
September 9, 2009

Our former congressman running for governor

Former 1st District Congressman Mark Neumann -- he represented us from 1995 to 1998 in the seat held since then by Paul Ryan -- formally threw his hat into the political ring today ... this time for governor.

A Republican who left the House of Representatives in 1998 when he unsuccessfully challenged Russ Feingold for the Senate, Neumann officially announced his campaign today, listing a number of key issues in an online news conference. Neumann had filed papers to run in July.

One of those issues couldn't be more timely: KRM commuter rail: Neumann questions its economic viability.

More about his campaign event today from WisPolitics, HERE.


  1. NO WAY!! Just look at that picture! LOL

  2. Is that picture from 1992, 1993 or 1994, 1996 or 1998 when he ran for office. He lost 3 times out of 5.

  3. OK, OK... it's an old picture. Only one I could find (from Wikipedia) in the public domain. I'll replace it with something more recent asap.

  4. A much better choice than Walker!! At least he is educated.

  5. Having worked for some Neuman backers I now believe that Mark N is simply evil. Rather have Doyle

  6. Scott Walker has my vote.

  7. Neumann lied? Did you guys see this?

  8. Hail, Hail Caledonia!!9/10/2009 9:37 AM

    We need a moderate like Walker.

  9. Walker a moderate????????

    It's ok...put the kool aid down.

  10. 8:47 - so the exchange property - that does not make him an owner. There is no lie here.

  11. Where are all of the partisans complaining about the coverage of this conservative?

  12. Neumann, along with Stepp did nothing except make little favors for the home builders and contractors, they were in bed with them meaning they ARE home contractors. When Newmann's business started going belly up, then he wants to jump on the government payroll and be govenor. What a waste of time and waste of a vote, well, go ahead, vote for the jerk.
