
August 7, 2009

Rain dampens some of First Friday's festivities

Titus, Rench and Wheary sang -- but not for long

It was a little after 6 p.m. on First Friday, and the heavy mist was turning into droplets of rain. Titus, Rench and Wheary were setting up their amps in Crosswalk Park, in front of a small group of family and friends waiting for the music to begin. Finally, all was set; what to play?

How about a sea shantey, someone suggested? How about an umbrella, came the riposte.

Gamely, they jumped into Hard Travelin' Man, and for a few minutes they, and their audience, concentrated on the music -- and not the rain, which clearly was not just droplets. The song ended, and the set-list became, "That's it!" as musicians and audience members alike took shelter from the sudden downpour.

Minutes later, the scene was what you see below; driving rain. It put quite a damper on Racine's First Friday, but there were still plenty of indoor attractions worth visiting. We've shown some below.

The Viola Frey exhibit at RAM -- really big and amusing sculptures

Edwin Kalke honors Joyce Ottum, a founding member of the Artists Gallery

Painter Sue Horton greets guests at Photographic Design Studio

Mean Jake sang from under cover on Monument Square,
but the group's fans definitely got wet (see below)

Ruben Vela kept Fiesta Mexicana dancing under the big tent...

Hundreds of all ages enjoyed the lively music


  1. I am stunned. No pics of the Mayor.

  2. Anon 10:04, how about....thanks Pete for getting out in the rain and covering the event. I appreciate learning about what is going on in Racine because of your talents and efforts. You put in a lot of time and effort and we come to you first thing every morning to see what is going on, and at a very affordable price. Thank you Pete and Dustin. Try that one time. You might feel a smile in your heart which would be a new experience foryou.

  3. Hi Mary, How's your cousin John doing?

    You Putz.

  4. I don't have a cousin named John.
    I don't call names and I don't get drawn into arguments with idiots. If you want to have a pleasant dialog, please come see me. You obviously know where to find me. Play nice, you'll be judged by it one day.

  5. Glad it was rained out!!

    Perhaps the "mayor"?

    Took the time and drove around in the rest of the city that he and the recent mayor seem to ignore!!

    Just worrying about a few blocks starting just barely west of Main?

    He needs to look a little further west,north and south IMO!!!!!!!!!!
