
September 18, 2009

3 schools implement Kiwanis BUG program

Students at Schulte, Goodland and SC Johnson elementary schools love BUGs.

BUG is a Kiwanis-sponsored program designed to provide recognition to students who raise their grades, and encouragement and recognition for student improvement. At-risk students are a major focus of the program, which helps them develop and maintain good learning habits.

Each grading period students from every classroom are recognized for increasing one grade while maintaining grades in all the other subject areas. Bring Up Grade recipients receive a BUG Achievement Honors Certificate at a classroom or school ceremony. Other recognition prizes may include candy, pizza, ice cream or other food-themed party; and award pins, and other small BUG gift items funded by the Kiwanis Club of Racine.

“The beauty of the BUG program is that it encourages student improvement and focus on making one or two small accomplishment at a time,” says Jim Henderson, Kiwanis Club of Racine president. “When a child reaches his/her pre-determined goal, it promotes a sense of accomplishment which motivates them to continue achieving more.”

Students who fail to raise grades during the year or that are already at the highest level can still be honored as a Super BUG for going above and beyond to provide support and assistance to classmates to achieve their goals.

To learn more about this program visit the Kiwanis Kids website.


  1. Good idea in general, but how come once again, the high school kids are left out? There should be a way to tailor this to them and get the older kids involved as well. No wonder so many feel disconnected - they're constantly being left out of everything like this.

    1. This is a program designed to have students learn good study habits. We have found that the habits they form in grades 1 thru 5 will be with them the rest of their life.

  2. I love the program. Some kids get this sort of thing from their parents already. Our Kiwanis are Tops.

    Yes, we shouldn't forget about those in High School Everyone could benefit from encouragement and acknowledgment of their achievements.

    But I wouldn't fault the Kiwanis group because they are limited by finances in how large the program can be.

  3. I realize that finances are limited, but why not start at the top for once instead of always starting with the youngest?

  4. Kiwanis sponsors Kiwanis "Key Clubs" in the high schools.

  5. Our Kiwanis members are great folks who mean well in all they do. However, did they ever consider the possibility that low-income parents may not like seeing their children equated with insects? If BUG had been up and running back in the far-from-nifty-fifties, my Dad would have been on the phone objecting to something that associated his kids with vermin. Also, let's not forget that this corrupt city is run behind the scenes by a corporate crime family which manufactures BUGspray. The BUG logo looks like the work of a well-remunerated professional graphic artist. My neighbors and I would like to know who shelled out cash for that image and what it cost the person or persons who paid for it.
