
September 7, 2009

200 celebrate working men and women at Labor Fest

Rep. Bob Turner, Gene and Jana Gasiorkiewicz, left; Georgia Herrera, right

We didn't make it to Labor Fest today, at Franksville Park, but someone who did sent us this report:
Labor Fest was well attended by more than 200 union members and citizens. The politicians were out in support of the working men and women in Racine County, and there was an antique car show.

The following elected officials spoke: Sen. John Lehman, Reps. Bob Turner, Cory Mason and Peter Barca, and Mayor John Dickert. Other local officials present were Aldermen Q.A. Shakoor, Ray Dehahn, Michael Shields and Jeff Coe. Opposing candidates for Racine County Judge, in the April 2010 election, Eugene Gasiorkiewicz and Georgia Herrera, also spoke. Keynote speaker was David Newby, president of Wisconsin AFL-CIO.

Lenny Hand was inducted as 2009 Labor Person of the Year.

Corey and Rebecca Mason were honored as Mr. and Mrs. Solidarity.

Pat McManaway was the first recipient named as Retiree of the Year.
HERE'S more information about the award winners.


  1. Leave it to the left wing rag to miss laborfest and rush a report up on it anyway.

  2. I'm typing this comment after I have picked myself up off the floor. You mean to tell me that you guys didn't go to an event where Mayor Dickert was???? Holy cow!!!!

    Maybe you are making slight progress.

  3. I'm not always happy with the stories or the perspectives of the reporters, but I enjoy the site for the most part. I like it that two guys can scoop a whole newsroom on so many things. Competition is good and I see improvements at the JT because of this site.

    Some of you seem to hate it or simply come on here to blast it. If you dislike it so much, why do you read it? You are like Statler and Waldorf (from the Muppets). "Why do we always come here? I guess we'll never know. It's like a kind of torture to have to watch this show!"

  4. My phone is now finished charging.

    Yes, my comment is just as useful as Anon 10:43 and 6:10.

  5. anon 6:10. you have a dickert complex. All-Saints has councilors for you.

  6. Must be the last 200 with jobs that pay well in Racine.

  7. Do any of you have another website to which your critiques are posted? Do any of you realize that your words are worthless to at least the majority of people who visit this site to read stories? What is the point? Create your own site if you are unhappy with the ones presented!

  8. I have a "Dickert complex" and The Post has a "Lee Enterprise/ Journal Times complex". So what's your point Sherlock???

  9. Anon 9:29, Could you tell me if All Saints also has counselors for me or do they just have "councillors"?

    Go back to school genius. LMAO.

  10. 200 working men and women - that's an oximoron. You can't use the word working in the same sentance as union.

  11. To Anonymous 1:12:

    I hope that your chosen profession isn't technical writing. The word "Oxymoron and Sentence" are both spelled wrong in your post. The header on this post is 200 "Working Men and Women" Labor Day is for all working people. Are you one of them? I hope you never need the help of a Policeman, Fireman, Electrician or a Plumber because what you are saying is they don't work. When in fact Police and Fire People put their lives on the line everyday for even the ignorant citizens, like yourself. People like you either need to become part of the solution or you are the problem. Your choice.
