
September 25, 2009

It's Fall, but farmers market still going strong

Yes, it's Fall -- summer officially ended at 5:18 p.m. Tuesday -- but Downtown's Farmers Market is still going strong, with a variety of colorful and tasty fresh vegetables.

But hurry: it will only be open Saturday mornings for another month.

Here's what we saw last weekend in the JI Case parking lot off State Street.

Logan Brissey, 3, found two perfect pumpkins

Shonee Lo was selling beautiful peppers

Dottie Maslowski provided music with her accordion

If you had enough to eat, there were gorgeous flowers for sale


  1. And the fight to save West Racine Farmer's market is not done yet!
    Look for a PSA coming soon see your friends and neighbors saying how much it rocks!

    Fight the power! Fight to save the West Racine Farmer's Market

  2. These beautiful pictures will no longer exist if Tousis gets his way!! Fight the power!!!

  3. Love the Farmers market! Nice Pics.

  4. The Farmer's Market will still exist in West Racine after Tom Tousis builds the grocery store. Did anyone even look at the plan?

  5. Yea, it will be between pump # 12 and the air machine.

  6. Might be able to have this at the former Johnson's furniture site, when the city condemns the building for being unsafe and demolishes it like they did the tatoo parlor. Only difference being the tatoo parlor had customers.

  7. Hey Jethro Tull!! FIRST OFF, this article has nothing to do with the West Racine Farmer's Market, but since you brought it up:
    Wow, a PSA to save the farmer's market in West Racine....Ooooo. I hope it goes on CAR25 that Dickert and the rest of the Racine residents love so much. Even better, I hope Colt puts it together. I'm sure it'll have a hot red head playing a video poker machine and drinking a 40oz, not one sided at all. Between the actual people who live in West Racine and the same person commenting several times, what benefits the West Racine resident more: A gravel (Green Space) pit or an establishment that provides jobs? Get over it , maybe I'll create my own PSA for the fantastic idea from Tom. As an "actual" West Racine Resident, I look forward to the new proposal.

  8. The farmers market instantly cheers me up like a grocery store cannot. As a kid it was carnivals. Now it is fresh produce in wooden crates.

  9. 8:20

    Nothing more fun the watching a bum play slot machines or someone pump gas.

  10. Then you must love Woodman's.

  11. Employee owned!

  12. STINKY SMELL9/27/2009 9:53 AM

    Ask Mr. S if his plans for the site will allow the Farmer's Market to stay? I believe the truthful answer will be no. Ask him how he will benefit from it, again. Secret backroom deals, lies, and half-truths again. Sounds kind of like the Racini-Green deal that Mr. S changed his mind on last minute for that site. Maybe if a person takes care of Mr. S by making him a "partner" something could get built there.

  13. Makes me crave a great salad. We are very lucky to have such a great resource so close to home.

  14. Save the gravel pit - such a nice entrance to the city.
