
